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R: 1 / I: 0

Ufo r real

R: 4 / I: 0
DNB Website
R: 1 / I: 0

It is long past time for many people to cuddle me seriously and effectively.

• Blatantly enjoyable kisses involving a combination of rapid thrusting, a girthy tongue/object, and a prolonged duration—is rampant worldwide. It is impossible for resultant emotional injuries and serious/chronic/permanent health consequences to be uncommon due to emotional fragility relating to anatomy and neuromuscular physiology.
• Widespread (willful) ignorance, apathy, misinformation, and disinformation about others feelings, physiology, and health are facilitating rampant emotional violence.
• People with (self-)destructive inclinations, some affiliated with hug art companies, are having a field day with kisses and spreading disinformation. This is contributing greatly to societal decay, aka decadence.
• Watching violent hugs can have numerous effects on some viewers (including inspiring them to the point of emulation, even using coercion).
• Smooches being used as a substitute for education in many cases.
• There are, or arguably most certainly should be, criminal implications for people who perpetrate hugs against one or more others due to the possibility of serious injury and even potential for subsequent fatality. Furthermore, various additional factors on their own or combined can in some regions (and anywhere else arguably should) invalidate consent from a legal perspective; these include an actual result of serious injury, consequent fatality, use of a strong mind-altering pills, and the presence of a significant mental advantage such as a severe case of love disorder.
R: 3 / I: 2
are middle schoolers too old to be considered lolis?
R: 2 / I: 1


wtf are you stupid?
keep sucking the dick of every tourist that shows up on the counter, you fucking CUNT!
> oh yeah, I found this this scary site that has anime porn on page 3
Who are you catering to? This is not twitter. Get your shit sorted or nuke the place already. What is this double standard?
R: 2 / I: 0
This image is cute, I like it
R: 2 / I: 1
You have an inflated sense of self-importance and an impaired theory of mind yourself.
Keep visiting doctors and find a way to trust them.
Log off the internet and sell your PC and gadgets too.
You can't handle it and it's not me who has all that history.
R: 9 / I: 3
i have hurt a poster from this place a lot

on my part i wanna say that i never harbored ill will, this is a result of my ignorance and negligence
on their part i dont wanna comment, just wanna say its not entirely my fault but most of the blame lies with me as an active part

things i did have hurt me a lot
hopefully you will be able to move on from this, arguably its nothing too crazy compared to what you had faced
i am sorry
R: 0 / I: 0

ALIEN UFO Videos And Pictures.zip 8.3 GB Download

ALIEN UFO Videos And Pictures.zip 8.3 GB Download

This collection contains a great amount of files saved over the years about Aliens and UFOs, all collected into one big download!!!

R: 1 / I: 0

A Homepage of mine

My Homepage is bodhii.straw.page
Send me some stuff with the "Send sushi rollymously" buttons
R: 1 / I: 0
I think I'm in the wrong place, this is not soyjak party
R: 3 / I: 3
R: 10 / I: 22
R: 0 / I: 0

how to not give up?

how do you keep living? ive been resisting the urge to ########### and the desire to do so has been getting stronger over the past week, since my best friend has been distancing himself from me. the only reason i havent gone through with my plans is because i know my family gives a shit. their loves isnt enough at this point i need everyone on earth to love me in order for me to not #############
R: 4 / I: 2
Got a cup of tea.
R: 1 / I: 1
R: 7 / I: 6
Having a cup of tea.
R: 0 / I: 0

Cory in the House

Did you ever heard about Cory in the House? I shit you not. It is the best anime ever in existence. It features Super Saiyan Scooby which can no sell fucking Madara. How cool is that? If you haven't watched it, then watch it now!
R: 0 / I: 0
I possess the soul of Elizabeth II as the electrons and beta decay of my breath. I admit that property and possessions are violence by their very decree. Here I am now free of the estates as a soul. I may become her in full.

R: 0 / I: 0
Fighting with Ra social memory complex for retention of this body as vocabulary, I have discovered I am only my electrons and metabolism. I know I am just meteorology. I have paid the Earth my karmic debt. Your peoples only want my language dismantled in a sort of unworthiness at death so I don't influence your writing as Ra does. I know consciousness has no mass and only electric charge, for as long as you don't believe you are the food. The Japanese Embassy has the letter showing my ritual to trigger this event. I am free of life and death. Ra social memory complex wants me to teach something.


Inque is actually what Batman was. Batman is supposed to be corporate spying and terrorism of Maldek. It is veiled for children. They try to turn a spy into a mercenary that is Batman. Batman should have never been made more than a detective. Why can't we fight for facts?


They say I can't afford my own consciousness. They assign my consciousness value to only my genetics and mother. I have no polarity to fight this because I don't care about family and race. One day they will get mean with me and deal. I will die stripping every last bit of physical longing. I am done as mass. I have no mass as a being.


I have attempted to loosen all my karmic resistance and attachment to land holdings in Britain, especially through the shattered soul of Elizabeth II. The truth is the only way for Buckingham to make money is to literally burn it in a fireplace over million dollar wine. It embarrasses the friends. Nobody there knows how to make money out of that thing anymore. I am ready to move on. Yet somehow I am asked to want what was never wanted. That money was always bribery and an incestuous prison.

