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/yakuza/ - site meta-discussion

the sun never sets on the sushichan global crime syndicate

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Hello Sushis,

We suffered a raid directed from another imageboard on 10/04/2021. It looks like many smaller imageboards were attacked, and the stated goal of the attack was to wipe out older imageboard culture. To this end, the attackers tried to make as many spam threads as possible in order to push legitimate content off of the last page, deleting it. The raid used bots and dozens of IP addresses in order to bypass our flood filters.

Thankfully, a board user joined the new Discord server and alerted us within less than an hour of the raid starting, and I was able to lock down the boards while the moderators removed the spam posts. However, it looks like the attack partially succeeded, because on our less active boards we still have posts going back to the start of the site reboot in 2016, but on the more active boards that were already full, such as /lounge/, we have many less pages and only a couple years worth of threads. Our threads were bumped around too, so a few older threads are now near the top of their boards.

This incident also showed me that my backup system had not been working correctly. It was reporting that the backups were being uploaded each week, but in fact I didn't have anything newer than May. I cancelled the managed backup service I had been paying for, and switched to a custom solution, which I finished implementing today before re-enabling posting on the boards.

It is likely that I could restore most of our older content using the May backups, but this will require splicing the boards using some custom code so that we don't lose any current content. I will look into doing this when I have time/energy. Alternatively I am considering just putting a snapshot of the site from May on a subdomain for people to view the old threads that were lost, and I will probably end up doing this first.

I have got captchas working correctly (as far as I can tell), so they will stay enabled for the time being. Please report any issues on the IRC or Discord chats, accessible from the "chat" link in the navigation menu. These chats are linked together, so it doesn't matter which one you use.

Warm Regards,


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Big thanks to Seisatsu, the moderators, and also that Paul Revere sushi for defending our sanctuary. I will make a plate of sushi today in your honour. Shame about the backup but it looks like many of the good older threads on /lounge/ survived. The only real losses for me were the lurker and 'organisation of knowledge' threads.
Sadly, 1chan was also targeted and the entire board was wiped.


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>It looks like many smaller imageboards were attacked, and the stated goal of the attack was to wipe out older imageboard culture
Man what goes through these people's heads when they do things like this? Good job catching it.


It's possibly a conspiracy, to get everyone using recatchpa or something.


Thanks for the hard work!


>the new Discord server
>my backup system had not been working

The attackers didn't have to do anything to kill older imageboard culture. Job's already done.


I'd like to know too, did they have anything about their actual motivation sei/whoever?

Seems extremely unlikely considering the scales we're working with.


> the stated goal of the attack was to wipe out older imageboard culture



it's just trolling for the sake of trolling, doesn't really warrant discussion as to the why.

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