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/yakuza/ - site meta-discussion

the sun never sets on the sushichan global crime syndicate

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• Embeds Supported: youtube, vimeo, dailymotion, metacafe, & vocaroo.
• Max. post size is 10MB / 4 files.

Remember to keep it cozy!

We are taking submissions for original "file deleted" thumbnail art in this thread.

File: 1606067290986.jpg (29.82 KB, 414x310, sushichefs.jpg)


Hello sushi rolls!

Lately the moderators have been finding unacceptable amounts of rotten sushi left out on the floor and tables during their off-hours. Obviously it's time for some new hires to fill in the gaps!

I am now accepting Janitor Applications! As a Janitor who loves Sushichan, and ideally a person with a stomach for dirty work, your job will be to clean up bad sushi (cp or spam posts) and annihilate (permaban) the offenders who are almost certainly killer robots disguised as honest patrons of our establishment. Janitors who perform admirably might even one day become moderators! (Currently there isn't much of a difference, but I hope to change that soon as well.)

If this work interests you, please answer the questions below and email your responses to the email in the email field, that field that everyone knows emails aren't supposed to go in ever.

1. Why do you love sushichan?

2. How long have you been frequenting this establishment?

3. How often do you think you can scan the /kaitensushi/ board for rotten sushi and killer robots?

4. What is your timezone, and what are likely to be your most active hours?

5. Are you willing to stick around in an IRC channel most or preferably all of the time? This can mean leaving a client open on your computer and checking it every so often for new intel and instructions.

6. Why do you want to be a Janitor? Why do you think you would make a good Janitor?

7. Can we rely on you not to get heated and overstep your specific Janitor duties with the powers entrusted to you?

8. What is your favorite board and why?

9. What is your favorite kind of sushi?

Thank you everyone for sticking around through these troubling times! Questions about the application process can be sent to my email address.




I'm glad to see some applications coming in! I should be able to get to these by Friday or else early next week.

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