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/otaku/ - Japan / Otaku / Anime

Japanese and Otaku Culture, Anime, and Outlying Samachan Topics

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Remember to keep it cozy!

We are taking submissions for original "file deleted" thumbnail art in this thread.

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 No.330[Last 50 Posts]

We are Ho-kago Tea Time!


They are not hos they are VERY talented high school girls.


zutto houkago


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This place is boring


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Don't really know what is happening on this thread, but have some Yui


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Yui is precious


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Remember to take it easy~


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Who is your favorite? Mine is Ritsu so you can't have her.


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Mio of course!


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I always loved the outfits in this show, it's a shame they never show up outside of the OP/ED and art


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Basically Hunterfags raided K-On threads on 4chan and we're moving here temporarily. Also I enjoyed the Yui


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The moe is getting pushed out by the shounen now huh? How the times change…


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I want Ritsu to be my loving wife. We would cook/bake together and she could tease me when I mess things up and we'd pal around together and play pranks on our friends…


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It was quite the change too considering these past few weeks were the comfiest K-On threads in a while. Especially yesterday


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Naruhodo. Well there's not many of us around here to keep it as lively as those threads but welcome anyways, hopefully everyone works out for the threads there unless you also meet the fate of the GuP and SW series in which case welcome home


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What is Yui doing to that chair?


She's pretending its me, her crush


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WTF are you me?


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I must be. Great taste, me!


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Well, I hope that our dreams become reality one day


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Jun's butt


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Will things ever go back to the way they were?


Most likely not. /a/ is a shounen board now


The times, they are a-changing


I wish we could get comfy here, but I doubt many people will find this place


Go tell your friends!


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Things will calm down after a few days, at most a few weeks. /a/ has been dealing with more bored teens than usual since the lockdown started. They pick some new target to spam into the ground every few days, trick everyone into overreacting, and move on as soon as they no longer get enough angry replies.

I agree that it would be nice if more comfy posters learned about Sushi, but please take care not to link this place in threads that are being raided.


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So… how many of you here have read K-ON! Shuffle? I'm thinking about dumping the first volume on /a/ in a couple hours


Finally watched the first season of k-on at the fourth try like 2 years ago and this time I watched past episode 2 and liked it which means a lot about me has changed. Saving season 2 for a special occasion.


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I've never read it, if you wanna post it you should!
Nice nice. Who was your favorite? Answer carefully.


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Saw your post


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Ritsuposting forever!


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The first time I watched K-ON I didn't really care for it.

I have a theory that the viewers experience parallels the girls' experience. The first watch-through you're experiencing everything for the first time, just like the girls. It's fine, it's okay, it's all a blur; that's life. The SECOND watch-through is the real trip. Now you're looking back on those three years of high-school with nostalgia-goggles, just like the girls. You remember all these events because you experienced them too, from your side of the screen; only now you have the acute awareness of how short it all is, that this period in life is finite, and that it will come to an end. I cried at every episode the second watch-through.

TL;DR don't save S2 for a special occasion, save the re-watch for a special occasion.


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I miss these stupid edits


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I don't know what these mean but Ritsu is making a smug face so it's gotta be smart talk, Ritsu is a genius


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Damn cabbage


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Thank you sushis, this is best thread


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K-On! love will never die!


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Ritsu has gone from my personal worst to first over the course of this thread. What is happening.


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>Had Ritsu as personal worst in the first place


File: 1593502001955.jpg (230.71 KB, 1920x1080, K-ON!.full.413174.jpg)

The man who wrote that is dead. I have been reborn and can only speculate on his reasoning.


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Hope you guys are having a nice and FUN day.



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I'm glad you've seen the light
You too! Though I dunno what I'm gonna do.


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Time to put you back where you belong.



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>What is happening
The Ritsu propaganda is at work. Look at more Yui images to undo it


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First of all, he didn't mention if Yui was his favourite. Second of all I can't believe you're accusing us of propaganda


At last I truly see


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I don't get it. What am I looking at?


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It's not propaganda, it's the truth!


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All Keions are equal, some are just equalier than others


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And there's one who happens to be slightly above the others


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I've spotted a madman!


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Which ones are Mugi's maids and which are Azusa's?


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they are all each others maids


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You see the board in the back? It says "Welcome home" and it has a doodle of me to the right with a heart. This is my home and these are my maids


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I've watched K-ON twice and my favorite keeps changing.

