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don't forget to smile :]

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 No.18467[View All]

Shouldn't it be "Kaitenzushi"?
204 posts and 154 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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sakuya yes legs yes sakuya yes sakuya legs thighs yes legs sakuya yes yes sakuya bare thighs yes sakuya sakuya legs yes thighs legs legs bare yes sakuya legs yes cheeky smile


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i love schizoposts


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I'll have you know those are a perfectly healthy, normal reaction to the prospect of having your face smothered between sexy Sakuya thighs.

In fact, where is your reaction to them?
Might you be… Crazy?


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>Might you be… Crazy?
definitely. crazy in love with much sexier being


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That's great! Would you rather have unlimited bacon, but no video games



unlimited. games.

and no games.


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In love with a rat…
Yup, throw this guy in the loonie bin…


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Oh nom nom


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I like the days where I try hard at work. I feel more energetic than I would if I was slacking off.


wow what is she looking at there


snails love cucumbers


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Truly, a team's greatest asset is communication and also paying attention to where the enemy are located on the map. I feel bad for europeans because I see them complain when they get matched with russian players and half the team can't communicate with each other.


I've had that expression a couple times in my life


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Thinking about deep important thoughts currently.


Whenever I see any gay content online I mentally remember this one chart I saw that graphed (fictional) gay couples into "gay yaoi for men", "gay yaoi for women", "straight yaoi for men", and "straight yaoi for women" and I always want to bring it up to my friends online but I don't because I know 100% for a fact they won't know what I'm talking about.


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what the hell. i know that chart


there should be an extension that hides youtube comment section for popular videos or upon detection of the popular jokes


My job blocked comments on YT for security reasons, so I don't even check them now out of reflex. My YT experience has drastically improved.
At home I also use u-blocker to hide recommended videos and the front page.


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I like to read some comments, in particular decade old ones or on very niche topics. The comments on popular videos make me want to cancel my internet, though. But what I don't miss things I don't know of, so maybe blocking them all is not a bad idea.


hooooold on for a second, how can yaoi be straight? :3


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Yaoi for straight women is easier to explain. The men look a very specific way and they often look very similar to one another within their media, like how boyband members may have a similar look to themselves.
Straight yaoi for men is harder for me to really explain but the examples I've seen of it has always been from media that either have homoerotic subtext rather than being explicit. Like maybe Batman and the Joker or something. I know someone online who has a better eye for straight yaoi (for men) because he's a heterosexual fudanshi but I don't really understand it all that much.
It's even harder for me to pinpoint "lesbian yaoi" which always throws people off when they see that phrase. You just know when you see it.


I never had a yaoi phase, but I was chronically online as a kid & I know exactly what you're talking about. Even weirder is when you can tell a mainstream piece of media was written by someone who was or is pandering to straight woman yaoi fans. Even weirder when the gay couple is 100% inspired by fanfiction tropes.


okay, thanks
overall eh
i operate under the assumption that yaoi represents the homosexual relationship
its understandable how yaoi could be for homosexual or heterosexual women (though i suppose i never thought about what lesbians would like in yaoi and WHY they would watch it of all things - since they are lesbians and are not supposed to be particularly attracted to men as opposed to heterosexual women) - the yaoi is there to satisfy the heterosexual desire
but (likewise i guess) it's completely beyond me why a heterosexual man would have an interest in yaoi. if it's only an "implied" (like with the "yaoi goggles") yaoi when there is actual no homosexual relationship in place then i do not think it can qualify as yaoi, because there is no homosexual relationship
though if it isn't about the target audience and more about aesthetic to which some imaginary audience is attributed, then it kinda makes sense. tho again eh, gachimuchi is gay, i wouldn't want to call it "straight men yaoi", there is nothing straight about it. likewise, homoerotic subtext isn't enough to qualify as yaoi but even if we accept it, the heterosexual men wouldn't be the audience of that aesthetic, as opposed to the straight women in the opposite quadrant - i suppose it's a bit of a logic degradation overall, like, one could see what you are talking about but it shouldn't be presented like this at all then and no, i cannot get behind the wording of "lesbian" or "straight men" yaoi at all

also on a related note, what kind of "category" would a trap yaoi (like crossdressing, feminization) fall into ? gay men ? straight women ? what if it's something like shota on shota ? yea, i know, super pervy


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Bisexual yaoi? I don't know. And yeah don't take these characterizations seriously. None of it makes any sense at the end of the day.


straight women/gay men yaoi aesthetic categories (which perhaps come together with real audiences much like shoujo/shounen manga does) do make some sense tho, like there is nothing too strict about them but maybe some real people could fall into them (as in the audiences for them)



Straight women yaoi: the men are all pretty boys.
Gay men yaoi: the men look like actual men, but cute and squishy.
Lesbian yaoi: the men look like scene girls.
Straight men yaoi: the dudes look like dudes, but love each other in ways that could pass for bromance.


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You cracked the code. Incredible.


mmm, what's the difference between a scene boy and a pretty boy?
i feel like there's a lot of overlap.


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ableton has some nice sampled libraries of brass woodwinds and piano


Aesthetic, really. Scene boys are dark and brooding, while pretty boys have very bright blushy exteriors. But yes, some scene boys can be pretty.

Also I said scene girls, not scene boys.


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Played some of my worst matches in Deadlock today. Although some of it wasn't my fault (teammates throwing, leaving, AFKing at spawn type shit) it still feels bad to lose at a team-based game.


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There, there, sushiroll. It's okay to lose some games. If you're having a rough time, play some comfy single-player games to recoup.


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Any of you here read the sorrows of young Werther?
Feels like he's literally me. Or, I'll be literally him


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that image is so true


reality is a prison for the mind


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Without reality, the mind can not exist. Is a prison still a prison if there is no outside world, no alternative location, to escape into?


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here i am allowed everything all of the time


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i freakin love ai chatbots… <3 learning lots from them


What is there to learn?


cafeful, they lie a lot.


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Slow day…


The IT crowd summarizes how my first internship was. My team was a collection of 40 year old dudes who had no idea how to talk to a 20 year old woman. "It's almost like she doesn't know anything about computers" was probably something they said to each other constantly lol because I knew nothing about tech.


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I stumbled upon this video and realized that, even though I have some basic knowledge, I have no clue what kind of chord EbM9 is, and how to play it.

I asked Copilot about it, and it broke it down for me. This sparked a two-hour conversation where I asked about different scales and musical patterns, how chords are built, and what intervals they are made of.


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It's sweet knowing someone famous (who I used to be a fan of) in a groupchat I'm in. Cool guy too.


I spent the entire day styling the hair on a life sized doll I owned.
I haven't been so focused in years, it's kind of scary. Is this the power of Moe?


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leaves are turning :D



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Dork SPOTTED in /kawaii/
Suspect wears glasses and is EXTREMELY awkward


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kowarete iru no? kowarete iru yo?
sore demo iki wooo shitaiiii, shitaiii
kimi ni miete ta no yume no you ni saigo no
kotoba mo tsumaru yooooo errorrrrrrrrrrrrr#####

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