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/yakuza/ - site meta-discussion

the sun never sets on the sushichan global crime syndicate

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Remember to keep it cozy!

We are taking submissions for original "file deleted" thumbnail art in this thread.

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We want to restart the wildcard board! Suggest monthly wildcard topics in this thread.

Picture Unrelated.
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http://aurorachan.net/ has something like this. I don't really hang out there so I don't know how active it is, but you could give it a shot. I don't think an /rp/ board is really right for this site.


Lol, good luck maintaining that.


I like this idea. I thought up something similar a while back but it involved customized avatars assembled dress-up style over basic templates for each reaction and also it was going to be a live board because I smoke way too much pot


Reminds me of the last time I went to /tea/. Someone there was mad because someone else was also posting pictures of lain.


It's such an uncomfy topic that it will make the rest of the boards like, super-dee-diddly-uper comfy and cozy like when I'd have a couple cigarettes and listen to my neighbor scream at his wife(?)'s kids. Good times.


I think it should only be mentioned if it is necessary or contributes to the post, while mentioning it for attention shouldn't.
Didn't the "TITS OR GTFO" meme originally mean that your sex doesn't matter on the internet?

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Out of interest, what kind of hardware does this site run on? $45 seems honestly a bit steep for a site of this caliber.
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>I get the impression a lot of these VPS providers are quick to shut down machines by customers that didn't purchase DDoS protection, when they're the target of one.
I lost a dedicated server that way.

It was instantaneous, I didn't even have to reboot.


With RamNode, can you use your own OS, or do you have to use some image they provide? I was thinking about doing a web project of my own and I found a good LAMP stack bundle thing so I'd rather do that than whatever Linux distro a VPS host might provide.


Not sure, you should email them. I'm just using Debian.


OpenVZ is limited to a selection of Linux distros. With a KVM instance you can upload your own ISO to install whatever you want.


Update: We moved servers a few months ago due to a virus infection on the previous server, as well as a need for upgrades that couldn't be done in place, and I have consolidated stuff so that we're only costing $13 per month now. I haven't needed any donations for a while.

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>make an attempt at posting in >>>/lounge/3944
>Your request looks automated; Post discarded.
Pardon my french, but what the fuck? I'm pretty sure my consciousness haven't been uploaded to the botnet cloud yet.


The site still keeps thinking I'm a bot. It's fucking annoying.


On further experimentation, is this related to how old the tabs are? My habits of hoarding tabs and keeping the PC on means I can end up with tabs that have been opened days ago, ctrl+F5'ing the offending page seems to remove the bot whine.


beep boop


Sorry for the super late reply. I believe there is a time-based anti-spam mechanism, so refreshing the tabs should fix the issue. I'm not sure what the rationale behind that is, only STI would know.

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I cant upload a picture on Android Chrome. I can choose what file I want but its not uploading, no matter what wifi I am using.
This sucks bigtime, because phone posting in bed is the comfiest.


That is odd. I'll have to try uploading from a few different mobile browsers. I don't know how I would fix such a thing though.

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Would anyone be interested in me hosting a copy of the Uboachan Dream World MUD specifically for sushichan users? We could call it Sushi World or something silly like that. If you haven't checked it out yet, it's a multiplayer text adventure engine I wrote over the past week where the users create all of the content with in-game commands. You can explore and make worlds with friends and it's probably also good for roleplaying.

There's an instance running at http://dream.uboachan.net/ already.


I think it's best to share to Uboachan one. There might not be enough users to make it worthwhile otherwise.


Thy Dungeonman, very nice


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I never played a MUD before, so I'll try out the one on Ubaochan and see how it works. Thanks for the head up!


That sounds fun. I'd be down for it.


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I think we're fine joining uboa. I'm enjoying it anyway.

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I have had this problem for a while, I use icecat and I can't post. I always get the error in pic related. I know this is possible to fix on the site side because I used to have the same problem on lainchan.jp but it works now. I would be very thankful if you guys could fix this, thank you
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Weird. I don't recall doing anything.


>If you do something right, you may not know you've done anything at all


Maybe it's just board software features?


As a footnote, months later the devs got back to me to confirm that they will never allow posting on vichan without referers because it opens a bunch of spam vectors.


I have this problem here and on at least one other site using icecat mobile but interestingly also get it when trying to post with Clover.

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Miku theme is gentleman's choice, but it shows short posts with photos like this. A style with color scheme of Miku and everything else from Stripes would be perfect.


i think this bug with the text should be fixed too, its really hard to read!

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Should there be a way to report threads in /kaitensushi/? I don't particularly like having to visit each of the porn spam threads to report them.
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Thank you for making me smile, sushi.


I'm not sure how to implement this, since there's currently no way to scroll to the bottom of /kaitensushi/. If you could scroll to the bottom, that's probably where the reports interface is. Maybe it could be moved to the top for /kaitensushi/, but this would require some research.


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Possible to make the scroll to the bottom trigger be a button instead? I rather click a load more than have pages that load more stuff as i scroll down. Loading as you scroll gets a bit strange when you use the scroll bar on the side to scroll with.


Interesting. It's possible that that would be an easy fix. I'll have to look into that next time the coding part of my brain is awake.


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I'm glad you were able to make sense of what I wrote. I regret not reading my message before I posted it. Often my thoughts and ideas are so clear in my head, but when I try to explain them to people, it becomes a big mess.

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tip jar should NOT 404


Oh wow. I sure missed this thread.

Currently, Paypal donations should be made directly to seisatsu@seisat.su, instead of through a Paypal donate button that skims some of the money. I should make a simple page that gives instructions.

Edit: Quick-fixed.

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I can't help but feel we've failed to capture the feeling the old site had. It feels sort of forced, the way everyone acts now, before it was comfy because of how everyone interacted, now it's comfy because that's the decided site theme. Maybe I'm looking through rose tinted glasses. It's just never felt the same without itamae yknow, I miss him guys
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Also I think this is a silly thread to make. If you want posts that build a different atmosphere, then make posts that work towards building that kind of atmosphere.

To me, this site isn't some comfy themed site, but a relaxing escape from all the shitposting and fanboyism everywhere else. I don't feel like I have to justify liking the things that I like here. I can just be myself and not get shit on for it.

Your opinion might be different, but to me this site isn't about being comfy, it's most other sites that are just too damn uncomfy.


I only recently discovered this site so I couldn't speak for the before-times but I like it here.


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I only started posting in this new iteration of sushichan, but I used to lurk before. Personally I agree with the sushis of the opinion that nothing really changed. However, I do think that OP's point deserves attention.
Maybe we can all read the archives and see how it was before? Maybe we should be a little more argumentative, instead of forcing niceness?
Also, sushirolls are people and people change with the time, maybe we are all getting a bit more tender. Also Sushichan is a small community so even small changes in individuals are felt here.
I sometimes wonder how many rolls we lost in the last downtime, and never got back.


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You have a case of confirmation bias. The only thing that has changed, Sushi, is _you_.


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Sushigirl from 2015.

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