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i have hurt a poster from this place a lot

on my part i wanna say that i never harbored ill will, this is a result of my ignorance and negligence
on their part i dont wanna comment, just wanna say its not entirely my fault but most of the blame lies with me as an active part

things i did have hurt me a lot
hopefully you will be able to move on from this, arguably its nothing too crazy compared to what you had faced


….It's a discord thing, isn't it?
I'm not privy to sushigirl dot us backstage social intrigue but being ignorant has never stopped me from giving my opinion (value level extreme) so you should probably quit while you're ahead, drop that manipulative sociopath like a bad habit and break free from whatever corner you've been pushed into by seeking mastery of the martial arts (I've heard some pretty badass stuff about Aikido).

You are not socially excluded. You are not ostracized. Your relationship and time investment was a bust. Reconsider your investment strategy in toxic assets.


thanks for your input and support but i did bad or at least questionable things too
if we resort to namecalling, a few harsh words could be said about both of us


You making this type of thread is enough to know what you might be, but it takes two to tango and you seem self-centered (and desperate for absolution) enough to think you're the only part at fault.

…It's a discord thing, isn't it?


virtual people with virtual issues


dont worry about it or where it came from
>you seem self-centered (and desperate for absolution) enough to think you're the only part at fault
i just like clear communication i suppose
and communication in general
i dont think im the only one to blame but i do think the most of the blame lies with me, yes
i can take it, makes me see my real or perceived flaws more clearly
and if there are no real issues at play, well, there is no blame even, i am innocent
apologizing just feels nice, its good communication


…So it is a discord thing.

>i can take it
You're apologizing to someone who has decided what to think of you enough that you have to use this imageboard as a dumping ground for your issues in a vain attempt at communicating with this person (who, if indeed from discord, is 99.99% likely not to post here or even lurk in the first place – something you're probably very aware of yourself). No, you absolutely can't take it. There's no good communication to be had at this point. Move on or suffer further stock market analogies.


> Move on or suffer further stock market analogies.
It's as if you're having fun.


you make some good points but i remain hopeful haha
and i will move on pretty soon, i have been through worse


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Kill yourself, seriously. Stop acting like you're looking for brownie points when you're a two faced liar that only seeks to use people for their own gain. You can act like a fucking retard for more years, you can try to fucking manipulate me with things I've done in the past, and you can even try to goad people for your own interests, I am tired of seeing your stupid shit in the board. Reconsider the things you're doing with your time and kill yourself.

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