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/kawaii/ - cute things


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File: 1724270503634.jpg (1.32 MB, 1800x1500, GVQrJgmb0AAarCx.jpg)


best show ever!
37 posts and 133 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Very nice puffy suckable nipples but this isn't /lewd/


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Nina was such an annoying gremlin. I love her, lol.


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Dicks > Bagina
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This thread is making me slowly loose attraction to women. What is happening?


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Maybe don't read while driving? Just concerned for your safety. Nothing wrong with you, you just have an interest.

Discovering that sexuality is dynamic and can change


I did get into a car accident 2 months ago, but that was because I was looking at a map


women? what are those?
Jokes aside, I am attracted to women on a basic, physical level. Beyond that, I have zero interest in women.


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I feel your pain, I feel basic physical attraction to women but I don't think I could ever get in a relationship with a woman again. Just too much disconnect between me and women and I don't like them that much physically, somewhat mentally too. It's embarassing honestly because trying to be in a straight relationship feels like lying to myself but my parents pressure me super hard into straight relationships out of family values and carrying the family name.

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i think school swimsuit really is the best. Please post girls wearing them.
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akio watanabe is a single character designer/artist that made me love anime the way i do
the others just dont come close, they either feel off or are just generic completely
but he just gets it right
tho regarding anime artists in general, there is more i love of course


godlike art


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Cute and comfy gif thread

I'll dump couple
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Here's the raining version


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 No.531[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Found this and thought it was cute
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This is what I need in my life.


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I tried to create the image of a girl I saw a year ago. She was cute and had these ribbons on each side of her head in her hair. I can’t tell what color is everything since my phone is in black and white, but know she was slightly darker skinned.


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Towards the end, I realized she looks like the female version of someone I used to know.

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There's been a few different threads for individual picrews through the years but I thought we could use a general thread to share them! Share cool ones you've found or some avatars you've made with them!

What is Picrew?
Picrew is a layered paper doll-style avatar maker website developed by the Japanese company TetraChroma Inc. The concept and interface is similar to earlier avatar editors, like the Nintendo Mii or the Kisekae Set System (KiSS).

Picrew has become popular with audiences outside of Japan, with the simplicity of the image maker and the potential for users to contribute their own avatar maker illustrations through a picrew creator.
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they're less common I think, but there are some specifically aimed at making boy characters, and a lot of them have options for both.


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menhera bf

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straight up hardcore guro porn but not really
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the artist dominating this thread is rnatataki. i adore her work. i named it so to annoy certain person who wasnt fond of such imagery on sushigirl


Weird, pretty sure I deleted my reply.

tenkyuu though!

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Its Hachune miku: Everyday Vocaloid Paradise volume. 2!! the art is really cute. it even has Luka!!
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File: 1727337521558.jpg (66.74 KB, 1202x1700, west.jpg)

west bengali miku

i think she looks really cool :3

> How do you get music out of "idle talk" its not talking but singing
Perhaps it makes far more sense in the original language of the Quran, who knows how many layers of translation the Quran has been through after all, but yeah, most Muslims agree that it is a weird way to read the Quran to declare all music haram.

where is this design from?


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Bad ∞ End ∞ Night series

Also, if I'm allowed to, even though I'm not muslim my family also follows a superstition about listening to certain types of music. Something about how since music is imbued with words of intention can make it within the realm of spellcasting. Something along those lines.


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I believe exactly what your family thinks. It is just my observation - lyrics praising shallow lifestyles create thoughts that go along with that motion.


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this is becoming less and less miku and more "what random person can we put in blue twintails for the twitter trend"


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kinda surprised at how much arab muslim miku content there is

okay so maybe listening isnt wrong. but dont they believe its wrong for a girl to dress that way even if its just miku?

thats interesting. ive never heard of a superstition like that before

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glasses increase intelligence by 20%
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This thread perpetuates the prejudiced notion that only dorks wear glasses. Although it might be true that 99% of them are glasses dorks, I choose to celebrate those who rise above.

I am the 1%


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Smartly dressed, dependable, sexy, can kill you with a rifle. And the best part? Not a hint of dorkness.


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Cute buns thread!
Bunny girls also allowed just like last time
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bun (mouse)


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