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 No.52[View All]

So since the whole lainchan drama happened are we still going to be affiliated with lainchan dot ORG instead of the new .jp one? IMHO we should stick to our roots and stick with .org
85 posts and 18 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I'm thinking that both sides made mistakes that led to this situation, and we should probably disconnect and let them figure themselves out. This whole thing seems kind of toxic and I don't think the discussion in this thread will resolve to a conclusion with a satisfyingly large majority.


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Yeah, I think we should just drop affiliation entirely. Maintaining the quality of posting we have is more important than anything else.


>I'm thinking that both sides made mistakes that led to this situation, and we should probably disconnect and let them figure themselves out.
Figure out what?

>This whole thing seems kind of toxic and I don't think the discussion in this thread will resolve to a conclusion with a satisfyingly large majority.

Where is this phantom toxicity?

You just don't want to have to make a hard decision. That's what administrators do. You shouldn't have signed up for the job if you couldn't.


It's illusory that just because there's two choices I need to choose one or the other. Aren't you now going to recommend your favored choice while half the users in the thread are recommending the other? Otherwise, why do you want so badly for me to choose between one or the other, when choosing neither may be the healthiest choice for our community in the long term?

Your last line is a fine example of the phantom toxicity surrounding this event. People from both sides are on edge and it's spilling over into this thread. After all, it's just weeks after a major community schism. I don't want it to spill into the rest of the site. I will try to make the choice that makes everyone here the most comfy. That is Sushigirl's number one priority. Choosing neither is not avoiding a decision, it's making one.


Since there are no further arguments after three days I will go ahead and remove the affiliation.


I really don't think that would be a good idea… Sushichan is small as it is, having a few more people around wouldn't be bad at all. The post quality is very high and the atmosphere unparalleled, but I'd have never found the site without the link on lainchan. Lately I've been looking for more small chans to browse, and coming up mostly empty-handed, precisely because none of them advertise at all.
So while I see why dropping the lainchan affiliation might be a good idea right now, I also think we should find another one to take its place.


>Things seem pretty calm on lainchan.jp at least.
That's because they are deleting posts instead of sending warnings, and because people don't bother posting on such a small chan.
>funny lewd.sx had the complete opposite experience.
Of course they have. It might be because Melancholy is staff at lainchan.jp. At least was from the start, and I assume he still is, they are just not claiming that for this reason.
>Some people will say that lainchan.jp brought this on themselves, or they had only gone a -little- too far. Those people are just looking for something to complain about.
They used their power as admins and redirected whole lainchan.org to lainchan.jp (and they claimed that they didn't do it for a few days, they didn't realize their activity was logged) and you claim they are just minor complaints about them? "We are stealing your userbase, thanks" is not really comfy.

I enjoyed it here from time to time even if it was very slow, but it's just not very comfy to turn your back on people.


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I did notice the link on lainchan, but it wasn't until I saw someone talk about this site and the atmosphere here that I decided to go here and see what it was all about. What got me here was word of mouth, not the affiliations. I didn't even really notice the affiliation until after I got here.

Probably not true for everyone, and there probably won't be as many new people, but I think this site will still get new users, even without the affiliation.

Offtopic: Could someone please tell me why my posts keep getting discarded? The error says my post seems automated. Are there some key words I should avoid?


Gonna go ahead and second this. I don't come here because the user base is large, I come here because the user base is comfy. I hope it stays that way and I think spreading by word of mouth is a good method to that end.
Hiding this thread now, cause it's politics & unfortunate. I have other places to think about things that are unfortunate.


I came from a /late/ thread under the promise of comfy. Even though late was affiliated I never noticed until someone mentioned this place.

Word of mouth is inefficient but also one of the best filters.


the right move, probably. the ".org" side was completely flooded with uncomfiness from larger chans, some of which was starting to spill over here, and the ".jp" side is tied up with some sort of radical politics board, so there's potential for uncomf there as well


I agree with this. Getting any more involved in this whole mess can only hurt sushichan. It's a little sad, since I found this site via lainchan, but it's for the best. I'll still stop by here, sushichan really is the comfiest place I've been to.


