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/yakuza/ - site meta-discussion

the sun never sets on the sushichan global crime syndicate

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Would anyone be interested in me hosting a copy of the Uboachan Dream World MUD specifically for sushichan users? We could call it Sushi World or something silly like that. If you haven't checked it out yet, it's a multiplayer text adventure engine I wrote over the past week where the users create all of the content with in-game commands. You can explore and make worlds with friends and it's probably also good for roleplaying.

There's an instance running at http://dream.uboachan.net/ already.


I think it's best to share to Uboachan one. There might not be enough users to make it worthwhile otherwise.


Thy Dungeonman, very nice


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I never played a MUD before, so I'll try out the one on Ubaochan and see how it works. Thanks for the head up!


That sounds fun. I'd be down for it.


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I think we're fine joining uboa. I'm enjoying it anyway.

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