File: 1730414473046.jpg (Spoiler Image, 2.78 MB, 2488x2480, Ga1hWp7bcAAn7Cp-orig.jpg)

Kikuri my beloved drunk TEASE of a wife with an axe lodged on her head, it's obviously a prop but I don't want to risk a ban for public indecency on our first outing outside /lewd/ so spoilered.
no special halloween show ;__;
>>2453I'm better than
THAT guy…
Like at least 10 times.
File: 1730417433613.jpg (Spoiler Image, 818.53 KB, 1000x1500, GbBkF_HbQAEpm8I-orig.jpg)

Dullahan touhou holding her head. Don't wanna offend anyone's sensitivities so spoilered.