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/yakuza/ - site meta-discussion

the sun never sets on the sushichan global crime syndicate

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There's a site called sushichan.org that I had stumbled upon. Weird site, says you were hacked or something. I checked the source code of the website to see if something was hidden inside it, like something that automatically downloads something to your browser, but nothing was really found.

If you've not considered it, keep in mind multiple domains can be bought like sushigirl.com, sushigirl.net, sushigirl.org, sushichan.com, sushigirl.net, sushichan.org, etc. I've seen this site been called sushichan, and I'm just a person who happened to associate that name - rightfully so, as this is a chan - with the domain.


If anyone was to google sushichan, this site would be the first to pop up


Dang, yeah I'm not surprised people snatched up some of those, thankfully there's nothing except a joke on it. It would be a little too expensive for me to buy all of them.


Makes ya think tho. Is this one da fake?
Whddya do the original owner ha? Post proofs.


I remember trying to get to sushichan and a website for an actual restaurant or sushi bar showed up. Maybe that was it?

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