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"Man cannot remake himself without suffering, for he is both the marble and the sculptor." - Alexis Carrel

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 No.632[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Let's talk about the books/manga/etc that you are reading.

I'm halfway through After Dark by Haruki Murakami and I'm loving it, already bought another 3 books from him to read after this one
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jan Sushi o, sina kama sona e toki pona la ni li pona a. toki pona li musi mute tawa mi.


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Reading So I'm a Spider, So What? as my first manga and I've been enjoying it a lot. I just think the spider is so cute and I love seeing her do stuff, doesn't really matter what it is.
I've been chewing through the volumes so quickly that I've had to force myself to slow down so I don't hit the end too quickly.

Does anyone have any recommendations for similar things to dive into when I run out of volumes? Doesn't have to be isekai or fantasy, just things with the same style of humor.


Been reading 1984 recently, honestly it's alright nothing too great. I think it's just fine, really it doesn't do anything for me. I'm close to finishing it so I'll see if my opinion changes but most likely not


I listened to an audiobook with actors speaking my native language and with sound effects, no music if I recall correctly. It was amazing, I was really impressed. Story was much more powerful this way.


I usually don't listen to audiobooks often since they aren't really my thing but maybe I'll give it a shot, thx

Finished 1984 yesterday, I think I realized I liked the beginning and end quite well but not the middle so much, it's purely a me thing as I didn't care too much about the relationship between Winston and Julia but I get why it's there. Overall I liked its themes of anti-authoritarianism, mass-surveillance, & the eventual downfall of critical thinking ("doublethink", "newspeak", "thoughtcrime" etc…)

For the classic books I've read, I prefer Fahrenheit 451 over 1984, but 1984 is still worth reading imo.

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I couldn't find anything like this in the catalog, so I'll be making a general art thread! Post art you like in this thread. No other rules or genres. Just art you like.
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Symphony of the Sixth Blast Furnace, by Evgeny Sedukhin, 1979

I'm really fascinated by massive works of industry and I really really love this piece.


This is Soviet right? There's something hauntingly beautiful about it. Industry is the god that failed.


Very Warhammer 40000


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So much beautiful art in this thread. If I may be so bold, can some of you post the name of the artist for us plebs that want to look it up?
Attached are pieces by Amazio Komeko and Zakirsiz.


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Let's post our favourite movie of all time or a great movie you recently watched.

I'll start.

My favourite movie is Kubrick's Dr. Strangelove. The movie is amazing, very funny while maintaining the seriousness of the topic. [spoiler]The Coca-Cola part is fantastic[/spoiler].

Another movie that also really like is Persepolis (yeah, I'm reposting from the .tokyo thread). It's an animation film that tells the story of the author during and after the Islamic revolution. The art is quite unique and the main character is lovely!
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Maybe I'm a nostalgia victim, but I enjoyed the 30th anniversary Power Rangers special. Kind of dumb and campy as you'd expect, but it was cool seeing a lot of the actors back together.


I completely get what you mean. It’s just… something about it. The way movies like this “feel” are special.


You gotta watch the longer cut of the film, they left out a lot of good stuff out of the shorter cut, but also the longer cut as-swell, someone needs to make a new cut.


The Leopard by Visconti
call me pseud all you like i don't care, it's a masterpiece


I absolutely hate Persepolis. Its propagandistic and full of exaggerations.

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What're your favorite books?

I could perhaps be called an artsy snob for this, but one of my absolute favorite novels is House of Leaves by Mark Danielewski. I've always found the concept of labyrinths to be fascinating, as well as that of the inherent uncertainty in the image of reality presented to us by our sensory perception. This book features those two themes quite prominently, and explores them to a depth I've not seen in any other books I've yet read.

This next one might also reflect questionably on my character, but nonetheless I greatly enjoyed American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis. I've struggled a lot with recurrent depersonalization, feelings of dread, and a general impression of isolation from those around me. Since the book addresses all of that, it resonated with me in that regard–though, not so much with some of the other stuff it describes.