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Seisatsu a cute. A CUTE.


I don't get it tho. If Kalyx sold the site, why are some people still supporting him in a way it sounds like he was coerced into selling the site?
This whole thing really is confusing to me, but I never visited lainchan that much anyway.
Polite sage because the matter has been resolved


Didn't know about all this drama, this stinks. I just want to enjoy some comfy little imageboards.


What Happened, in 5 minutes (as witnessed by an unbiased third party):

1. kalyx makes a /civ/ board. /pol/ people start migrating in. things start to get a bit messy
2. kalyx has no money and feels forced to abandon ship. acts over-quickly because prone to emotional act bi-polar
3. sells to the first person with money ($5000), somebody no one had heard of at the time (appleman1234)
4. this appleman turns out to be middle-to-high-functioning autistic. a mostly nice guy at heart, but constantly frustrating and being frustrated by people because he can't understand them / interact organically with a community. does things like spontaneously hiding all the boards until people "take him seriously"
5. meanwhile the influx from /pol/ continues at a fairly constant rate. more and more related uncomfiness
6. kalyx regrets making /civ/ and uses admin privileges to delete it. appleman reads this as a behind-his-back power grab and starts to get more paranoid. kalyx is removed from staff entirely.
7. appleman takes an "all actions must be approved by me" stance. starts postponing any decision making to an "AGM", a general community meeting thing scheduled several months in the future, with a "dress rehearsal" and other weird overly-bureaucratic things
8. several months after taking over, appleman tries to gain access to the server control panel. a password reset email is sent to kalyx, who's address is still associated with the account. kalyx decides to wipe the server contents because he can. appleman has no off-site backups, and the site is left with no boards or content.
9. appleman decides to postpone any board restoration talk until the AGM thing, which is still more than a month away. most of the staff are completely fed up at this point and either abdicate or start working another site they see as a replacement. since all the site is packed into one board, all pockets of comfiness disappear as people are confronted with the /pol/ people.
10. the new site semi-working, two remaining staff with admin positions cause links on the old site to redirect to the new site. this lasts for maybe an hour or two, but is enough to get everybody's attention. many of the people looking for comfiness who haven't entirely left yet move to the new site instead. these staff are removed from the old site, obviously.
11. drama starts to escalate on "both sides", with the /pol/ people seeing this new site as an easy target to hate and some people on the new site posting mean banners etc. the new site associates itself with a radical anarchism board, and a few people from there start to trickle in.
12. /pol/, wants it picks somebody to hate, has a hard time stopping. kalyx decides to associate with the new site and starts posting on the old site to rile them up even more. probably a few other people do as well.
13. at this point, appleman is impossibly paranoid. he starts indiscriminately deleting things, moving things, banning things, etc etc. the /pol/ people start getting upset at him for doing it. he pushes them all to a containment board and hides it from the rest of the site. he also starts witch hunt interrogating individual community members / denying his own actions / etc.

14. Seisatsu a cute

so yeh, no recovering it at this point, basically


That's a horribly biased description. I'd correct it, but I've had enough of this mess.


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I don't understand how everyone's reasoning can be taken seriously. Why are we supposed to base the decision on 'hypothetical' and 'potential' uncomfiness and invisible 'drama' that isn't happening. There is nothing uncomfy about lainchan.jp.

It is obvious they haven't even been there. If they have been, they'd realize that there is absolutely no drama or politics. There are probably valid reasons not to affiliate with lainchan.jp, but they haven't appeared in this thread.

If we want comf and lainchan.jp has comf, why would we not want to share comf? This decision makes no sense to me. Why pass up this opportunity over non-issues? Why not reach out to make other affiliates as well for that matter?


People are just mad about some decisions of .jp (particularly the link hijacking and they taking the name "lainchan").
IMO .jp > .org because .org is a soykaffest.


