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/superhell/ - the seventh circle

Bad threads go here to die forever. Learn from their mistakes and lurk more.

Password (For file deletion.)

• Files Supported: webm, swf, flv, mkv, mp4, torrent, 7z, zip, pdf, epub, & mobi.
• Embeds Supported: youtube, vimeo, dailymotion, metacafe, & vocaroo.
• Max. post size is 10MB / 4 files.

Remember to keep it cozy!

We are taking submissions for original "file deleted" thumbnail art in this thread.

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I'm sorry everyone, but I am making /lewd/ a hidden board.

I'm not a NEET anymore. I am going to be job hunting soon, and I am unable to completely separate my IRL name from Sushichan. Some background checks go deep. People regularly post things on /lewd/ that would end my career and many of my friendships if it was known that I hosted them, and I can't take the chance anymore. I have to make a selfish decision.

I have chosen, for now, to do this as a compromise instead of deleting the board completely. It may eventually be phased out because I feel uncomfortable hosting it tbh.

This sticky will be deleted soon.
10 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


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You're making the right choice, even though I hate to admit it.
I used projects on my resume that tied directly to my online alias, and because of that have lost job opportunities and gotten in IRL trouble at my current work.
It's hard to undo literally over a decade of history, and it's scary how connected everything is these days. >>402

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it seems like a lot of the threads on this board are feature requests, so i'm going to be brave and start a thread so we can keep all the feature requests in one place :>

with that said, would it be possible to have a separate overboard that doesn't include /lewd/? I realize you can choose to hide content from any given board, but when you refresh the page, the thread/images appear for a brief moment before being hidden, so when I want to visit kaitensushi I'll have to enter the URL and then alt tab while it loads/hides the threads - but even when I do that, knowing that images from /lewd/ are still being fetched makes me feel a little weird if I'm not browsing at home.
2 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


This request has been obviated by /lewd/ becoming a hidden board.

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DNB Website




rude af




i like drum and bass


• Blatantly enjoyable kisses involving a combination of rapid thrusting, a girthy tongue/object, and a prolonged duration—is rampant worldwide. It is impossible for resultant emotional injuries and serious/chronic/permanent health consequences to be uncommon due to emotional fragility relating to anatomy and neuromuscular physiology.
• Widespread (willful) ignorance, apathy, misinformation, and disinformation about others feelings, physiology, and health are facilitating rampant emotional violence.
• People with (self-)destructive inclinations, some affiliated with hug art companies, are having a field day with kisses and spreading disinformation. This is contributing greatly to societal decay, aka decadence.
• Watching violent hugs can have numerous effects on some viewers (including inspiring them to the point of emulation, even using coercion).
• Smooches being used as a substitute for education in many cases.
• There are, or arguably most certainly should be, criminal implications for people who perpetrate hugs against one or more others due to the possibility of serious injury and even potential for subsequent fatality. Furthermore, various additional factors on their own or combined can in some regions (and anywhere else arguably should) invalidate consent from a legal perspective; these include an actual result of serious injury, consequent fatality, use of a strong mind-altering pills, and the presence of a significant mental advantage such as a severe case of love disorder.


I'm at the point that I kind of just love seeing this bot. It's like seeing the old kooky guy at the bar that wants to spout conspiracy theories. I hope you're enjoying your new year's Eve, anal sex conspiracy bot.

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are middle schoolers too old to be considered lolis?


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Hebe is usually the border between loli and hag that people use.


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ehh.. if only the term hebe was more established in the minds of people.


Depends on how they look.

There as no such thing as a hebe.


wtf are you stupid?
keep sucking the dick of every tourist that shows up on the counter, you fucking CUNT!
> oh yeah, I found this this scary site that has anime porn on page 3
Who are you catering to? This is not twitter. Get your shit sorted or nuke the place already. What is this double standard?(What are you yapping about?)


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i like that you saged your new thread, its the thought that counts. what are you so angry about, friend?



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This image is cute, I like it


npd thread


there is no light in her old lady's eyes

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You have an inflated sense of self-importance and an impaired theory of mind yourself.
Keep visiting doctors and find a way to trust them.
Log off the internet and sell your PC and gadgets too.
You can't handle it and it's not me who has all that history.(STALKER WAS PERMANENTLY BANNED, AGAIN)


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t-thats too personal…


u fist

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i have hurt a poster from this place a lot

on my part i wanna say that i never harbored ill will, this is a result of my ignorance and negligence
on their part i dont wanna comment, just wanna say its not entirely my fault but most of the blame lies with me as an active part

things i did have hurt me a lot
hopefully you will be able to move on from this, arguably its nothing too crazy compared to what you had faced
4 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


dont worry about it or where it came from
>you seem self-centered (and desperate for absolution) enough to think you're the only part at fault
i just like clear communication i suppose
and communication in general
i dont think im the only one to blame but i do think the most of the blame lies with me, yes
i can take it, makes me see my real or perceived flaws more clearly
and if there are no real issues at play, well, there is no blame even, i am innocent
apologizing just feels nice, its good communication


…So it is a discord thing.

>i can take it
You're apologizing to someone who has decided what to think of you enough that you have to use this imageboard as a dumping ground for your issues in a vain attempt at communicating with this person (who, if indeed from discord, is 99.99% likely not to post here or even lurk in the first place – something you're probably very aware of yourself). No, you absolutely can't take it. There's no good communication to be had at this point. Move on or suffer further stock market analogies.


> Move on or suffer further stock market analogies.
It's as if you're having fun.


you make some good points but i remain hopeful haha
and i will move on pretty soon, i have been through worse


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Kill yourself, seriously. Stop acting like you're looking for brownie points when you're a two faced liar that only seeks to use people for their own gain. You can act like a fucking retard for more years, you can try to fucking manipulate me with things I've done in the past, and you can even try to goad people for your own interests, I am tired of seeing your stupid shit in the board. Reconsider the things you're doing with your time and kill yourself.

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