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/culture/ - arts & literature

"Man cannot remake himself without suffering, for he is both the marble and the sculptor." - Alexis Carrel

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Remember to keep it cozy!

We are taking submissions for original "file deleted" thumbnail art in this thread.

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I don't know if this would fit better with /tunes/ but artwork for albums could fit here.

But anyways, here's a thread for album artwork you really like.

These were used for the inner sleeve artwork for Talk Talk's 1986 album "The Colour of Spring, of which James Marsh did the artwork for.
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tekvision - Mobile Suit Ecco


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album is sorg by Afsky. the painting that they used is the Death of Chatterton. Its a beautiful painting on its own but i also like the black and white version here.


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Here's a few I like.

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Finally some relatable wholesome yuri, now seeking funding on Kickstarter. In English even!

Campaign link, with links to buy previous volumes: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/senpainokohai/senpai-no-kohai-0


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I'd like to see yuri without these weird senior/junior, tall/short, genki/serious dynamics. Just two black haired japanese maidens gradually falling in love…


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why is their hair color important enough to state specifically?
are hair color dynamics weird to you too??


I wanted to say "two totally average black haired japanese maidens"… maybe that sounds less colorphobic.


could just be a preference. also, black hair is a pretty common hair color so it makes sense I guess lol

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Some probably still remember my zine thread here almost 2 years ago. Good things, issue #2 just got released at https://blackfogzine.org/, I hope you enjoy! We have almost 100 members on discord, come say hi if you feel like
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It surprises me I still check this place on a weekly basis. I DO wish I would post more, I am really grateful to the few rolls who keep this place alive, I really do. I have this feeling that whenever I have to forget about this sanctuary to sort a mess out, I dont have to fear to come back to a cemetery.
luvu rolls


A great issue. It's a shame it lacked the comics, but the Infornography entries were amazing and so was all else.


true, hopefully #3 will be richer in content


Haven't heard of this before, but I'm really glad I found this. Thanks


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Ok heh, I did not expect this thread to be still up, but that's cute. I'll just bump it then.

So as an update, issue #3 is out, and submissions for #4 are open, feel free to check it out, and if you want to submit a comic, art, haiku or something, contact me through email or discord (both are listed on the website)

#3 is T H I C K
Though that was probably just a one time thing.

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As with any other medium the body can be shaped in various ways. However it being linked to the one wielding it and having direct influence on their mind, it can be more difficult to work with.

If you are working on transforming your physical shell, feel free to report in.

1) Where are you at?
2) What is your goal?
3) What have you archived so far?
4) How do you plan to progress from there?
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nah, florida


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Today I went for a brief run and some power walking. 30 minutes of cardio. It's not much, but it is a start.


30 mins is pretty good if you can keep it up every day! That's about what my doctor recommends at least.


35 lbs now…


London! (not him)

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Bookshelf ASL?


Does it look like a fire hazard to you?


My bookshelf doesn't have a sex but it is about 2 years old and located in my apartment


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Ahh, this thread is making me wonder if I should start buying physical books. They might be nicer and easier to add notes to, but reading all the stuff I want to might put a serious strain on my budget in addition to all the other treats I wanna enjoy

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 No.308[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Lets draw stuff sushi's! It doesn't matter how bad u think it is, any drawing is good for you! (I hope this is on the right board…)
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Živijo! Nepričakovan Slovenc v Sushichanu alert :0
Kaj dogaja?


Kokr vedno, komi čakam na mofucon decembra. Kaj to rišeš?


Uau, rad bi tudi jst obiskal ta Mofucon, škoda, saj ne živim v Sloveniji :/ Morda bom šel na knjižni sejem, ampak videli bomo
Rišem character sheets (nisem prepričan kako se po slovensko reče) za vizualni roman, ki ga želim napisati. Gre za zorenje enega fanta, ki postaja član študentskega sveta, da bi povečal svojo samozavest. Navdihnil me je drug VN, no seveda ga ne bom skopiral


Škoda da nemoreš na mofucon.., Če bi rad naredu VN iz tvoih risb lahko programiram VN ko najdem čas.


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Same sushi roll as >>458, I've been improving myself

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when I was a young child, I loved youtube. I subscribed to many channels. Most were comedy, some were news. smosh, fred, a lot of the big guys. some more esoteric people who I can't entirely remember, like this woman who sat at her desk and worked for a media company as a youtuber. eventually the company shut her channel down.

I stumbled upon one creator who I remember a great deal. her name was allofthetrash. I enjoyed her bizzare, low-res letsplays of unheard of cartridge games from the 70s and 80s. at some point I stopped watching the videos, and she eventually deleted her channel.

I still look for those videos, but have yet to find any.

as I grew older, I would find my way into internet communities. a chatroom in kingdom of loathing. the official forum for a web-based video game about forum trolls.

my favorite was the /r9k/ room in a mouse-themed multiplayer platforming game. edbye, oldliquids. lexie. funny people and a funny game.

but I always ended up getting banned or exiled from these communities. always eschewed. this pattern held strong through my teens. I don't think I was in control. It was autonomous.

