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Yet another thread >>3309 vanquished by the bump limit!
What are you watching right now, sushi? This one is just for your non-airing anime discussion!


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Ehh.. what makes Elaina so pure, yet sexy?


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This. Mediocre and a bit disappointing. Its basically thinly veiled propaganda albeit entertaining. The visuals and setting were enjoyable, if not exactly unique in hindsight, but overall the show lacks polish. There's a real warmth to the show but it wets the bed with unimaginative camp and the mix of realism and fantasy elements is poorly executed. I can't say I didn't enjoy some moments, but it feels like I wasted a day watching this.


>Its basically thinly veiled propaganda
what do you mean by this? Propaganda for what? kamichu is one of my favorite shows.


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I don't mean that in a bad way. Kamichu is a good show just a bit frustrating at times. I enjoyed it even if I was a bit disappointed.


uoh patlabor


you still didn't explain what the fuck is propagandist about it.


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I've been watching rifle is beautiful in memoriam of studio 3Hz. Cute girls shooting beam rifles in a typical nothing happens show that somehow sucks twenty minutes out of your life in what appears to be three minutes. I was going through it at a rapid pace but then I remembered there is a literal limit of studio 3Hz anime episodes to enjoy so now I've been holding back to the extreme.

Everyone is cute and the power of friendship prevails. If you have nothing else to do, it's an OK watch (as of episode 6).


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Take action now! Studies show alcohol can affect hormones and ovulation, making it harder to time sex for conception, and that even light drinking can increase the time it takes to get pregnant.


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I want to make babies with Olivia-san! Enjoying the show very much.


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Asobi asobase is legendary and required sushiviewing. You are taking steps in the path to enlightenment.


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It was perfect - many thanks to the friend that recommended it to me. Now, what will you suggest to watch next? Attached current candidate.


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Well that's not a TERRIBLE choice at least, but if you want to watch a true masterpiece AND be in the know of what all the cool kids are talking about, might I suggest Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online, by Studio 3Hz (namu…) of flip flappers and princess principal fame? There's even a second season airing right now so if you watch S1 now, you're still on time to get with the trend of what Kazuhiro Miyabashi has lauded as "a hyperkinetic kaleidoscope that challenges the mind, sharpens the senses and cleanses the soul (★★★★★)". I really don't see how you can go wrong with picking Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online if I'm being honest with you.


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>native isekai
unfortunately, gonna pass




Solid pick sushi


I can't believe this


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Oh, it's cool. Perhaps not on the level of Gun Gale Online, but I will give it a chance. I really like when they show chibi versions of characters.


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You want me to believe the emperor does not visit her?


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Maomao is so adorable. She can even date the eunuch, it won't bother me as long as she stays pure.


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At this point, I'm only willing to continue this show due to the sunk cost. I should have chosen the soul-cleansing, hyperkinetic kaleidoscope that is Gun Gale Online…


I don't want to spoil anything but the final arc is worth it


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Oh, I was just teasing someone. Definitely seeing this through the end. Maomao flashbacks have been particularly interesting… this show is actually yaoi, isn't it?


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Done. The last arc got a tear or two out of me, but that is not necessarily hard. Ehh… I watched way too much shows lately, all to fill the void holidays presented me.


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I dumb myself down to you people's level and this is the thanks I get…


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You are my favorite poster. Hope you stay dumb with us forever. Thank you..


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I'm working my way through Your Lie In April right now and it's really good!! Usually I'm not super into romance because I'm a MANLY HAIRY STINKY man, but this one is really plucking at my heartstrings. P nice, I like it. About halfway through, I really enjoy how it seems like they both know they're into each other and are accepting going at their own pace. I really hope that qt blond is okay tho, there's some not nice things being implied right now, but nothing explicit has been stated. I want her to be okay :(

It is isekai adjacent tho


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I am presently making my way through yama no susume. I had watched and enjoyed the first season back in like 2018 ish, but i never got through the rest. I'm enjoying it so far, these girls are cute!


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Don't waste your time it's just another isekai adjacent show…


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Go pat Yua Serufu on the back.


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This is the perfect show to watch while curled up in bed, with the window open, letting in the freezing November air.


she looks like the main female character of an anime that gets married to the male MC after highschool.


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it's mygo!!!!! features some atracious voice acting. not sure if it is worth enduring it.


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i will continue it but only for wakaba-san. she is just so perfect and fertile i just cant contain myself.

its wakabe-san impregnation!!!!!


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wow. these girls are all seriously autistic. besides wakabe-san i find nothing pleasant or worthwhile in the show. putting it on hold.


