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/yakuza/ - site meta-discussion

the sun never sets on the sushichan global crime syndicate

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I am thinking of doing a Board Exchange Program with Uboachan. Is it a good idea? Here's how it would work:

A few of Uboachan's tamest boards where people are generally polite but there is currently almost no activity, namely the Dreams board, the Art/Oekaki board, and the Literature board, would be linked in Sushichan's menu, and clearly designated as being external boards. I am not sure whether I can work these into /kaitensushi/ easily, and I may not want to.

I am more hesitant to link Sushichan boards on Uboachan, but if I did, I would add Sushichan's Kitchen board, and possibly replace Uboachan's dead Japan board with a link to our Otaku board. (I would need to be convinced that this is a good idea.)

Please give me your thoughts in this thread.


>replace Uboachan's dead Japan board with a link to our Otaku board. (I would need to be convinced that this is a good idea.)
I like this idea, especially on the merit that it might bring a bit more liveliness to the discussions over there. I've never used Uboachan but I can't imagine the users of a Yume Nikki imageboard are gonna be so unruly as to make /otaku/ unusable lol


Sounds like a good idea. I'd say there's a decent crossover in the kinds of people who use Sushi and Uboa and it would help bring more activity to both sites.


I'm not enthusiastic about the idea because we already have threads for discussing dreams and literature here and if I wanted to use uboachan I would already be posting there, but if you go ahead with it I would at least insist that sushi boards be linked on uboachan (otherwise it's not an exchange) and that uboa boards not be incorporated into /kaitensushi/.

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