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/superhell/ - the seventh circle

Bad threads go here to die forever. Learn from their mistakes and lurk more.

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File: 1634321736181.png (195.32 KB, 551x310, teamwork.png)


it seems like a lot of the threads on this board are feature requests, so i'm going to be brave and start a thread so we can keep all the feature requests in one place :>

with that said, would it be possible to have a separate overboard that doesn't include /lewd/? I realize you can choose to hide content from any given board, but when you refresh the page, the thread/images appear for a brief moment before being hidden, so when I want to visit kaitensushi I'll have to enter the URL and then alt tab while it loads/hides the threads - but even when I do that, knowing that images from /lewd/ are still being fetched makes me feel a little weird if I'm not browsing at home.


It seems like making two overboards should be possible by making a copy of the overboard theme. I will look into it.


yes, please, thank you, I would like this too!!


This request has been obviated by /lewd/ becoming a hidden board.

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[ kaitensushi ] [ lounge / arcade / kawaii / kitchen / tunes / culture / silicon ] [ otaku ] [ yakuza ] [ hell ] [ ? / chat ] [ lewd / uboa / lainzine ] [ x ]