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/yakuza/ - site meta-discussion

the sun never sets on the sushichan global crime syndicate

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Would you ever consider making sage invisible like 4chan did? Moot made sage hidden a while back so that people would stop using it as a downvote, and I feel like that would work well here


I don't see it often here, and people here don't seem like the kind to downvote, or abuse sage for downvotes. I don't think it needs to be visible either, since a sage to me is a personal thing, not something others need to see directly. Tho I don't have a strong opinion on it. On a site with people as nice as this once, I don't think it matters too much if a sage is visible or not.

I never really notice when people sage anyways. Since I hardly ever read outside of the message body. But when I do notice a sage, I just assume they just wanted to make a comment that wasn't totally on topic, and didn't want to bump the thread while posting that comment.


Seconding what >>658 said. Hiding sage really isn't necessary for sushichan.


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Do you understand the purposes and mechanics of sage?
Sage is meant to be added to a post the poster deems not worthy of attention and not worthy of bumping the thread to the top of the index.
Naturally, the poster doesn't necessarily want himself to be associated with such a post. This is why sage goes into the email field, so that one cannot accidentally link their email to a not worthy post.
This disassociation is also why sage turns (or used to turn) your ID into a generic one, like Heaven or a bunch of zeroes.
Then, why is sage visible? Because the mailto link for email addresses is. Sage means "mail to no-one, not to me, I didn't post this".

Also, on some boards of current 4chan, sage no longer preserves bumps. Saging still contributes to the bump limit, without bumping. 4chan is taking the feature closer to being a downvote and I wouldn't follow its example.


I don't think a change is needed in this regard, since rolls seem to have mastered the art of sage.

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