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/kawaii/ - cute things


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Remember to keep it cozy!

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File: 1742004341892.png (3.1 MB, 1366x1366, mid pyro art no2.png)


what do u guys think of my fat pyro fanart :3

i'm not really into fat stuff myself but i would love to cuddle with a big character like this.

weirdly enough this is a lot fatter than what i would be interested in irl

but i don't really like real people anyway…


i am a real person… why dont you liek me T_T


i like you.


File: 1742017993114.png (3.44 KB, 579x30, ClipboardImage.png)

art's fine i suppose. not something im a big fan of really. i like the colors


wtf where did you find this


i might. send a picture of you in your most fashionable outfit, with good hair? then we'll see


File: 1742037173505.jpg (193.38 KB, 1051x1500, GkSwIqSXAAAvKRr.jpg)

t-there you go


one reverse image search led to the post a post on the pyro sub with this image. just looked at the account that posted it after that.


ok cool :3

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