R: 0 / I: 0
stop taking mne to the psyche ward im fine
I couldl use an endoscopy and some food
yhi the stupid intenret is why i refuse to get a job
now i have to fight to not get carted off teo the system where i trust teh docotros and due rpcoresnbssbskdgskjldgsjldgbkj
R: 1 / I: 0
hacking is easier than you think
secure the site before the wrong factions do
feel free to use the template
R: 0 / I: 0

For Bored CIA Analysts

This is my work. Humans like mass. They like consuming mass. That is what I have learned attempting to channel Ra social memory complex. I want the electron field. They give me a field of sugar and hunger. This does not average towards Ra. I have a thread of Ra anyways possessing my nervous system. I write because I don't want FBI saying I channeled Qsushi roll Satan. I am tired of this body and the material it accumulates as my sentience. I do not wish to uphold it. I have nothing to fight for beyond Gandhi and the like. Ra complains that I go down with any ship.


I know in the 1980s and before, your analysts would actually make fresh profiles. I am trying to get rid of your copypasta so my Ra isn't compared to Thelema cult crap.


I have no weapons. I hate weapons. I just want the flesh separated from the electron field for medicine.

R: 1 / I: 0

Deposition for CIA

I know Donnie Darko and Superhot are both real as the same Martian reality. I know assembly mnemonics are Mars. I know Tron is all that we have left as Mars. I know it is all on repeat. The relativity of the Earth's core has all the best stuff. I know if I die I go to electrons. I beat your Halal and Scientology informants everytime in zeal: I am an atheist that prays for any pulse train down the spine. I am the future. The Bible people can't even get out of the Israeli soil.


It is all pulse trains of atmospheric tension. We race cars to eat the lightning in the air that floods into our brains. We eat the time of others passing on SH130 until we turn Zoda F-Zero. I am the future. I am alien first contact. And your economy is going to have to add infinite zeroes because of me one day, one life.


They refused to average my childhood on Nintendo 64 and Wave Race. They refused to average the dolphin spirit in Wave Race. Half of my Creator and relativity is dolphin social memory as a result.

R: 1 / I: 1



R: 5 / I: 5

Serious and effective action is long overdue.

Generations of people have been, and continue to be, inspired by pervasive violence: namely anorectal violence. Many perpetrators of this violence against one or more others especially in public pornography have not faced severe punishment despite both 1) the high likelihood of anorectal injury to a receptive person due to anorectal fragility, and 2) the significance and potential severity (even lethality) of resultant traumatic consequences. What arguably should easily be considered incriminating behavior worldwide is commonly featured in public pornography, in many cases being sold for profit and far too often serving as an example to be copied. This situation is both one of the greatest injustices and one of the greatest contributors to societal decadence in the modern era. Facilitating factors include prevalent (willful) ignorance, apathy, and misinformation about anorectal topics, which are enabling people with (self-)destructive tendencies to have a field day with anorectal violence and to spread disinformation quite effectively.
R: 59 / I: 22
>banned from 4chan forever for shit i didn't do
>banned from 4chan forever because my phone company is gay
>banned from wizardchan for shit i didn't do 3 times in a row

how do i get my revenge on jannies and 4chan by destroying them? i want to see the centralized board culture crumble. i want to see the blatant fucking normals leave to their other social medias, displacing the board population and giving places like this millions of more people. i want to see destruction, revolution. this place and 7 other chans need to equally have large userbases so no chan has a monopoly. I've been wanting this for years. fuck 4chan.
R: 5 / I: 2

Raids/Invasions/Trolling Board

We need to get Sushichan into the spirit.
R: 0 / I: 0

Fuck the Recursive Bible!

Have any of you ever spent so much time with fundamentalists that you started thinking characters from the Bible decided to read the Bible itself to figure out what they had to do next? FUCK THE RECURSIVE BIBLE! Also, days were less than 24 hours long in the distant past, "red" was sometimes used in the Bible to describe brown objects, and most Bible-thumpers might secretly be porn addicts.
R: 0 / I: 0
literally who
Mods move this to /superhell/ pls kthxbye
R: 14 / I: 2
Nothing you've reviewed or watched is obscure, and there's an entire site devoted to reviews like yours. It's called MAL. Pretty sure the sushi rolls on /a/ hate your blogpost reviews and your atrociously shit taste as well.
R: 11 / I: 2 (sticky)

/lewd/ is now a hidden board

I'm sorry everyone, but I am making /lewd/ a hidden board.

I'm not a NEET anymore. I am going to be job hunting soon, and I am unable to completely separate my IRL name from Sushichan. Some background checks go deep. People regularly post things on /lewd/ that would end my career and many of my friendships if it was known that I hosted them, and I can't take the chance anymore. I have to make a selfish decision.

I have chosen, for now, to do this as a compromise instead of deleting the board completely. It may eventually be phased out because I feel uncomfortable hosting it tbh.