>1st watch-through = Mugi

>2nd watch-through = Yui
>3rd watch-through = Jun-chan (projected)


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Well… let's hope that this one will stay for a little while hopefully permanently


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Anything you guys want to talk about? Nothing interesting seems to happen back at /a/ at the moment


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>Anything you guys want to talk about
How Ritsu isn't best girl


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Lost cause. You can't convince me that she isn't best


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Have you read the manga? Right now I'm on the college issue


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follow-up question: Pick one- Gitah, Elizabeth, or Mustang?


For me the manga was boring and hard to read. Although I'm glad I read it because now I know how haters perceive K-On


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Haven't read all of the original, I dropped it. I have read college and shuffle though. I was disappointed with the direction college took, seemed very bland and the ending was too abrupt. I'm more optimistic about shuffle as it's still ongoing
. Might give the high school one a try soon
Ehh.. I don't know. I like my telecaster.


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>slice of life
>hard to read
How retarded can someone be?


That's weird. I though someone with the capability to read HxH would also have difficulty to read the mess that Kakifly made


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I really thought it wasn't that bad. To be fair though I don't read a lot of manga


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Maybe it's a bit of an exaggeration. For me some parts felt rushed and some others felt like a chore to read through. I'm probably biased because of the anime though


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Also just in case anyone from here missed the reading of shuffle that we did on /a/ here is a link to the archive


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dropping my last couple pictures here, goodbye and goodnight my sushifrens!


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Goodnight and cya later


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The concept of Keions in college is weird to me, so I've never read the manga for that reason. I kinda think the anime is pretty perfect as is and don't see the point in needing more. This kinda ties in to how I feel about a lot of shows and manga, actually. It's easy for people to cry out for more and more seasons of something, but personally I'd much prefer something short and satisfying that gets its point across, instead of seeing something you love drag itself and end up becoming less than its best
Mio sure has some sexy outfits
I don't know how to feel about the tiny hat though, it always looked kinda silly
I appreciate you, Ritsuposter.


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The whole gist for the college for me personally is that I don't see graduation as the end. Life goes on and I'm curious to see how they would adapt to this new environment. Also I just want it to end with Azusa's graduation trip. As far as it having the possibility of it being worse, people deal with it in different ways. I'm more of the type of just ignoring it, others may get anal about it. I'd prefer a suffle adaptation though to test the waters before tackling college.


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My favorite at first was Mugi, then I saw the light of Ritsu. I started really appreciating Yui on my third watch as well. I think right now my ranking would go:
Ritsu > Yui > Mugi > Azusa > Mio



I want to rewatch because I think I'll see Ritsu in a new light now, but it's such an emotional experience I gotta work up to it.


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I'd like to add that the ending of the K-ON! Movie is one of the main reasons that made me want a proper sequel of it. Hearing the girls talk about the future is such an annoying tease that gives the feeling that things will continue, such as Yui saying that they should get more "adult-like" sweets or wondering what's the destination for the next graduation trip (with Yui even replying "Of course" when asked whether they will go). The fact that the camera was zooming out when the girls finally met up with Azusa on the bridge gave me a feeling of being left out


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Why is there so much activity here? Did the board get linked in the k-on thread on /a/? Sama isn't enough for this spurt. If so, please try to respect sushi culture and accept that sushi is not as fast as other imageboards that you are used to, instead of complaining about it.
I also like mYui. I have a lot of those edits saved, i'll probably get around to posting them within a few days.
Me too! I like Mugi and Azusa my first time through but now Yui is my favorite.


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>complaining about it
Sorry if you got that impression from us. We're actually very grateful for your hospitality. Thank you for letting us be comfy here


It was linked in a raided thread which is why you still see a few hunterfags around


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Not sure who this hunter fellow is but I wish him best of luck with his emotional incontinence


I can reasonably assure you that not a single サマ would ever post such atrocities.

Report, hide and ignore.


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I found you guys through the "other chans" thread on Lainchan. I just got here the other day when I made the obscure favorites thread.

Incidentally I visited the irl school K-on was set in. I swear I don't go bragging about that on every board –I've never posted about it– but I'll probably make a thread here when I get around to organizing the photos if that's okay.


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I'd love to see that. I don't suppose the schools in Japan are all that different between each other but it would be nice to see the K-on school all the same.


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You're probably right, and I know (from anime) that a lot of their schools follow the same design principles, but this one is picture perfect.


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That's a really cool shot. I'm envious of your trip. Hope I'll be able to make the pilgrimage too one day


How did you visit? Did you just walk in?


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I didn't even know that it was a real school. Maybe Kakifly even used to go there
Me too. One of my goals is to travel to Japan and I will be sure to go there


It was built 1937 and was an elementary school until 2004. Now the building is almost empty, but the public is welcome to go in. So yeah, I just walked in. Nobody else there. It was rad.


