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Women are the worst things in the world. They are completely insane. Crazy, fucked up, constantly emotional, crying out for a man every second, completely inconsolable, they are the fucking black dragon rolls of the gender always craving to be put on a pedastal and forever complaining. I wish I was gay.

But being a california roll is worse. AIDS, diseases, constant drama, boipussies are no more awful than women. In fact, despite how narcissistic and worthless women are, you could say they that faggits are even worse.

A world without women would be better. I'm so tired of them. They are conditionally born with a medical handicap of being a woman. All of society validates and respects the real and troubling medical handicap of being a woman. They are weaker, less intelligent, and seek constant validation. They are essentially useless in anything that matters.

So why do we tolerate them? Let's follow the perspective of Japan. Fuck this, let's just build women that do what they are told to do without the complaints. We'll get more egotistic that way, but it's more comfortable without an aging, sagging bitch of a bitch in our faces.


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get a grip sushi roll. Women are great.


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don't give up, I used to feel the same but there are gems within the mud. Don't give up.


I don't know. I don't think I respect women but I wouldn't do anything to wrong them on purpose.
But I'm really sad that I've never had a gf. At this point I probably never will, no normal attractive girl would ever accept such a fucked up loser. I just can't deal with this.
I know I should avoid posting feel shit like this here but right now I feel so bad I can't help it, and I don't know any other place I could go to.


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did a portal from wizardchan open up?


Please don't make this thread uncomfy.
Lots of us have legitimate women problems to share.


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I think you need to relax a little.


>Please don't make this thread uncomfy.

I assumed it already was.


>op isk where to go
>admin sends thread to >>>/hell/

Op you gotta focus on getting happy being u. If u knew someone who hated themselves then youd have to work to cheer them up.

A girl wouldnt wanna work to cheer someone up if they can find someone who cheers them up.

Basically. Get a hobby. Develop a skill, enjoi life, and leave the sadness for the birds


Shhh sushi, you can't criticize them, that is being a misogynist rapist remember?

So let's write some guidelines to be a good 2k16 male.

Don't even dare physically defend yourself if she hit you because we all know that men don't hit girls and if you do, it means that you are assaulting her and she didendonuthing.

Wow your marriage is awful and want to divorce or she do and the marriage was fine?! Well guess you'll have to give her least 50% of your wealth and money and monthly pay here for the rest of your life be because that is obviously your fault and your role to provide to her needs whatever the situation.

B-But you already provided her a wealthy life during the marriage, why should you continue to sustain it's lifestyle? Because you do fucktard, you didn't have to carry the child 9months, so you have to ensure her a bright future to compensate for her so much more difficult life!

Well remember to stay a gentleman too.
If she needs your strong arms, be always there for her (but remember she is strong and independant, you just help her because it's your duty.
If you both postulate for the same job and it happened you are more competent, let here still take the job as we need to meet the adequate sex ratio of 60%female/40%male in order to kill the evil patriarchy.

And be always respectful. If she is attractive, tell here politely she is but if you see a picture of an a sexy girl don't say anything because that would be objectifying women! But if you do, don't dare commenting on her sexy outfit because she is free to wear what she wants without being see as a sexual object right?!

Also be fit, you gotta be attractive and useful in addition to provide money and support, but in no way you have the right to negatively judge her physic because 1. She is not a sexual doll 2. She is unique and beautifull on her own 3. It's not her fault, she has period and pregnancy and/or is born big boned.

Also don't forget you are a meat shield in case of life and death situation and in situation of war, women are the first victims because they loose their husbands and children when they battle to death.

And finally remember that if she is not neuro-scientist it's because of patriarchy oppression and she as if not more capable that you, and if you are one it's because you were privileged since birth.
Anyway what you are, her job as a house wife and mother is the more difficult job and she is the bravest.

Now please go make a sandwich to nearest woman in your house to apologize for your sins of being a man.


Joke aside any human can be good or bad regardless of his origins. Focus of being happy on your own.


damm grammar sorry


p.s whoever doesn't agree has no empathy for poor opprrssed women


I don't think that because you have troubles with romance makes it okay to disrespect women as humans.


Man, I get it. Having a male body and constantly feeling as if you're doing wrong simply due to your birth sex is tough, and it's a rare voice that gets spoken to. But feminism does more good for your than you know. These issues you have gripes with stem as much from the patriarchy as do the ones that plague women. And many of your criticisms most modern day feminist fight to change.
Not defending yourself against a women, the whole "never hit a girl" thing, is deeply rooted in sexism that projects all women as fragile, perfectly little dolls. Defend yourself against anyone regardless of their gender. That's equality.
Men are consistently looked upon unfavorably in divorce settlements? Also rooted in the same sexism as above.
Everyone is independent, but everyone also else needs some strong arms in their life for support.
You can think people are sexy, it's not objectifying to do so. Nor is it objectifying to talk about sexiness. It becomes that once you strip a person of all other characteristics, and see their sexiness as strictly for your viewing pleasure. That's exactly what you're doing when you shout at a random women on the street about her appearance. That isn't a compliment, it comes across as threatening and violent. You put yourself into their own space without considering how it makes them feel. Everyone is free to wear what the want and should be able to do so without being verbally harassed.

I could go on.

I say let go of these binaries you, and so many others, are caught up in. The concept of "man" and "woman" hurt everyone. See how tortured these thoughts and contradictions make you feel? Women feel that too from the other end, and so does everyone in between. We need to work together and empathize with each other without getting defensive. That's the only way we can deconstruct these social forces oppressing all of us.


Erh please I said "joke aside" after the long text, did you read sushi? I don't need you to tell me how I feel thanks.
I'm not OP, I'm fine and I too think there is only one side to consider: humans.
I was caricaturing and laughning at modern victimization of social movements. I really hate people that put their suffering on others back thought.
I don't hold hatred against people but I do think most women are more superficial and emotionally annoying that men, but men tend to be more power craving bastards as they are less emotional in general and want to impress the ladies.
In general, it's the society that is wrong.
I was probably born 2/3 centuries too soon haha.

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