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of course, i picked it up a few days later because i had nothing better to do with my life. the first half of the season was pretty bad, with ridiculous backstories, misunderstandings, and shitty music. the show did have a bit of redemption, particularly in episode 10, which featured girls' band cry. lol. the later songs were much better too, and eventually Stockholm syndrome kicked in, letting me enjoy the characters despite their voices and animations. i guess i can recommend it for the twist alone, but keep in mind that somehow everyone in this show seems to be quite clearly on the autism spectrum.

its wakabe-san impregnation!!!!!


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I was going to pick this up, watch it, like it and then openly and very publicly ridicule you for having bad taste but I noticed this is 3DCG so I'll quit while I'm ahead.


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>not watching 3dcg
ouch. its you with the bad taste.


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I like to watch ANIME (animation) not computer graphics thanks VERY MUCH Mr. gutter taste.

You're watching this isekai-adjacent show?!


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Yes, I am. I've decided to indulge in this silly little show as a breather before immersing myself in the intricate, intellectually stimulating world of Gun Gale Online. A kind sushi above recommended it.


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Always loved SAOA:GGO. I hope you enjoy it when you get to it. Perhaps I should watch Yuru Camp some time.


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Finally! The time has come! Gun Ga- … gonna watch DeDeDeDe. Twin-tails girl is eroi. Random Hidamari.


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Did somebody say TWIN-TAIL? I should rewatch Gonna be the Twin-Tail, it's been a long time…


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>Twin-tails girl is eroi


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Girls Band Cry is like a warm hug.. but not good news I hear about the real life thing. Two girls are on hiatus and the gap between the show and the band grows larger. Apparently they stopped with references to the anime during their concerts. DiaDust will be recast, possibly the two missing girls too.


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DeDeDeDe is ultra-cool. How come it went under my radar? It has super fun characters and light sci-fi drama, a lot of lewd pandering, amazing visuals and nice ost.. gonna finish it tonight.
I will watch GGO next. Promise. I love you.
Twin-tails is csushi roll eroi. See last attachment.


oh wow I loved what I read of the manga, eyebrows girl is super cute


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Yuru Camp… fin! Warm and cozy show. Inspired by it I brought my old friends together and we had a bonfire last weekend. Plenty fun, can't wait for warmer weather to camp overnight as well. Turns out my city has many camping spots along the river. Excited for the new year.

And now… there is only one show left for me to watch…


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Ehh… I don't know about this one. The whole first episode was a parade of the little pink's clumsiness and inexperience - it served no purpose other than to create a cheap contrast with her elimination of a professional squad. I had bigger thrills playing actual battle royale games, and I don't consider them fun by any means. The setup was disappointing to say the least and so was the winning "tactic". Protagonist starting out with a ridiculously overpowered skill of being faster than human reaction does not make me any excited.




Y-yes… the bunny is cute.


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Got around to watching Nichijou, the animation is nice and the show is cute.


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Maybe its time for Hidamari?


I loved Nichijou
Hakase and Nano segments were my favorite


Its always time for Hidamari.


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I didn't expect Hidamari Sketch to be this lewd… a bit disappointed second episode didn't continue winter theme. Judging by the episode names it will return with the last one. I could finish the show on the matching date of Christmas Eve, if only I continue GGO. Also, does it always end with Yuno's bathscene? That is genius…


collection of wakaba-san cute noises and gasps. this is longer than all her lines combined


from what I remember the early episodes especially jump around in time a lot with each bit


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sensei is the best!!!!


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sensei gave me a boner this episode…


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Sensei gives me a boner every episode


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fin hidamari. not going back to ggo. first episode was pretty bad


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Gonna take some days off to watch Girls Band Cry and do some other less important tasks.


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do you like houseki no kuni? :D


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I love it!!


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you too?? yaay !


did you read the manga? what did you think?


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i thought it was scary as it went and i just broke down crying at the end i still wanna cry when i remember it sometimes i love hnk so much but im sad that i only got into it towards the end of its lifetime


I didn't even read the last volume… I liked how the second to last wrapped things. My heart can only take so much…


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its very good even after that but its even sadder than the second to last volume, and the ending itself was a masterpiece
if you get the chance i think you should read it :D but maybe do it on a day you dont have much else going on; i was out of commission for a whole day after reading it, this manga wrecked me…


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Recently finished Azumanga Daioh, Fun show to watch in the evening and wind down, one of the better SoL shows I've seen, the chemistry between the characters and the bizarre moments that drop in outta nowhere is what I think made it great.
Sakaki is best girl, right after Osaka


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I went through Air (2005) recently, it's absolutely beautiful. I feel like not a lot of people talk about it.


Liked the pretty visuals and Misuzu chasing the seagulls at the beach. And the gaos.


I’m watching Bannou Bunka Neko-Musume. It’s wholesome, family friendly, and erotic too.


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