this is obviously a made up issue, and frankly i'd be surprised if the three loudest apparent complainers are more than one person. The reviews were obviously not doing any harm - certainly less than the needlessly aggressive complaints about them - and were starting some discussions, and many people including me liked them. the criticisms of them being too provocative are especially laughable compared to who's making those points. Perhaps reviewroll just needs to ign it up???
>when a roll makes obnoxious reviews in order to laugh at the reaction
>in order to upset the fanbase.
>Glad he also posts bait threads and troll threads on 4chan, that's just a huge plus, and him derailing a once in a decade thread
literally take your meds
I am too tired for this shit and just disappointed and sad that something like that happened on Sushichan of all places. Looks like I should take a break from the Internet, always some fool around to come up with something that isn't even a problem.
Elsewhere isn't here. Besides this show me this elsewhere, you are claiming shit and not backing it up. He admitted on posting them on 4chan /a/, where they rush to page 10 and posting them on TC, where they get no reaction at all. The same goes for here. Look at this thread and the last one, almost never somebody reacts to his stuff. If he would like attention, your so called reaction, then he would have stopped long ago. Every idiot knows trolls stop if you don't feed them. He isn't a shitposter, he just shares his opinion. I don't like his taste, so I don't like his opinion, but at least he fucking behaves. Sure it would be prettier if he would take it to MAL or wherever, but on a board called otaku you are allowed to talk stuff like that. By the way I never wanted that type of discourse, in my humble opinion there should be a thread called reviews or something, but whatever.
Same as above, he almost never gets a response, if he would want to make a fanbase angry, then he would have stopped long ago and before that he would have tried harder to make people pissed. Besides this he would review way more popular stuff in order to get a response. This guy has also been around since a long time and Sushichan has been doing good despite that. At most he would ruin one single thread and if something harmless as this ruins a thread for you, then you don't belong on a imageboard. Again, same as above, you make a claim and don't back it up. He didn't derail anything, he has done that countless of times already and never something happened until now a certain somebody had to start crying because of nothing. I would honestly rather read 10 of his reviews than 1 post of yours, that much regarding contribution. You also compare linking to other sites with crossposting, which are not the same thing. By the way you reek of same fagging.
Just report and ignore, this is just flamebaiting/trolling at this point
Pretty sure he ruined and derailed an Aria thread for the new movie over on /a/, linking his review and then calling all those who disagreed with him cultists. I was looking forward to having a decent Aria thread for once and that's what happened. And if no one seems to agree with or like his taste why tolerate it, and as an aside who made him the unofficial review guy?
This thread is not really for reviews but the discussion of non-current anime and yet the thread is dominated by his long-winded blog-posty reviews splattered every few posts, so they are bordering on off-topic in my opinion, and as stated by me and others above there are alternative sites for him to post reviews like these. Sites actually designed for this type of posting.
If he wants to share his opinion without all the score non-sense that's different but to format it like he's posting on MAL rubs me the wrong way. He should write his reviews on MAL and link those while giving a brief overview imo, then those who dislike his taste don't have to see his reviews every time they go on the board.
Anyway, those are my thoughts, and I won't post anymore so as not to further ruin the board, in fact I won't post on sushi anymore. Having a roll like that around just bothers me for some reason.