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/culture/ - arts & literature

"Man cannot remake himself without suffering, for he is both the marble and the sculptor." - Alexis Carrel

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Hi sushi rolls. I got thinking about Katawa Shoujo recently - say what you will about the game (personally I'm very fond of it) but I think it's really impressive that a group from 4chan came together to make something like it. It got me wondering - what would Sushichan make? Would it be a visual novel, or maybe an OVA of sorts? Whatever it would be, I imagine it would be something you could fit into the iyashikei genre. I'm not like outright suggesting we start something, I don't know enough about how many people browse this site or how many creative types we have. I just wonder if anyone else has had the thought.
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An OVA would take a lot more manpower than a VN (just thinking in number of illustrations/frames.)


Not a big fan of VNs to be honest.

>>725 Not a bad idea, would play definitely. Though as for something I would like to help make, maybe just a gallery of artworks made by the users. A giant wall of art that we all scrawl on. Though that would also open the door for trolls…





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A VN would be easier than an OVA for sure.
The key part is organization though. Katawa Shoujo did not get serious until a small group of people moved off 4chan and made their own forums to actually work on it.

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When the economy tanks, more people go to trade schools or study STEM as opposed to art. Studying art is seen as a bad financial decision. What kinds of cultural effects do you think this has, when art and literature are seen as frivolous?

My mom studied art because it's supposed to be enriching, even though it's not all about career goals. I was basically forced into a STEM major for economic reasons. It has a very clear career path, but that's about it.

Or do you think some good things can come of it?
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I think the average IQ of an artist has dropped because only passionate and stupid go into art. 70% of those in art colleges are often stupid because unless you got to the cream of the crop art school most art college are degree mills. A lot of people I see going to art schools are the 'I wasn't really sure what to do in college (I'm a slacker with no fore thought), but my friends said I was good at art (they usually are a big fish in a small pond, lack a grasp on fundamentals, and turd polished their way to 10,000 Instagram followers) and I like art (they like doodling art for their forgiving audience that lets them slack on their comics month on end, refuse criticism, and start shit. They would burn and crash in an actual job), so I'll go to an art school'. The only places willing to accept these types are degree mills who wont really prepare them. Stuff like pic related want to make art their career
The other 30% know what their doing and if they get into a top college they can connect enough so they can get the job they want. The other half art stuck on instgram/youtube as hobbyist who will have hard time getting professional work because they lack connections. If you look black comics, cartoons, and the like were a wild west, but now it's don't have '50 connections? Go away'.
The biggest effect I see is the 'starving artist donate to my ko-fi' will increase. As I said 705 of artist are stupid so they will suck at budgeting their limited funds, get fired from any real job, and refuse to listen to criticism. A lot of kids get high off their blind fanbase giving them commissions, but aren't ready when they become 20 and selling pic related isn't a good career choice.
This is all the digital art, and not the modern art community.


inevitably the whole trade school meme is going to self implode because the reason trade schools were so cheap, and trade pay decent, is because nobody was going to them in the first place. Now that trade school is starting to become a popular option due to redditors constantly shilling it, the pay will decrease and the price of the schools will increase because of the increased supply of students.


To many people will cause a bubble to burst like the other sushi roll said, but we also can't forget what trade does to the body. Being a welder, constructor, or lineman sounds good till all that hard work- climbing, carrying, smog - catches up to you in your late 30's to early 40's. Do you know how fucked the economy and the children will be one they're stuck caring for for their parents at age 40? Also trade people are hit the hardest when the economy tanks if I recall correctly


Do art as a hobby instead, no one needs an art degree to do it


Studying art is a bad financial decision because a) everything you need to know is available for free online and b) art isn't a subject that school teaches well. It's a subjective medium where improvement means better technique as opposed to better results, and where you do most of your learning slowly by trial and error

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If you like fantasy (specially Tolkien and early 20th century fantasy books) I recommend you to read Lord Dunsany. I'll be nice and share this with you (from the gutenberg project)

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Has anyone heard of a book or short story about a man who creates or acquires tools or artifacts that make him stronger as the story progresses?


The Mysterious Island?


Sounds like the average light novel

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Here I will drop my anchor in fertile ground.

Here we really know what we are talking about, because we have experienced the trembling and the awakening.

Drunk with energy, we are revenants thrusting the trident into heedless flesh. We are streams of curses in the tropical abundance of vertiginous vegetation, resin and rain is our sweat, we bleed and burn with thirst, our blood is strength.

The work of creative writers, written out of the author's real necessity, and for his own benefit. The awareness of a supreme egoism, wherein laws become significant. Every page should explode, either because of its profound gravity, or its vortex, vertigo, newness, eternity, or because of its staggering absurdity, the enthusiasm of its principles, or its typography.


Anchors are getting dropped,released,thrown,disposed,cast overboard,projected,deposited,planted,and thrust and its your fault for being fertile,


pls come back.


wait wut


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It's not like I want to envelope your anchor, baka!

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So I noticed recently that while a lot of people here do some realy great art, no-one seems to be writing stories with it. Creating comics is one of the best ways to improve because it forces you to look at all areas of art, it keeps you motivated since you have a task with a foreseeable endgoal, and it poses lots of creative challenges. Don't just think of it as a means to be gooder at artisting though.

