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/yakuza/ - site meta-discussion

the sun never sets on the sushichan global crime syndicate

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• Embeds Supported: youtube, vimeo, dailymotion, metacafe, & vocaroo.
• Max. post size is 10MB / 4 files.

Remember to keep it cozy!

We are taking submissions for original "file deleted" thumbnail art in this thread.

File: 1571952911571.jpg (104.04 KB, 750x747, IMG_20191024_224921_816.jpg)



It looks like you block posting from TOR.

I can understand the reason, but, I think that it's a little bit unethical. TOR is a perfect way to pass through government firewalls and keep the path of your journey on the web in secret from ISPs, server owners , government and others.

Maybe we could find a way to allow people to use TOR and enjoy such a cozy board at the same time, please?


i don't like for robots to know what i like. those things are mine and they are special. thx


Absolutely not. I understand why you want it, but unblocking tor or proxies in general completely annihilates our resistance to spam attacks and malicious users by making bans impossible. Can't do it. As an imageboard we have an unlimited number of enemies, human and otherwise, which are only held at bay by our proxy blocking features.


make me account and let it post from tor :))


Kohlchan makes tor users crunch numbers for ~15 minutes to generate a temporary pass. It seems to have worked reasonably well, before it was implemented they used to spam the board like crazy.


I'm also here to complain regarding tor. I'm not sure what/how you've implemented tor blocking but I was able to make 2 posts yesterday via tor before getting "tor posting is disabled". Also I was able to make one post here like two/three weeks ago via tor and when I attempted to make another one I got the tor is disabled message. So, whatever you implemented in order to block tor posting, it's not working correctly and I'm not seeing much spam currently. I'd also like to bring lainchan as an example, if they get spammed by a bot/malicious user they disable tor posting for a short period of time. Alternatively use a (LIBRE, FREE AS IN FREEDOM) captcha like 8kun or whatever >>755 suggested, I don't post on kohlchan so I don't know how their captcha works. PLS SEI, PLS ITAEME ;7;

This post was made through tor, check the IP if you don't believe me Sei.


Just to make my point I'm posting again with the same tor node


I wonder if I can make a third post, well even if I can I'll stop now. You can clearly see that I'm posting through tor.


What we have right now uses a DNSBL blocklist, which isn't perfect. However since we've just enabled captchas to fight CP spam that was still getting through, I am willing to give this a try. Proxy blocking is now disabled. If this causes problems though or ends up getting abused I'll turn it right back on again.


Unfortunately, the captcha system appears to be broken; I can't make a new thread as an admin with it enabled. This software is really showing its age. I had to revert my earlier changes.

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