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/yakuza/ - site meta-discussion

the sun never sets on the sushichan global crime syndicate

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Remember to keep it cozy!

The new CP spam filter now also works on posts that hide the link in the image instead of the post body.

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Hey there.

So, I'm running this site now because I had the most resources to do so. However, I wasn't a super active Sushichan user to begin with and I'm not familiar with every nook and cranny of the original site. I only have a recent siterip to go off of here while I'm rebuilding the place. Since I'm stuck at the helm, you'll all have to help me decide what's still missing, what features to implement, and how to keep this community running smooth.

Rebuild Suggestions/Comments thread go.
25 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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I personally don't see a problem, but I can see what >>74 means.
How about, if possible, making them hidden by default, but make them toggle-able with a button, like the pic?


Maybe. I suppose I'll leave them visible for now until there's some kind of consensus? I have to write custom code to do this.

On another note, I'm concerned that obviously uncomfy threads like this one >>>/lounge/219 are starting to appear, and I'm not sure what I should be moving to /hell/ and what I should be deleting or banning, and what I should just leave alone.

Like, I want to say this user should know better, and a part of me in the back of my head even feels like this thread and ones like it are maybe an intentional attack on the userbase, since it's worded in such an inflammatory way that's practically guaranteed, even engineered to create negative drama and force my hand on moderation decisions. I may need to change or add some rules if this sort of thing keeps up? I'll watch it for a while and also see what people think. Discussion here >>77


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Please don't use subjective rules like "comfy" to choose whether to censor threads.

The best moderation is no moderation - just delete illegal content and spammers (these are objective criteria). Sushis are mature enough to cope with actual discussions and we don't need them derailed and trampled on.

Why is it so important that criteria for moderation be objective and not subjective? Because every single time it is subjective mods end up censoring people and representations of opinions they don't like or feel everyone else doesn't like - you end up with a normie atmosphere and pushing outsiders away.

But that is exactly the opposite of why people come to these sites. Don't ruin sushichan and don't make posters scared of the word "comfy" which is more and more being used to get threads closed and moved to /hell/.


Basically this.Just chill


My last post got too messy to work with after I tried to insert custom html so I deleted it.

There seem to be two popular opinions going on in the /yakuza/ discussions. One that threads shouldn't be moved from /lounge/ and that we should just fight uncomfy with comfy, and the other that all serious discussion should happen in /hell/ in the first place and lounge should just be random comfy stuff and light discussion.

I'm not sure it's really a good idea to say "anything goes, people can handle themselves" on /lounge/, because if it gets too uncomfy everyone will give up and leave. A constant flow of comfy users to drown out uncomfy users is far from guaranteed. No moderation at all will kill the site just as easily as over-moderation.

Also let's move the discussion about /lounge/ and comfiness to >>77 since the threads are completely overlapping at this point and I'm just repeating myself in both places.

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I have question: How come Sushi never had a dedicated board to discuss anime? I was going to ask a while ago, but never got to it for obvious reasons. Was there a reason itamae never made one on the original Sushi?


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There was one board he didn't make for lack of interested posters. I think it was the anime one, but I'm not sure.
If there were enough people asking him I think he would have done one.


There is already enough weaboo friendly chan. Sushichan emulate a Japanese bar atmosphere, not an otaku meeting.


We have the /kawaii/ corner for your average moe blob and for casual discussion of tv shows and stuff you can mount a thread in /lounge/.


Itamae said when vichan was updated that animu discussions can go on /lounge/, or /culture/ (don't quote me on that one tho) because "we all /jp/ here"


We used to have /otaku/ on /old/, but due to it's lack of activity a dedicated board was dropped when migrating to vichan.

Also this >>69

If you can drive up enough anime discussion on /lounge/, a dedicated board might get created. That was sort of attempted, but the discussion fell short and a new board was not made.

This board is definitely weeb friendly.

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Thanks, fixed.

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so whats the official story on what happened to sushichan and who runs this new place?
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can people volunteer to do sysadmin work for sushichan?


Is blatant misogyny and glorifying paedophilia still allowed or is sushi actually going to be cozy this time?





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I had to run a few tests but it's quite simple really: the website runs itself.

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