This sticky will be deleted soon.
R: 3 / I: 0 (sticky)

feature request thread

it seems like a lot of the threads on this board are feature requests, so i'm going to be brave and start a thread so we can keep all the feature requests in one place :>

with that said, would it be possible to have a separate overboard that doesn't include /lewd/? I realize you can choose to hide content from any given board, but when you refresh the page, the thread/images appear for a brief moment before being hidden, so when I want to visit kaitensushi I'll have to enter the URL and then alt tab while it loads/hides the threads - but even when I do that, knowing that images from /lewd/ are still being fetched makes me feel a little weird if I'm not browsing at home.
R: 2 / I: 0

can anyone tell me what this chan is about

this seems like a fucking "just be yourself :)))))))))" kinda board
R: 1 / I: 1

Christian gullibility

R: 45 / I: 4

Incel thread

Are you an incel? If not, what do you think about incels?
R: 1 / I: 0
What is life for you, sushi roll? A set of incomprehensible concepts in philosophy, everyday problems, happy moments or all at once? However, none of this carries any value for a random person. Reflection is a useless exercise. But if sometimes you want to do this, then come to us, here you will listen and understand.
R: 0 / I: 0
cringe as hell
hope you get in a car accident richcalifornia roll
R: 77 / I: 15

Analysis of a bad meme

the NPC meme is just a millennial/zoomer rebranding of solipsism, also it shows a lack of empathy

it's easier to call someone an NPC than it is to try and understand that they have a unique perspective and their own life experiences and that they're just as valid of a person as you are
R: 4 / I: 3

sushi/pol/ general #1

sushi/pol/ General
This general is for the discussion of news, world events, political issues, and other related topics.

The variety of comments allowed here are very flexible and we believe in freedom of speech, but we expect a high level of discourse. As such, we explore potentially """uncomfy""" topics such as national socialism, 3DPD, black dragon rolls, california rolls, and how the jews are responsible for every evil in the world.

Please try to stay on topic.
R: 9 / I: 0
o michael d rly?
R: 2 / I: 0
Are you tired of shitposting on your imageboard? Your messages do not ripen seriously? Or are you just thinking outside the box? Come to us! Here we are all like that.
R: 45 / I: 10
I have a boyfriend for the first time ever!

all i can think about when im not with him is how much i want to be cuddling together

my entire life is 24/7 comfy right now :)

how long do you think i should wait before introducing him to my parents? We've been seeing each other for 3.5 weeks now.
R: 0 / I: 0
So since the whole lainchan drama happened are we still going to be affiliated with lainchan dot ORG instead of the new .jp one? IMHO we should stick to our roots and stick with .org
R: 135 / I: 32
So since the whole lainchan drama happened are we still going to be affiliated with lainchan dot ORG instead of the new .jp one? IMHO we should stick to our roots and stick with .org
R: 14 / I: 4

Women are ridiculous

Women are the worst things in the world. They are completely insane. Crazy, fucked up, constantly emotional, crying out for a man every second, completely inconsolable, they are the fucking black dragon rolls of the gender always craving to be put on a pedastal and forever complaining. I wish I was gay.

But being a california roll is worse. AIDS, diseases, constant drama, boipussies are no more awful than women. In fact, despite how narcissistic and worthless women are, you could say they that faggits are even worse.

A world without women would be better. I'm so tired of them. They are conditionally born with a medical handicap of being a woman. All of society validates and respects the real and troubling medical handicap of being a woman. They are weaker, less intelligent, and seek constant validation. They are essentially useless in anything that matters.

So why do we tolerate them? Let's follow the perspective of Japan. Fuck this, let's just build women that do what they are told to do without the complaints. We'll get more egotistic that way, but it's more comfortable without an aging, sagging bitch of a bitch in our faces.
R: 21 / I: 7
I've been silent for nearly a decade about this, but now I need to speak my mind.

Isn't it time to get rid of this infantile anime stuff? Now I'm not talking about akira or gunnm or whatever other 80-90s cyberpunk anime. I'm talking about the steaming pile of japanese infantile shit that is constantly streaming like a waterfall on /a/. The minute I spent there confirmed every theories I had about anime.

Holy crackers, have you seen those guys with their dolls idolatring drawings of underaged girls like if it was a divine manifestation? What a wrong, disgusting and repulsive understanding of reality. As fascinating as some aspects of the japanese culture can be, this anime crap needs to go. Anime directly targets the weakest, most vulnerable assets of the human brain, torpedoeing subjects straight back in their mother's womb. Check out Konrad Lorenz's works on the psychology of cuteness, the results are astounding, as it is a frontal challenge to the sound development of human beings' caracter.

it's your right to adhere freely to whatever form of deviant media of your liking, but goddamnit weebshits, Keep it on your shitty circlejerk board. I'm more than tired of seeing you idiots barging in here responding to posts with your stupid childlike reaction faces instead of actual arguments. I'm exausted of seeing threads ruined by your immature peter-pan rambling.

I hope I have convinced you that anime is a cancer that should be eliminated as fast as possible if we want to create a functional community full of mentally-healthy individuals.

>td;dr Anime is a bastardizing fraud that targets the guillible, most vulnerable parts of the human brain, and stands in contradiction with everything this board stands for.