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/kawaii/ - cute things


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File: 1682544582897.jpg (68.83 KB, 500x500, artworks-000675974944-uey2….jpg)


Its Hachune miku: Everyday Vocaloid Paradise volume. 2!! the art is really cute. it even has Luka!!
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i think it's like the other sushi says, it's mostly in how the artist renders Miku and what they choose to accentuate, i definitely see some Brazil Mikus looking very "porny" to me but i also see a lot being just regular old Brazil Miku. though i feel like something looking "porny" is a subjective thing that depends on where and how you grew up.


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Perhaps Arab Miku is more to your liking then? I apologize for leaving her face uncovered. I have no drawing skills.


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>i just dont like brazilian miku
thats it! take him to brazil!


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Speaking of muslim Miku, I've always liked seeing cosplayers do stuff like this with their scarves.


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Well I actually got quite a lot of gripes with it
>the design isn't much more than just showing a lot of skin when I'm more of a fan of girls in pretty dresses.
Not to say I don't like shmeckzy ladies, I just like it when it's done more tastefully
>color palette with br Miku doesn't seem to fit right
>br Miku doesn't give me the essence her music gives me. I can't imagine her singing Triple Baka. Nor can I imagine regular Miku singing samba
I like pretty girls in pretty dresses, what can I say.

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sad development…


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i will participate in your cirno thread


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good times


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bad times


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cosmic times

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best show ever!
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pornographic material…


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>Do not reupload
>Do not use
I'm gonna report you to the police out of spite for not making this thread in /lewd/ so I could contribute the only picture I have related to this show.

You know the one.


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i want to share my love for gbc with the whole sushiworld! and lewd is unfortunately a small audience


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long haired rupa…

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straight up hardcore guro porn but not really
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File: 1725036515523.jpg (5.21 MB, 2039x2894, 117516426_p1.jpg)

“Nao’s Everyday.”


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"Mom said, ‘Let’s go eat,’ and took Nao outside.

Until a little while ago, Nao was sitting on a small chair, but now…

Nao can sit on the same chair as Mom.

Earlier, when the doorbell rang, someone came, so…

If I press it again, will my food come?"


File: 1725036805361.jpg (2.08 MB, 2039x2894, 117516426_p3.jpg)

"The pitch-black kitty came again today!

Whenever Nao eats her snack, it's always playing nearby.

'Nao, let's play together!'

When I call out to it, it always runs away so quickly.

I just want to touch it a little bit!"


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"Today is the day to pick the relay runners.

Nao is good at running, so…

I will definitely become a runner and show my cool side!"


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"This is absolutely, absolutely unfair!

If not for the stone, I wouldn't have fallen!

Even though I said I wanted to try again, they wouldn't let me!

If I had run one more time, I would show mom how cool I am…"

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this is the cutest thing
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Why does haguhagu do this ;_;


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do what exactly…


File: 1724805347983.png (636.13 KB, 800x602, ClipboardImage.png)

>do what exactly…
Draw the most innocent most well-intentioned most adorable girl and proceed to humiliate her, rob her of her innocence, and destroy her aspirations ;_; it's soul guro, and that's before even examining the gross acts but some people are into that ig
can't someone just make something sweet instead of somewhat sweet followed by bitter as caustic soda for once ,;_;,
(and don't say moe, moe is lead acetate)

Pic is from Pure Pure. she freakin dies in the MC's arms (T_T)


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your post made me feel bad for enjoying his work… but you are right


Iyashikei moe

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As the title says, post cute and comfy images.
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these are so cute


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Dicks > Bagina
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can you believe it that boys are just like allowed to show their chest sometimes like that?


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It's wonderful, isn't it?


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i love boys!


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Cute buns thread!
Bunny girls also allowed just like last time
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happy bunny day


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bun (mouse)


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