Just to state the obvious, people involved with either of lainchans can and probably do post in this thread. Possibly trying to sway things in their favor.


Once I can use both sites for some weeks I'll re-evaluate my decision. Currently I'm switching antidepressants and don't trust my judgment enough to think I can really absorb the situation in both places, nor do I have much energy to do so. I had hoped for some consensus among Sushichan's users to lead my decision making but there is none. I am left to make this decision by myself.

I do think it's good anyway to wait a while longer since I suspect people from both sides are still upset. It hasn't been long enough for everyone to stop caring enough for me to choose one side without some backlash. I think whether I chose .org or .jp right now, many of our users would feel sour about it. Best to let it calm down more and then take a look at both sites once they've had time to re-establish themselves after the schism, with shifted userbases and different staff structures. Each site's true nature will become more visible with time.


I am worried about this as well. This sort of meddling should also wear off after a while.


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Well whatever you choose to go with I don't really care. As long as it doesn't leak out of this thread it's really a non-issue locally.

I am in contrast with others it seems quite pleased with how you're handling the whole matter. For whatever that's worth.


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Tbh not getting involved is the most sensible decision right now, imho.
Let's just wait until one of the factions sorts stuff out.
Threads here are going fine lately, we are still a few rolls posting but as long as the userbase isn't stagnating we don't need new blood.


qt edit


I just saw a post in one lainchan that got my blood boiling. Came to realize that this drama is even more harmful than it seemed at first glance.
Better to stay out of it all.
What happened in the past with kalyx and itamae is no longer valid and imo the affiliation should be revoked.
Not that I really cared and actually I found this place thanks to lainchan.


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You mean this, right? https://lainchan.org/q/res/3741.html

Yeah, it's infuriating. The (new) owner of .org is making it a safehaven for pedophiles and refuses to even acknowledge the topic.


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Why yes, I sure do agree with you and other few individuals who also want sushichan to become affiliated with .jp.


>The (new) owner of .org is making it a safehaven for pedophiles and refuses to even acknowledge the topic.
It's obvious that's not the case. No official statement has been made yet.

It's also obvious to me that people may be using this as a new vehicle to criticize Lainchan, but that's crazy, right?


>It's also obvious to me that people may be using this as a new vehicle to criticize Lainchan, but that's crazy, right?
>lainchan.jp exists
>therefore all further criticism of lainchan.org is invalid
Also lainchan.jp couldn't have had lainchan.org implode any better if they tried. All of these wounds are self-inflicted. Appleman has no one to blame but himself.


Wow, that is kind of disturbing. I get the whole free speech angle but it's also super risky to let those kinds of subgroups hang around your site. Looks like he won't take any action until he finishes drafting his official response. Let's see what it says.

If .org becomes a haven for all sorts of creepy shit we can never give them back the affiliation.


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I've been on chans since 06 or something, and I've been looking for a chan without bickering, where people speak in good faith, and users, admins, and mods behave maturely (RIP iichan's scenic route.) The fact that you elected to distance yourself from what seems to me, an outsider of sushi and lain, to be a car pile-up with different stories from each driver, is extremely promising to me. If this place is really as comfy as you all seem to indicate, I might have found a new place to call home for a while. I wouldn't worry about lost traffic from a lack of affiliate links or anything of the sort. I'm sure this place will do just fine.


Even without the whole pedo thing, if you look at the whole site it's really uncomfy, not even because of politics anymore, but all the constant neverending drama and the fact that virtually nobody respects the owner.
It's best to stay out of the whole thing. The place is starting to resemble 8ch more and more each day.


All of this drama is on lainchan.org. Why should this affect our decision about lainchan.jp? That's like saying we can't affiliate with lainchan.org because they were originally from 4chan. Where they come doesn't matter. What they are does. And if lainchan.jp is comfy, isn't that good enough?


I'm really sorry to add to this terrible argument, but I think it's better to have no affiliation. Even if there was no direct uncomfiness from affiliating with one or the other, this unpleasant debate would just carry on. It would be nice if we could just forget about it, especially since an affiliation is not at all necessary for sushichan's well-being.


