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/yakuza/ - site meta-discussion

the sun never sets on the sushichan global crime syndicate

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Would you ever consider making the music on the front page fade in? It's kind of startling to have it suddenly start


I can get behind this


That sounds either super easy or deceptively difficult. I'll have to look into what's required to make that happen.


Instead of an embedded autoplay youtube video with display:none, you could use youtube-dl to download the audio and then use Audacity or something to edit it to fade it in, then use an HTML5 audio tag to play it normally.


Takes slightly more work but probably actually works better.


Hey I'm an old lurker from back when sushichan was new. What happened to the Tycho and Aphex Twin that used to play on the front page? Can it be considered to bring that back?


Oh it seems that some browsers don't allow it. Perhaps iframe element functions. I also see that the old flim.mp3 was commented out. Perhaps it can become an alt for certain browser types?


I change up the music every so often. I might put up an old tune for a while eventually.


Adding on this, does the music starts randomly or is it supposed to start every time you access the website? Of all the times I've visited it, the music only showed up like two times.


Huh, weird. I don't really know why it would do that, but it has been temperamental for me at times as well.

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