Is this show meant to make you sad? I watched the first two episodes and all I could think was "I wish this was me, I wish I had friends". Is there something to learn from carrying on, or am I just not the intended audience?


The whole point of the show is for you to bond with the characters like actual friends. Maybe try again with a different mindset I guess


Do you get the same feeling from other Slice of Life anime? One of the nice things about fiction like this is you can remove yourself from your real world troubles and attach yourself to the fictional world and characters in the show. But I can understand if it instead highlights them, I dislike romance anime for this very reason, actually. I'd say give it another shot with a clearer mind because it is truly a great anime.


I hadn't seen any other slices of life before so in the time since you posted I watched Sora yori mo Tooi Basho. It's obviously not as good as K-On (and also maybe rips it off a little bit?) but I really liked it, I guess because while I can't go back to school and join a club I technically could end up in Antarctica at some point. In fact as soon as there's a vacancy I'm going to apply for a job there, I'm sure everyone will be my friend when they hear I'm there because I saw it in an anime. I'll try K-On again, I'm feeling good about it this time.


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Ok sushibros. It looks like its time for us to head back to /a/. The pot has cooled and we've been dominating huntertards for a while. Its a shame that not many people seem to post here as everyone just went back to /a/, but I will personally visit regularly


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I'll also stick around here for a while, though I don't think I'll have anything to post. Here's probably my last drop of Ritsu


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Thanks for visiting, I had a blast. Come back anytime!


More than glad to have you guys. Hope we meet again!


The fact that you even had to come here to cold is proof of that


File: 1594171303706.jpg (199.26 KB, 500x700, 45ac45f9d9b09d24d23aa78ab4….jpg)

Hi can we keep the silly fighting from other sites out of our comfy K-On thread?


mugi put a shirt on


Sure, this is supposed to be a comfy thread, no fighting in here.


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Forgot the pic.


The interiors of old schools and government offices and stuff always makes me feel comfortable somehow. Maybe it's the kind of doors and fixtures and things they used to use or just the wear that comes from age. Some kind of secondhand nostalgia.


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Jesus that's glorious. I can't imagine how much time you spent trying to write houkago tea time in flowers. Why is Yotsuba in there?


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That's the collective work of some sushi rolls from /a/. Unfortunately someone has been going around reporting people and getting them banned including the creator of that edit (banned for 14 days for being off-topic, even though he was posting on a K-On thread). So I told him to hang around here in the meantime.


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Hello again K-On people
Ritsu a best


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It was him.


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You ritsufags are indomitable. I'm watching K-ON for the third time and I've been trying to reevaluate Ritsu. I've definitely started to appreciate her more, but honestly the side characters are growing on me more and more. Nadoka and Jun are awesome.


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Our love is all-powerful!
I think she's the one who awakened my love of genki tomboy type girls


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I want to kiss her forehead


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I think Mugi has figured out who the real culprit is


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This thread is making me really nostalgic for times long past
I miss the Keions and I miss how my life was back then


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Make sure to post here if you make any cool K-On vids


File: 1601108361327.png (391 KB, 752x407, 1594831001.png)

Eh? Nobody here is laughing at your suggestion my dear roll, if anything we encourage you. Personally, I don't know anything about video editing so I can't help you on that one.


File: 1601108970360.png (525.84 KB, 587x756, 1600166822.png)

Then I'll think about it. You're going to be the one that makes the first move this time.


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You brought up the idea and I begun the numbering iirc, but it doesn't matter let's not fight over something petty.


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Sorry for sounding a bit abrupt there, didn't mean to


based on what?


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I don't want to brag, what I did was:
The Ura-Ons
The pond
3/5 main keion heads (another sushi roll brought Yui, and I think you brought Mugi, another sushi roll found the source and I isolated her and removed her left hand)
The hands
Mugi's outfit
The curved text
The pond with Tonchan and the TV
And recently the cake, pitcher and the cassete player


There was the guy who made the flowers, the tortoise, the hare, the statue and the frog


Anyways, be seeing you friend. Looking forward to your surprises.


Excuse me, I am the one who cropped Kero-chan and the two bronze statues. Flowers were done by someone else, he just showed up very early on with an edit and left forever. As for Mugi, I honestly can't recall whether I'm the one who found the source but that's definitely not my work.
I also cropped Yui's face. That's all for me though. I did suggest a few characters but I have to credit editsushi roll with actually finding and cropping their pictures.

>Your request looks automated; Post discarded.
I've never posted here before, it looks like a nice place except for this.