I also love tons of H. P. Lovecraft's and Jorge Luis Borges's work, but those are predominantly short stories, not novels.
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Been reading Kallocain by Karin Boye lately. I read slow so it takes some time. The main character's hatred for his boss is hilarious to me, since the boss is my favorite character. -w-
I vivdly remember a passage where a police chief was trying to weasel his way into arresting an innocent woman who had been tricked by the state in order to test a truth serum. The sheer evilness suddenly struck me as something very real, and I could feel something like this happening in that very moment. What a thrill!
Anyway my favorite book is probably A Tale for the Time Being by Ruth Ozeki. It got me into reading again.


The first thing that comes to mind as my favorite book would be Master and Margarita. I still haven't found a book that made me feel quite like this one, it's hard to describe what that is.


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This thread made me realize I barely read any non-fiction besides manga. I love Tale of the Bamboo Cutter, Ihara Saikaku's books. Jin Ping Mei, Dream of a Red Bedchamber and Journey to the West are great too. Carnal Prayer Mat is just good nice porn. I've read al-Suyuti's porn and that's good too. The poems of Sadi, Hafez, and Bedil are amazing. The Old Testament and the Quran are nice, especially the final surahs at the end which have a beautiful flow to them. I'd recommend Kuwaidan for anyone who hasn't read it yet.

When it comes to dense stuff, I like post-secular and post-development stuff and Middle Eastern/Asian philosophy.


Not a novel but an anthology. I recently read The Apex Books of World SF, vol II, and some of the stories were fascinating. While a few were betrayed by translation, I feel, or just generally weak, there were some genuinely beautiful and haunting pieces too. I'm definitely interested in a lot more African science fiction now because of it.


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Really liked The Magus by John Fowles

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Hello, sushi! Lately I've been craving some really cute moe SOL manga. Can I get some recommendations? (bonus points for 4koma, shoujo-ai, yuri)

Examples: Komi-san, Watamote, Comic Girls, Senryuu Shoujo.
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>>430 I'm sad this has ended, thanks for recommending this all those years ago sushi. It was a fun ride.


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Futari Escape (life escapades…), Gu-Pan! (bread), Mirai no Fuufu Desu Kedo? (tiny blond tsundere girl is tiny for several more chapters), Neko Kissa (catgirls), Tonari no Youkai-san (cat turns into nekomata surrounded by loving family), Umiiro March (cute girls go diving/fish?), Matazoro (teen girls repeat a grade), 2Ljk (2 homeless girls bond outside of school)

Bonus: Touhou - Atai to Gensokyou

I recommend you check out most works by Dynasty scans.


does anysushi have moe boy manga recs?


I wish there was something similar to Shoujo Shumatsu. Girls travelling the wasteland without much point to it just hits well for me.


I can see that no one else has recommended it yet so let me start by warmly recommending Ayakashiko!
It's a cute story about a serious girl who has youkai friends of many different kinds. Together they create all kinds of antics but also have comfy times together at home. There aren't any prevalent male characters but there isn't any real yuri either.
This manga will soothe you when you need it. -w-

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I've heard both good and bad things about this show, should i watch it? what is your opinion on it sushi roll?
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What forced romance? I remember there was only one scene… Other than that I liked how they didn't force it at all when other shows would've used her character for a "romantic interest" character.


wasn't this just an ad for kali linux and psyop people into the "ethical" "hacking" cybersecurity profession?


I'mma say what everyone is saying: Season one was amazing - I didn't watch it after the second season


>and that just didn't fit. They never built up into it
It absolutely did, you just weren't paying attention enough.


>just an ad

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Wound the Earth to make a house.
Heal the Earth to make a home.


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spelunking through the horrors
unable to ascend
as I plunge down the depths
calmed by fluffy tail

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Gaze longingly upon Perfideous Simone, Chicken Manfred. Your duck-billed chicken beak will never sample its fleshy fruit cheeks. Yes, yes - I am smiling to spite the shame you must feel in this, your darkest moment. Curse you, Perfideous Simone!

Though my hands are socks, I shall hold your feathered body in a gesture of consolation.
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That night, cradled by socks, Chicken Manfred dreamt.


