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/kawaii/ - cute things


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Remember to keep it cozy!

We are taking submissions for original "file deleted" thumbnail art in this thread.

File: 1730414097491.jpg (315.02 KB, 1200x1440, GbOJPn1akAInSOl-orig.jpg)


For all the trick or treating cuties.


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Lots of awesome art this year but that's every year if you think about it.


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Even learned this dude's birthday is on halloween.


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Kikuri my beloved drunk TEASE of a wife with an axe lodged on her head, it's obviously a prop but I don't want to risk a ban for public indecency on our first outing outside /lewd/ so spoilered.


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Very charming witch, though I think she'd be all about preserving the pumpkins if she's green/garden/nature-themed.


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The anti-flooding mechanism of sushigirl dot us remains an annoying mystery to me.


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They need to draw bisky more in her HxH 2003 version but I'm not complaining.


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A TON of idolmasters in halloween-themed outfits, but that's to be expected. Specially Koume.


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But obviously the idolmaSTAR of the night is my beautiful wife Takane.


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Even Yasuna jumped on the bandwagon (not that she wouldn't).


File: 1730415326242-0.jpg (3.48 MB, 2894x4093, GarwjZaaUAAsV_2-orig.jpg)

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Guppies on the prowl also.


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Even glasses DORKS turn into sexy little imps.
Truly a terrifying night.


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Yuzuko with a safer less creative disguise after what happened last year.


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There's also this big trend to do a mummy cosplay and apparently the bandage shops weren't expecting the massive turn-out and there wasn't enough bandage to go around.

These girls must all feel pretty silly.


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But still, witches continue going strong.


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Ya know, I was really shocked that there wasn't a halloween thread up and that I had to do it. I do so much for you people and I never get my dues (not even a simple "thank you so much, you're the best poster in the entirety of sushigirl dot us past, present and future, and I live in awe at your genius and magnificence").


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Mima in the garden of irrelevancy and vamp Goldship literally and metaphorically carrying Mejiro McQueen.


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There's usually a truckload of Flandre halloween art but this year I ran more into Remilia.


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But it's not like there was NO Flandre at all this year.


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Are you the person behind Girls Band Cry thread too? If yes, then you are the best!!


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It's fine, they're lesbians.


no special halloween show ;__;


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I'm better than THAT guy…
Like at least 10 times.


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I bet you can't tell which touhou this is.


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The indignation just keeps on increasing.


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Dullahan touhou holding her head. Don't wanna offend anyone's sensitivities so spoilered.


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That's it for now (unless I spot pics that I missed). Happy halloween.


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Love Darkstalkers!


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happy halloween everyone


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