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/yakuza/ - site meta-discussion

the sun never sets on the sushichan global crime syndicate

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This hopefully isn't a problem, but in the past there have been multiple attempts to unify imageboards into a single community. One such unification exists right now which is known as the "webring". Before this there was an attempt in 2018/19? that existed solely to datamine users, and for the past 1 1/2 years there's been one guy creating imageboards on a weekly basis to spam everywhere he can (I think its a person called Space_ but I'm not sure).
I don't trust any of it and its spread some low-quality posters much farther than they should be (People from 8chan in particular).

Please don't join any of this stuff if they ever come here trying to convince you.


Hey, part of the update was that we've joined up with kissu as the kissushi ring.

Kind regards,


Good joke.


Don't worry, we won't be joining any weird webrings. I review requests to affiliate on an individual basis, and we haven't received any in a while. Might still consider reaching back out to Lainchan now that the Lainchan vs Arisuchan drama is long passed.


Not to break comfy, but lainchan as a community has changed a lot since the 8chan shutdown. If this happens, might need to keep a closer eye on the site than you do now. Just a thought.


Thanks, this had crossed my mind but I wasn't sure since I don't visit there often.


Those web rings are shady and one of the main reasons I dont really browse image boards anymore.




not even lainchan webring?

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