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It gets worse every day.


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I hear rumors that lainchan.jp is changing their name over this. They don't even want to be related to the old site anymore. I don't blame them. What a shame. I loved that site.


I feel sorry for you comfy bros. As much as lainchan was never aiming for comfy like here it was still a pretty comfy place. Now it's a choice between a place being aggressively shilled or a place ran by the people doing the shilling and it's sad to see that this has spilled over here. Stay comfy.


Seems like an odd choice, considering how adamant they seemed regarding the name.

I agree that waiting this situation out seems like the most sane option. Even if I originally got here from Lainchan before the split happened, and have only ever browsed the .org one after the split.

I'm with >>159 on this one.


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>I'm going out early with my little girl tomorrow

I don't know how to describe my feelings reading this. Disgust, mostly, and fear despite not knowing the poster and being an adult. Lainchan has been one of my favourite places to go since I discovered it. It's not that I didn't know people like that where lurking around me there, of course there where, but the fact that the new owner sympathises with them, gives them an open platform while insidiously issuing ban warnings to lains who oppose paedophilia for posts that would not be considered rule violations in most threads. The community is mostly fantastic, but I don't think I can stay there knowing that the ruler is a defender of, and I'm growing suspicious that he is a funder of, crimes against children. I've already been rejected by the .jp community. They're not the same anyway. They should be, but they're not. I don't know what to do. Nothing has been good recently, on the internet in general. Everything I like is falling apart.

Sorry for the wall of text, tldr pedos are a shit.


That line gave me the creeps too

And that video is absolutely great.


I meant lainchan.org, sorry for my bad choice of words.
Lainchan.jp is pretty cool, but if Sei thinks they're uncomfy I'm not really going to insist.


>Lainchan.jp is pretty cool, but if Sei thinks they're uncomfy I'm not really going to insist.
They are scum and they should be treated as such, lainchan.jp that is.


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This was an issue on 8chan for a while too. Underground pedo sites would link to 8chan as a safe place to go talk, and for a while the pedo threads were everywhere.
>child sexuality
Oh dear lord, it's this bad?
RIP lain.


After all this pedo shit happened I gave .jp a serious shot for the first time but they have just as much drama as .org. Apparently the community is small (understandably) and that's making people doubt the validity of the whole .jp project. It definitely doesn't seem comfy when I visit.


>After all this pedo shit happened I gave .jp a serious shot for the first time but they have just as much drama as .org.



I don't want to discuss this topic futher considering the board we are on, but I think it's important to separate paedophilia as a sexual orientation from actual child abuse. While both are uncomfy to discuss, only one of them is illegal and harmful to the child.

Haven't run into the thread you're discussing about here and from the images posted it looks like it has taken a dangerous turn. Don't know what Appleman1234:s real stance on the issue is either. I don't think Lainchan is the worst place for discussing paedophilia though, as long as things stay on topic and the thread is carefully monitored and moderated.


I'm not sure if /q/ is included in /all/ by default. I've hidden /q/ on .org ages ago too, makes it pretty much drama free.


What? No. I didn't want to bring this here. It's not the place and I'm sorry but I'm not the type to just sit by and let people call the guy a pedo because he bought the wrong imageboard. It's grim and it's gone all together too far. This hasn't exactly been happy fun times from the start but there's a line. Accusations like that are sticky and there's pictures of his face floating around, now wonderfully captioned with "I support pedophilia". He's not perfect, but he's not a pedo and he doesn't deserve that.


Can we just delete this thread already? We have already decided not to affiliate with lainchan.org or lainchan.jp. The drama on lainchan.org is making this place uncomfy which defeats the entire purpose of cancelling our affiliation to them. If you want to distance yourself from the dumpster fire that is that website, you ought to put the fire out here too.


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I was starting to think along the same lines yesterday about the whole situation. We're pretty much done here for now.


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