He didn't bother to remove his surprisingly tiny yellow boots. Nor did he wonder how his chicken feet fit within them. No - he dreamt of Perfideous Simone!


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…and a little bit about the time he caught a glimpse of Gertrude's cloaca…


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…but mainly he dreamt of Perfideous Simone!


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And He dreamt of Clouds, which are the portent of many things.
Most moist above sea,
Breaker of stone,
Irrigator of mulberry bushes,
Dwelling of the Flappybara.

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Do any of you Sushis like fashion?
Are there any designers you like?
I think my favorit desingner is Iris van Herpen.
Her dresses look so other-earthy and natural :D
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Speaking as a casual enjoyer of fashion, I find myself having a lot of difficulty with finding clothes that have Good Fit on me as well as Good Designs. Often it is one or the other and it really stresses me out since I believe I do have cool tee shirts, it's just that their fit on me is kinda lame and not all that interesting.

I also find it even harder to find well-fitting clothes as a transushi. If anyone has advice, I'd like to know how to dress more femininely or androgynously whilst having a male build. I have a difficult time finding clothes that are comfortable, feminine, and still look good on my male body. I plan to start medical transition soon, so my needs are likely to change but some parts of my body will still remain very male for a while before I achieve a girlier shape. So advice would be appreciated whether that be buying guides, blog links, or even certain brands that can help with achieving androgyny.

Is that Connor?

If you're looking to get into fashion (albeit casually), I'd heavily suggest hovering around fashion magazine websites, fashion youtube, and others to find out what sort of looks and aesthetic proclivities you find yourself getting into. From there, you can use sites that have major focus on aesthetics like Pinterest or Tumblr (though they're both kinda shit for different reasons) to create inspiration boards that'll help greatly in dressing nicer.


>I think another difficult aspect is finding the right places to wear things that aren't casual.
Imo, dressing for the occasion is overrated if you're dressing up. If you like dressing in a formal way, there's nothing wrong with going out like that.
If you still don't feel comfortable with it, then try to coordinate your outfit by using more casual pieces with the formal pieces being the main focus. Chapter 8 of If You're Gonna Dress Up, Do It Like This talks about it a bit, i mention this manga because a lot of what's in it may match your preferred aesthetics.

Nothing wrong with that, but it still may be worth to take a look into some introductory fashion concepts like color coordination and silhouette just to wear what you find comfy but in a way that's more visually appealing.

Since you like a baggier and androgynous look, you may like Garcia Ventus (The Rosen Rot) as a designer, fashion writer and inspo collector (her pinterest and twitter). Unfortunately she doesn't focus much on femininity which is what you want the most.


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> you may like Gracia Ventus (The Rosen Rot)
> she doesn't focus much on femininity
I took a look at her own personal blog and her instagram and she does have a style that I really fuck with, though it's often a little too monochrome and simple for my own personal sense of fashion, I prefer to wear complex textures in earth tones almost all of the time. Though I used to know someone who dressed almost exactly like her that (fittingly) was far more focused on androgyny than I was. Still finding great inspiration in her stuff though, thanks for the recommendation.


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this is so adorable i kinda been a passive enjoyer of the fashion since a friend of mine ranted about it since they hate furries apparently, cool aesthetic, delicious drama and cat fighting, its def something i love seeing it from the far, pic unrelated


1st one is ita…

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Heya, sushinons, what's your opinion on Homestuck? And the ship Johnkat in particular?
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Hey, newroll, we say "sushirollymous" or just "sushi", not "sushinon". Hope you enjoy your stay!


I will say sushinon from now on.


Any suggestions how to get into Homestuck? I've started it a few times, but I haven't been immediately captured since I had no clue where the story was going


Just read acts 1-4 as normal
Or you can just put on a YouTube video that has voice actors dub it


I dropped Homestuck during the part where Calliope and Roxy were talking to each other and this part lasted maybe a year+ because the comic's update schedule was so slow. Also, because I dislike Calliope as a character. I like HS though, as a setting. The skaians/exiles were my favorite characters.

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