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/superhell/ - the seventh circle

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I've been silent for nearly a decade about this, but now I need to speak my mind.

Isn't it time to get rid of this infantile anime stuff? Now I'm not talking about akira or gunnm or whatever other 80-90s cyberpunk anime. I'm talking about the steaming pile of japanese infantile shit that is constantly streaming like a waterfall on /a/. The minute I spent there confirmed every theories I had about anime.

Holy crackers, have you seen those guys with their dolls idolatring drawings of underaged girls like if it was a divine manifestation? What a wrong, disgusting and repulsive understanding of reality. As fascinating as some aspects of the japanese culture can be, this anime crap needs to go. Anime directly targets the weakest, most vulnerable assets of the human brain, torpedoeing subjects straight back in their mother's womb. Check out Konrad Lorenz's works on the psychology of cuteness, the results are astounding, as it is a frontal challenge to the sound development of human beings' caracter.

it's your right to adhere freely to whatever form of deviant media of your liking, but goddamnit weebshits, Keep it on your shitty circlejerk board. I'm more than tired of seeing you idiots barging in here responding to posts with your stupid childlike reaction faces instead of actual arguments. I'm exausted of seeing threads ruined by your immature peter-pan rambling.

I hope I have convinced you that anime is a cancer that should be eliminated as fast as possible if we want to create a functional community full of mentally-healthy individuals.

>td;dr Anime is a bastardizing fraud that targets the guillible, most vulnerable parts of the human brain, and stands in contradiction with everything this board stands for.


>stop liking things that I don't like


Anime really is not the problem. It is merely the media used by the current batch of people on the internet to communicate.
Anime, as well as video games and technology, are heavily ingrained in ALL internet communities and will remain so for a very long time.


get out os sushichan
anime girls have long been a part of our culture and if you don't like it you're very much free to find a board that fits your standards.


You should probably stay away from chan sites, OP. Anime is pretty much ingrained in them. Reddit is probably suited for your taste.






So, you're complaining about anime in an platform based off a japanese forum and that revolves about weeb culture and general japanese things + comfy?
This is just as stupid as your ranting. I suggest you to go complain about normies on facebook and tell them to "stop nosing into your privacy."


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>hurr look at me I'm ENLIGHTENED because I spent some time skimming a scientific article some years ago
Tough luck, dumb frogposter. You might not be underage physiologically, but you most definitely are mentally. Try not taking yourself so seriously.


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>being this uncomfy
>on /lounge/
>still complaining about others
This shit should be moved to /hell/
>I hope I have convinced you
>by rambling and citing some study about why people like cute things


>Anime directly targets the weakest, most vulnerable assets of the human brain, torpedoeing subjects straight back in their mother's womb.
I'm going to call bullshit on this. I don't think there are any studies on the effect of anime on the brain, much less a study which distinguishes between watchers of different genres of anime. Besides, what do you have to say about people who mimic edgy anime characters and carry around katanas? Haven't they fallen prey to your acceptable form of anime?


whats the deal with all the moving


There was absolutely no chance whatsoever for this thread to be any kind of comfy, so it was moved out of /lounge/. Was I wrong?


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This isn't very comfy.


OP, I actually see where you're coming from. But you are resorting to borderline ad-hominem, holier than thou bullshit to make your points, so don't be surprised when people on an anime site take your rant against anime personally.

I do think that some CIVIL conversation could be had on what effect obsessing over the concepts of cute and comfy have on anime communities, though. /hell/ probably isn't the right place for it anyway.


just realized thread was moved ignore point about /hell/


I share OPs opinion and he also chose a relatively neutral ground to spark this discussion.

According the teachings of itamae-sama everyone here is considered a part of anime subculture.[1] There is nothing bad about the appreciation of a colorful and highly entertaining medium like these films, however especially on imageboards cultivated discussion on the matter is rarely seen.

This might be fault of the platform itself. It is way more effective and impressive to post a smug animu girl than to write a long comment, nobody reads anyways, even if it is a good one.

My point here is, that there are so many other aspects of actual japanese culture we could share, but nobody seems to care, including me. Sure it is harder to speak about history, craftsmanship, architecture, food, nature or science, when all the cute and adorable stuff is waiting, ready to be posted on your very own hard drive.
On top of that it takes some effort to get into this stuff, while anime, once "mastered", embraces you with all the same stuff, you know and love. There is low risk of having to comprehend new material, that might not suit your taste or does not provide at least some aspect of the poison OP referred as "directly targeting the brain".

cute = wakes your parenting instinct

Then we have the lewd stuff on top, resulting in an even stronger bond to sexuality.

Mix these two and you get a decent definition of "moe", a burning passion steered by everyday input and fueled by all natural needs.

So here is a chart:
cuteness - love stolen by media from the children you should have
lewdness - love stolen by media from the partner you should have
virtual life - life time stolen from your attempts to find beauty in the real world, enabling you to enjoy it
waifu - imaginary friend planted inside of you by someone you don't even know

Enough of the rant. I will name perspectives and possible alternatives to this problem. Besides creating stuff by oneself, even if it is the same degenerated shit spooking the net these times, one should analyze the matter in a broader way. Chans and boorus live off fan-fiction, but have a honest look: How many intriguing ideas or enjoyable developments are depicted given the vast of plain half or full naked girls with big eyes, indistinguishable by style and monotone in posture, sometimes even missing shading or background? There are exceptions, but one has to dig deep.

Imageboards have become an activity them themselves and that's the reason behind all that cancer flooding them, stupid memes, re-posts, all the same shit.

This is my view and I have to admit, that I am a keen poster on /kawaii/ and the like.


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This is pasta innit


yeah I dn't know why they had to move it :/
it just harms the discussion…


to be 100% honest, anime has become very different, and with that has become also very generic. I can appreciate some shows (girls und panzer, non non biyori, others I can't remember off the top of my head) but a lot of the shows seem to really blend in with the rest. Art style has become incredibly generic as well, and seems to have lost the edge that made it so unique. For example, compare Ghost in the Shell and Akira. Two completely different styles that create unique atmospheres. Now lets take Death Note and Parasyte and compare those. Very similar shading, and overall very similar. Anime as an artform is getting worse by the day. We can only have so many ridiculous anime before we get bored with what is being put out. Manga on the otherhand is as good as it ever was, with such titles as berserk, jojo, yotsuba, akagi, and many, many others still continuing a strong and deep run. manga is no where as generic as anime is, as usually with a manga series we only have a single artist who is allowed to express a unique vision. overall, with a manga series an artist is given more time to create, so usually an artist has enough time to make something of a higher quality. with an anime, studios are pushed and pushed to make more profit in the shortest amount of time possible. God knows a show like Kantai Collection will get massive profit no matter how low the quality is, just because of the name and the connections. The economy of japan also factors alot into the anime industry. While international appeal has significantly grown in the 2000's and it is easier to watch anime online, most of anime viewing does not generate much in the way of profit, as torrenting and illegal streaming websites have really taken a significant chunk out of the industry. the economy of japan has also tumbled significantly, so people don't spend anywhere as much as they used to. That's why there is so much merchandising in anime. They have to get money from somewhere in the end. no longer do we talk about good anime, all we circlejerk is shit that is frankly garbage compared to what we used to have to watch.


>waaaah I browse Japanese internet culture born imageboard sites and people posts things I don't like because liking cute things and raw fish with rice is for mentally impaired, let me sharp those edges a little more pleeeease waaaah

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