Don't think you have to nail regular drawing before you can start doing comics. If you think that, you will never do anything. You don't have to be good, you just have to be creative. Try not to just do moeblobs standing still and talking about how their mangaka is such a qt, make your images dynamic and try to communicate something like a story or a feeling.

There's a great series of blogposts called '18 tips for comic book artists'. http://www.williamstout.com/news/journal/?p=3806
(All those images are there for a reason, study them!)
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oh i didnt actually assume it was yours, i just saying it was cool :P

atm i just keep making excuses. im sure if i really want to make a comic i will

p.s. the picture didnt get spoilerererered, oh well


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As a reminder, we're making a zine that focuses on manga and comic.
If you create something and wish to participate, check out


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*quietly raises hand*

Hello. I'm new here, I make comics. I would like to become an official lurker of the Sushi Comic Alliance.

Not sure if I have time for zine work right now (as cool as it sounds), but I might shoot you an email with some questions.


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Last week i started making a web comic. I post it on my website https://mtk538.neocities.org/manga.html and also on twitter. I hope you enjoy ^^ Uploads are every Wednesday


Hey sushis! My bf is an incredible artist and he's always wanted create a graphic novel. He's working on typing the story out and developing characters before he starts though. I think he should just start with what he has already but he's a bit of a perfectionist lol. He works a full-time job so this is just a hobby and he doesn't have much time to work on it. Is there anything I can do to support him or make it easier for him? I'd love for him to reach his goal.

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not sure where to post this but lets try here in /culture/

ok so anyone here familiar with term digital nomad?
>Digital nomads are a type of people who use telecommunications technologies to earn a living and, more generally, conduct their life in a nomadic manner.
so what do you sushis think about it? honestly i think it's just right lifestyle for me
would you do something like that and where would you go?

i want to move and travel through south america (imagine all that beauty… jungle, rivers, mountains, cities……)
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Can confirm. US has it far better than they realise.


>Western Europe is lost
That's very vague, what do you mean?


Poland or Hungary
Is that a joke?


I personally have no real intent of moving out of the US, mostly because I have zero clue where I would really move to. Again, Canada is similar enough and with more global warming, maybe I'll get my Midwestern US weather up there when I'm an old man. But I agree with >>401, I'd like to hear why Western Europe is a lost cause.

Not a joke, but I acknowledged that Brazil is rough compared my own nation. I guess it's better to say that I didn't put much thought into moving, something I don't intend to do.

Well, yea, the US is basically a massive landmass the size of Europe when Alaska is factored in, with only two friendly countries as it's direct neighbors. It's kinda hard not to love the US.


>I'd love to be able to live in places like the US
When most people think of the US, they're thinking of the big coastal cities. The cost of living there doesn't really allow for a digital nomad lifestyle unless you're a rich trust fund kid like >>396 said. The rest of the US has plenty of nature, but no jobs and no facilities.

Western Europe has the same cost of living problem. If you have connections to find cheap housing, can handle couch surfing, or have a paid scholarship, it's pretty chill here. I've met plenty of exchange students and expats from the US and Easter/Southern Europe who say they prefer it here.

South-East Asia seems to be the biggest digital nomad hotspot, because a freelance wage can easily support a comfortable lifestyle there.

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Pick up your sword 'n rucksack and lets go adventuring!
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I always loved Vivec


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I keep a little rucksack with some hobbit-tier equipment for adventuring near my bed and routinely use it to go on tiny adventures in the woods… Am I autistic?


You're not.
I've seen forest only on pictures and in movies.
I hope to see a real forest sometime.


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That sounds like a fun thing to do actually. Got a small one I inherited from my grandfather. It is the kind that can fold out so you can sit on it.

A compact fishing rod, pans, a knife, and a tarp, and I pretty much have all that I need for a weekend in the woods. + some extra food rations in case I can't find any fish. My sleeping bag might be compact enough to fit in it too. Even just a day trip would be nice.

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I recently figured out that I absolutely love dark, Gothic stuff, be it art, TV or music.

The exact name of this peculiar genre I don't know, but when I find examples of it I lap it up. It's solemn in tone and touches frequently on death, darkness and the Unknown. The kind of thing that makes you feel alone, desperately alone. Wandering alone through a deserted field in the cold and rain towards the light, the single, lone house on the hill containing the single, lone farmer. There's something comfy in that for me.

Anyway, here are some examples/recommendations:
Over the Garden Wall is the best example in TV or cartoons. I've watched it at least three times.
This album I picked up - Stuck on a Sunday. Webm related.
This kind of art: https://art.vniz.net/en/ - including some by Zdzislaw Beksiński, which has been posted here.

Does anyone else like this macabre art? Does anyone have any recommendations?
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Check out Gustav Dore!


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He even made album artworks. lol


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Zbigniew M. Bielak is another good artist in this genre. Does lots of metal artwork.


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Zdzislaw Beksinski is my favorite
gone too soon

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Does anyone know where i can get an organized collection of Jean Giraud's art?

I've been searching for a good torrent for a while now.


ghibli x moebius would have been dank


I'm not sure if they would have it, but LibGen seemed to have some small amount of art on their site.


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