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/yakuza/ - site meta-discussion

the sun never sets on the sushichan global crime syndicate

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Remember to keep it cozy!

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Should there be a way to report threads in /kaitensushi/? I don't particularly like having to visit each of the porn spam threads to report them.


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You can report them if you wish, but don't worry fren: we're always watching :^)


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always watching…


This site is a honey pot. Confirmed!


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You mean because we're so sweet?


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Sweetest of all the internet.


omg, where can I buy those?!


I think they were prizes or something, for the 25th anniversary for kirby.

You can find them on ebay if you search for something like "Kirby Star 25th glass". They're very expensive, but I'd love to have a set.


Couldn't you just draw on some glasses with a marker?


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Thank you for making me smile, sushi.


I'm not sure how to implement this, since there's currently no way to scroll to the bottom of /kaitensushi/. If you could scroll to the bottom, that's probably where the reports interface is. Maybe it could be moved to the top for /kaitensushi/, but this would require some research.


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Possible to make the scroll to the bottom trigger be a button instead? I rather click a load more than have pages that load more stuff as i scroll down. Loading as you scroll gets a bit strange when you use the scroll bar on the side to scroll with.


Interesting. It's possible that that would be an easy fix. I'll have to look into that next time the coding part of my brain is awake.


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I'm glad you were able to make sense of what I wrote. I regret not reading my message before I posted it. Often my thoughts and ideas are so clear in my head, but when I try to explain them to people, it becomes a big mess.

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