I didn't go to high school. I went to community college. I had friends, and that let me think I was socially well-adjusted. But eventually I would use extreme political views would as a way of pushing them away.
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Quoting "
You can construct a digit sequence guaranteed not to be on the list. But that digit sequence is not guaranteed to be a natural number. The digits of a natural number have some finite length beyond which you only get spaces/zeros, but the digit sequence you get can be infinitely long with infinitely many nonzero digits.

Is this really a safe rock to stand on?
We agree that ℕ is not finite. (Yes every exhibitable n must be, else it could not be exhibited.) But if there can be arbitrarily large naturals cannot there be arbitrarily long digit sequences representing them? i.e. Are you sure that a non-finite digit sequence cannot represent a Natural?

tldr: Is there a need to distinguish 'Actual' v 'Potential' infinities?


0 is representable as a finite list of digits, and for any natural number n representable by a finite list of digits, n+1 is also representable as a finite list of digits. By induction, every natural number is representable as a finite list of digits.


Thank you all. I just grocked my mistake. It was 07/10/22 (Sun) 11:53:29 No.1113 when I asked my stupid question. And only today have I understood what you were telling me.
An infinite sequence of digits WITH a decimal point gets ever closer to a real number. Without the point it could be anything at all, so not really a number.
Love to Sushi. Thanks for tolerating an idiot.


It was a valid and non-trivial question


Hi sushi roll I’m OP. Maybe you will see this even though you replied two years ago.

It’s okay. I’m a mathematician. I do research in computational linguistics. It’s okay. I liked it.

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What are some good slice of life anime to watch? I liked Nichijou, Non Non Biyori and Azumanga Daioh.
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id reccomend tamayura its very wonderful and relaxing. also sketchbook full colors.
seconding aria its amazing


Everyone who likes goofy and heartwarming SoL should watch Sketchbook, it's really fun.


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GochiUsa. Comfiest, coffiest SoL anime ever and it's getting an S3 this Fall. If you'd like cute baristas doing cute things in a beautiful small town w/ bunnies, then this is for you. Also, Chino is a big mood.

They look wicked cute I'm gonna watch this soon.


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>They look wicked cute I'm gonna watch this soon.
Hooray! Post about it on the new board when you get the chance to check it out. I might rewatch it as well.


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Chuunibyou Demo koi ya Shitai has always been my favorite.

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Post things you've learnt recently!

From 'Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable':
Cornstalks. In Australia, especially in New South Wales, from colonial times a name for youths, perhaps from their being taller and more slender than their parents.

That made me laugh, especially because it reminded me of myself.
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Another bit of latin in the english language that I find interesting is not too surprising, yet somewhat enlightening if I may say so.
It's the word "essence", which from the latin word, comes to mean "that which it is", with "esse" meaning "to be".
The -ence termination is not proper of latin, but english, just like we say "importance" and such words.
Of course it makes sense, for that is the meaning of essence: that which something is at the more fundamental level. Though sometimes we interpret the word much in the sense of "substance", that is, the material of which it is composed.
Now substance does have a latin root, but to the extent of my knowledge, only in the prefix sub- which as we all know means "under". Sub-stance would thus means "that which stands beneath"

Sorry for all this, I'm just an etymology freak, and quite frankly I think it's really interesting to know what the atomic elements of the words we use are and where they originate. They also give some material to use them creatively in speech.


Your explanation of 'essence' was interesting, and led me to consider whence comes 'quintessence'/'quintessential'. I knew that the 'quint' bit must mean five, but there's a deeper explanation than that:
>The ancient Greeks said there are four elements or forms in which matter can exist–fire, air, water, and earth; the Pythagoreans added a fifth, the fifth essence–quintessence–ether, more subtle and pure than fire, and possessed of an orbicular motion, which flew upwards at creation and formed the basis of the stars. Hence the word stands for the essential principle or the most subtle extract of a body that can be procured.
from Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable.


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Most carnivorous mammals are grouped together in the same taxonomical order, fittingly called 'carnivora', and these fall into two main suborders: feliformia (cat-like) and caniformia (dog-like), the former being the familiar felines, including the hiena, the latter a broader set including bears, racoons, and even seals, as well as canines like wolves and dogs. They turn out to share similarities in their skullbones.
A sibling order to the carnivora are the 'ungulates', which are mammals with hooves, like the horse and the giraffe. Among these is a mammal that used to have hooves but now only has vestigial finger-like appendages in their skeleton: the cetaceans.


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Waves or wave like things form any time there are two kinds of things that convert into each other. Sound waves for instance are the interplay of pressure and motion or momentum. Visible light is part of the electromagnetic spectrum which true to the name, is the interplay of electric charge and magnetic fields.

The thing I learned recently is that unlike ears, which hear a continuum along the sound spectrum, eyes only activate to 4 specific ranges of frequency. It is as we only hear 3 different pitches and have to infer the existence of the intermediate pitches by the relative volume of the pitches we hear.

And it's this fact about human eyes, rather than anything about light, that gives us the color wheel in art theory.


I just learned China throws people in jail for drawing 3D hentai and forces them to confess an apology.


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how to render translucency more realitically, in theory
especailly when refractions and reflections included.

feel free to explain

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