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/tunes/ - enjoyable sounds

so good it hertz

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Talk about music that doesn't fit easily into any of the other threads, or just anything strange/interesting.

World's End Girlfriend is one of my favorite bands, give them a listen!


I remember listening to that album a long time ago and really liking it, I should give it a relisten. 100 years of choke is such a great song. I liked their album Seven Idiots too, though its a bit more bombastic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPrQ6HSQkAc

Here's some interesting experimental folk:


Ah, I messed up the first link. It should be: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yx87PWgyZvA


The Books probably fit here. Great band, really interesting to listen to. Lots of samples of strange and interesting things, combined with acoustic guitar and occasionally actual singing from the band.

I like all their albums, but Hurtbreak Wonderland is my favorite from what I remember. I'll relisten to Seven Idiots soon!

Also that's a cool song, thank you for sharing.


That's my favourite album! The way that 100 years of choke and bless yourself bleed slowly build up is incredibly well done.

This is a weird song but I love it to death. Very unique structure, can't think of anything quite like it. I remember the artist saying they only started making music a few months prior which if that's the case is unbelievable.

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