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/lounge/ - sushi social

don't forget to smile :]
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Shouldn't it be "Kaitenzushi"?


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It gets better.


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Touch starvation is real. Hug somebody you love.


i wish i could hug someone


I will hug my pillow imagining its you.


Pronunciation-wise? Yes, it should be. It's an example of rendaku.
Spelling-wise? Not necessarily. For comparison, in the Hen Zemi OVA ED they clearly spell 変ゼミ as H-E-N S-E-M-I.


I got a puppy! He's been amazing so far and is a really quick learner, I love him


In the movie Shawshank Redemption there is a famous scene in which Andy plays opera music over the PA system. It's a very beautiful scene.
I learned the record used was made in 1968, despite that scene taking place before at least 1963. And now I'm disappointed.


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I wish I had something interesting to post but I don't.


Woah sushi! What's his name?


Happy Friday, sushis!


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my life has been so busy lately
but not in a bad way


I got my jellyfin instance + reverse proxy up & running… Now onto to calibre-web, if you have better alternatives please update me :3.


I am… eto… japanese goblin.


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You? A goblin? Interesting. Hey, do you really kidnap human and elvish women as often as they say?


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39 => Sankyu


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cultural war destroys my internet


When you walk backwards, you fall easily.


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looking forwards to seeing cicadas this year


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Half of 2024 is over? How did that happen? All I did was read D-Frag.


Ahhh.. don't remind me!


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no puede ser…


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You have Frieren's sense of time ?


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It's been a while, sushiladies and sushigentlemen. Updated my webpage. My progress log for Hsushi roll is finally up to date.

I opened my webpage three and a half years ago and at that point I already had plenty of exercises under my belt. Only two and a half years later did I begin writing the progress log and by then I had already completed the first volume. The longer I took to get it up to date, the wider the gap became. So I decided to put new exercises on hold, which became a convenient excuse to procrastinate. And now here we are. Out of excuses. Considering the exercises that lie ahead, the progress log may be getting its final updates soon, but who knows how it will go. Staying positive is important (it's the only way I can even come here after committing but failing to keep a japanese diary… That and not giving up on all these delusions after it's already been so long), so I'll work hard enough that it gets plenty more updates. Exercise #60 will always be the goal.

Summer promises to be heated, but I'll try to keep my cool and focus on progress for once.


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I have decided to take one hour of my busy schedule every day to post on sushigirl dot us.

And it's not just gonna be random imgs or making /lewd/ good for once.

I'm gonna be a contributor!
…Starting tomorrow.


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Neat, looking forward to your contributions.


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I am now a dart frog owner






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Easy on the sarcasm, big guy.


That was not a sarcasm, I refresh this website 20 times a day. I love it and I love new posts.


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what a nice frog


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Half the people I know tell me I have beautiful hair.
The other half ask me when I'm cutting it.

Who should I trust?


the ones who want to cut it are jelly.


I wish to outgrow imageboards entirely someday. I'm not sure why I need to save so many internet pictures for posting in places where it may get seen by a handful of people before it gets deleted.


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I should go outside more….


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I had a friend who was going down the neo-Nazi pipeline because of his love of WW2 imagery so I sent him footage of East German NVA parades. Now he's an unironic neo-Stalinist. Sigh… I give up.


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It's probably because you don't know anybody IRL whom you could share these pictures with.


that is not it at all. I don't want to know anyone irl who bothers with imageboards


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That's sad, I want to know you better irl.

Today I thought about how far apart people and information really are despite thinking we are close to people and information online. We feel close yet we couldn't be isolated more.

This. 🫂


Surely imageboard posting is not the pinnacle of social interaction, I actually want to have a real life now and grow beyond chatting with 18-early 20s who think this is all there is in the world.


What makes you think that there are such people?

I think it's not too great to prefer isolation to human interaction. If you are disgusted of others having a limited idea of life, it could be you who opens them to the greater idea.


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You do realize that a plenty of people who post here are past their twenties, right? I think that you're making up a dichotomy between posting on the imageboards and having a real life. You are probably free to enjoy both. Besides, the real-life chatter among friends and colleagues is often non the less, if not more so, silly.


My initial post is for me, personally, divorcing myself from the culture of imageboard posting entirely. What more can I say


I'm 29, and a friend I made from another ib is in his 40s with a family. Don't forget, you're here forever.


if moot can leave, so can I.


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10am on Wednesday… I get a notification that a friend is booting up Elden Ring. Lucky bastard.


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I arrived early at work and almost had to wait for the door to register my chip. Two ladies were waiting at the uncompromising door. As I got closer, one passed her chip one more time and the door suddenly chimed them inside.

As we headed inside and I turned into a corridor, one of the two ladies walking with me said "Only 4 hours left till the week-ends, eh?"

I don't understand this kind of small talk. I know of course that Friday is shorter than the other work days. I replied with a relieved "Yes" and searched my mind for something to follow up with, but the silence grew way too quick to say anything else. Besides, I was about to reach the escape door to bring my bike inside the building.

I wonder what I will do this after-noon. I will probably draw.
Today is going pretty well :)


what are you drawing? :0


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Welcome to the office life, soon you'll be cc'd on all the "Mondays, am I right Garfield?", "Wednesday halfway through the week", and "TGIF" memes that certain people never seem to get tired of. If you're extra lucky, some middle manager may take it upon themselves to send out "inspirational" quotes to keep everyone motivated!


Azumanga Daioh the anime the game 64: game of the year edition

Out NOW, exclusive on Nintendo 64


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That's called wavelength adjustment.


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White to play


I am predicting Rd8 N7 … Rb7+ Kxb7 Qxd7+

there there should be mate in max 3 moves


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I confused this thread with chess thread… also love my deck.


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Next step in Teto's dream is to transform the bread into a sandwich


Sounds like a lot of work…


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I don't know how to mate from here but I can swipe some material!


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I want to marry lady who is leading my dailies, her voice and how she speaks is the cutest ever.


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I think it's possible for black to save the rook by sacrificing the dark-squared bishop.


Oh true!
Well either way, black will be left in a hopeless position.


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ahh yukari my lovely wife so beautiful she is my wife YUKARI who is my wife so beautiful aaah


I want to eat your wife


I eat her out on the reg already.


omg thats so cool wanna bang my wife


an hour at work is so much actually… that is if you focus on your job and not check sushigirl every 30 minutes


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Being cozy is good for your health.
Stay cozy sushis <3


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good morning sushichan


You get used to it


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Got my hair cut


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My dad being a thoughtless drunkard probably saved me from sharing his fate. If he tried to be better there is a possibility I wouldn't find alcohol so disgusting now.


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Holy SHIT someone posted secret alien vids on sushigirl, we gotta let the world know(NO, THE TRUTH NEEDS TO BE HIDDEN)


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Today is the birthday of a cultural icon. A woman who carries with her the weight of a powerful dynasty as if balancing a mere feather on the tip of her fingers. Someone made to be in the center of events, who the spotlight years for. A true champion and a star the likes of which come down to us only once in a generation.

Happy birthday. This is TENDOU MAYA.


happy birthday to her!

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