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/yakuza/ - site meta-discussion

the sun never sets on the sushichan global crime syndicate

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• Embeds Supported: youtube, vimeo, dailymotion, metacafe, & vocaroo.
• Max. post size is 10MB / 4 files.

Remember to keep it cozy!

We are taking submissions for original "file deleted" thumbnail art in this thread.

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One of the things that we could learn from 4chan and 8chan is that we need to cement our values into rules.

1. Do not accuse another anon of being a shill/JIDF/SJW. Do not make ungrounded accusations.
2. Do not tell another anon to 'go back to 4chan/reddit/tumblr' or other places. Do not foster paranoia.
3. If you are in an argument, be civil and use respectful language. Disagreement does not mean you should act rudely.

I also think we need some guidelines for mods that should be made public, and we need to reach a consensus on when using tripcodes is acceptable.

I'm not trying to bring about tyranny, I'm trying to establish transparency and solidity. If we have concise AND public guidelines, any violation both by users and mods/vols will be much easy to handle.


>Do not accuse another anon of being a shill/JIDF/SJW. Do not make ungrounded accusations.
>2. Do not tell another anon to 'go back to 4chan/reddit/tumblr' or other places. Do not foster paranoia.
>3. If you are in an argument, be civil and use respectful language. Disagreement does not mean you should act rudely.
I agree with those. Should we have a ban for that, or just make it the users themselves call the poster on his bullshit?

>I also think we need some guidelines for mods that should be made public

I can think of a couple things to add
- Ban tripfags
-Only ban illegal things(and maybe the ones above if everyone wants to)
-Do not delete off-topic threads, but instead move them to the correct board.(can mods do it here? I know they can in lainchan)

>and we need to reach a consensus on when using tripcodes is acceptable.

Only when it is needed to identify yourself. Like someone famous or who's working or something doing a Q&A (game makers and the like do AMAs in chans sometimes), someone writefagging, doing a CYOA or something. If you're just posting something on a thread and identifying yourself for no reason you should be banned.


>can mods move posts
They can. I saw Seisatsu do it in /lounge/.

Guidelines for mods:
1.Mods will only ban tripcode usage that is not allowed in the list of exemptions
2.Mods shall not delete off-topic posts, but instead move them to the relevant board
3.Mods shall only post using their tripcodes when it is relevant.

Tripcode usage exemptions:
>Art threads
>writing threads
>AMA threads


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I'm also really anxious to hear everyone's ideas about what constitutes political discussion and what are political images/videos. This is perhaps the most crucial factor to maintaining tranquility and stopping paranoia.

Some starters
>no swastikas,hammers and sickles or any other political logo
>no political memes (Le happy merchant, porky pig, tyrone comics etc.) be they in image, webm or youtube link
>historical music IS allowed but discussion relating to them should be limited to appreciation

and I'll rip a page out of 8chan's /his/, which has successfully prevented itself from turning to /pol/ or /leftypol/
>for the purposes of moderation, historical discussion is limited to all events until the fall of the soviet union, anything after that will be considered political and be removed
couple that with the ban on political logos and memes, and I think we have a solid foundation to maintain the status quo, just like Japan under the Tokugawa shogunate


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I do agree with no political memes, but images should be allowed in certain contexts, such as pic related in the cool images thread.
>for the purposes of moderation, historical discussion is limited to all events until the fall of the soviet union, anything after that will be considered political and be removed
I think /his/ should be kept to /hell/, for not everything is objective.
In my opinion we should keep /lounge/ comfy, with art threads, chat threads, draw threads and whatnot, and keep the serious discussion to /hell/ and other boards.
>historical music IS allowed but discussion relating to them should be limited to appreciation
Explaining the context should be allowed as well, but from the widely accepted "objective" view, to prevent political discussion.
E.g. post a pro-NK song and then explain
>this is a pro-NK song made after the fake world soccer cup win, using soccer as a metaphor for war
However, discussing the context(in this case if NK actually won or not) should be kept to /hell/ and the relevant board, if there are any.
Also, is it me or are webms not working? I tried posting one and it just gave me an "invalid image" error.


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I thought there was only one rule:

1. Keep it comfy.


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>1. Do not accuse another anon of being a shill/JIDF/SJW. Do not make ungrounded accusations.
>2. Do not tell another anon to 'go back to 4chan/reddit/tumblr' or other places. Do not foster paranoia.
I would say that these two are already contained in
>3. If you are in an argument, be civil and use respectful language. Disagreement does not mean you should act rudely.
Which is arguably already contained in what >>40 says and what is also on every page: Remember to keep it cozy!

What do you mean guidelines? Aren't the mods just there to enforce the rules? I think a public log of mod-removed posts would be nice.

>no swastikas,hammers and sickles or any other political logo
Why not? Political discussion is already not allowed
>Politics makes for toxic conversation and should be avoided at all costs.
What would be the added benefit of banning political logos? More importantly, how do you determine what a political logo is and what not? Would posting a picture of Richard Stallman be forbidden? What about the GNU logo?


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Can't we wait with the rules until stating them becomes necessary? I vote for the slack solution of >>40.


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I agree whit >>40 and >>44

We don't have big enough community of new people that would break are comfy rule

When we get to that stage where lot of new people come every week then we could introduce some traditional rules


Im with this one too.


>Do not accuse another anon of being a shill/JIDF/SJW
If it weren't for the fact that SJWs specifically go out of their way to control and subsequently choke communities to death, I might agree. If we're going to ban saying "SJW" then we need to go ahead and ban SJW bullying upfront. That means anyone trying to push a politically correct "code of conduct" or a "harassment policy" needs to be banned on sight.

Personally, I have seen that heavy-handed moderation is what destroys *chans. Once being free to have a discussion about pretty much anything (even if only in /b/) goes out the window, the place is toast and the users start moving elsewhere. Of course, zero moderation is just as bad as strong moderation, so the key is finding a balance that cuts off the flamebait and egregious trolling without curtailing overall freedom of speech.


Let's go with >>40 for now and see how that works out.


What about moving unrelated threads, such as non-comfy on /lounge/, to the correct boards, are you going to do that?


I suppose very un-comfy threads should be moved to /hell/.


Seisatsu you are going to ruin the word comfy and the site

just hands off, don't fuck with peoples posts. stop deleting stuff or lock it so people can't post.


The other mod was the one deleting stuff, Seisatsu hasn't deleted anything(that I know, at least), just moved threads like we had agreed should be done.


We should make a rule declaring that good content must be posted.


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There's literally no need for other rules other than this
god bless this sushi roll


This thread is not comfy.


Let's just keep it simple:

Subjects that you would avoid talking about at family get togethers are banned

Any form of activism is banned


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For the sake of a little perspective, these are all the posts for the last two days. Bans aren't really for the best right now since we're such a small community. Being small is a good thing though! It's a careful balance, but we can always talk to Seisatsu about what should be moved. He may be a moderator, but he's still a roll just like us, and we all share the responsibility of encouraging good posts.

Then just post something comfy sushi!

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