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Yet another thread >>3309 vanquished by the bump limit!
What are you watching right now, sushi? This one is just for your non-airing anime discussion!


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Ehh.. what makes Elaina so pure, yet sexy?


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This. Mediocre and a bit disappointing. Its basically thinly veiled propaganda albeit entertaining. The visuals and setting were enjoyable, if not exactly unique in hindsight, but overall the show lacks polish. There's a real warmth to the show but it wets the bed with unimaginative camp and the mix of realism and fantasy elements is poorly executed. I can't say I didn't enjoy some moments, but it feels like I wasted a day watching this.


>Its basically thinly veiled propaganda
what do you mean by this? Propaganda for what? kamichu is one of my favorite shows.


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I don't mean that in a bad way. Kamichu is a good show just a bit frustrating at times. I enjoyed it even if I was a bit disappointed.


uoh patlabor


you still didn't explain what the fuck is propagandist about it.


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I've been watching rifle is beautiful in memoriam of studio 3Hz. Cute girls shooting beam rifles in a typical nothing happens show that somehow sucks twenty minutes out of your life in what appears to be three minutes. I was going through it at a rapid pace but then I remembered there is a literal limit of studio 3Hz anime episodes to enjoy so now I've been holding back to the extreme.

Everyone is cute and the power of friendship prevails. If you have nothing else to do, it's an OK watch (as of episode 6).

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