Ah, found it:
Wish we could thank him somehow. What an astounding job.


File: 1601145989904.jpg (17.41 KB, 225x350, 1590014933.jpg)

Thank you for your contributions. The statue that edit/a/non was referring to was the statue of William S. Clark (lower left by the pond, where the gnome used to be). For Mugi I remember someone finding the timestamp for Mugi through saucenao, which helped me get a clean screenshot and crop her. I hope flower guy shows up one day so we can thank him.

btw how did you find this place? Did you check out the archive of the last thread?


>The statue that edit/a/non was referring to was the statue of William S. Clark (lower left by the pond, where the gnome used to be)
Oh I see. I was talking about the hare and the tortoise.
Also, someone mentioned Kero-chan should be replaced by the lewd version from episode 25. I could still get a screenshot of that if you're interested.

>Did you check out the archive of the last thread?



>I could still get a screenshot of that if you're interested.
Don't ask me, ask him when he returns. Glad to have you here. Maybe keep a screenshot, just in case.


File: 1601149815971.jpg (567.96 KB, 700x865, __tainaka_ritsu_k_on_drawn….jpg)

I haven't been on the 4/a/ threads, but I just want to say that Sgt. Pepper picture is absolutely incredible. Made my day. God bless, sushi rolls.


File: 1601191158081.png (145.74 KB, 317x324, 1600808096.png)

Looks great


File: 1601266363836.jpg (112.49 KB, 1009x1200, 1600357784607.jpg)

Any news?


Just to be able to make the appeal?


May as well wait it out. The /a/ threads aren't in their best condition now anyway.


Also is the edit done now? Or do you have some touch-ups to do?


So, no more work for us here?


sushi rolls here seem to think it's a masterpiece, so I guess that's a no.


Great! I'll see you back home!


This is our strawberry fields


File: 1601282569577.png (680.62 KB, 800x730, 1600769357.png)

Holy crap, that's a great idea. It'll be easier to do too.


Uh… I'm sure we'll figure it out. Maybe it'll be better if we put them based on pose.


Otherwise it could may be Mugi


File: 1601283570074.gif (1013.94 KB, 500x281, 1364705752006.gif)

I should thank you, for listening and not giving up. I only did what I could for a friend, and nobody deserved that kind of punishment.


File: 1601287352880.png (155.56 KB, 358x335, 1598392282.png)

We shall


File: 1601360534382.png (97.09 KB, 250x250, 1591935393281.png)

I wish it was 2011 again


File: 1601367417073.png (163.53 KB, 370x365, 1598392326.png)

The response might have been underwhelming (for the time being), but at least the journey we took into making it was fun, right sushi roll?




File: 1601409844922.jpg (961.44 KB, 1920x1080, Love.Live!.full.1442325.jpg)

How often does Love Live get compared to K-ON, and does anyone ever argue LL is better? Just imagining it makes me angry.




Never? They're completely different shows.


Why would people compare Love Live to K-On when there's the much more obvious im@s comparison to be made? Hell, I've seen Love Live compared to the Blues Brothers more often than I've seen it compared to K-On.


File: 1601450636536.jpeg (7.27 KB, 148x148, 987549690bdf2df9e42de06c2….jpeg)

My lord, I got proper fish slapped by some sushirolls.

Just 'cause they're both high-school-band-club-shows (okay an idol group isn't a band), and the same guy who recommended me K-ON recommended Love Live. I've never watched it so I have no idea what I'm talking about.


>it was one of the worst anime experiences I've ever had.
Jesus. I only wanted to watch it for Nico, but now I kind of want to watch it just to see if I have a similar reaction.


Love Live was pretty good for what it was in my opinion. It's no K-On, nor is it worth comparing the two. But, I don't think it's a terrible show. The girls are cute, there's some character growth, and the plot of the first season was competent, if not unexpected.



Mugi as the only character whose design didn't change a millimeter in TEN YEARS (a DECADE).

Does this mean Mugi is perfection?


We'll have to prepare that album poll too someday. Any ideas of what songs to put on the top and bottom of the album?


File: 1601716618737.jpg (1.35 MB, 994x1000, 1601283758549.jpg)

I was talking about these. Also wasn't you the one who said that you'd like to have a vote to decide the next edit?


Neither have I. That one troll seems to think otherwise though, his obsession with me is sad.


Huh, the guy just had all his posts deleted, probably banned.


It sure did take a while, he's been on those threads for months. I'm sure he'll just evade the ban. Anyway goodnight sushi roll, I'll begin working on the edit tomorrow anyway.


Episode 1


File: 1602062108146.png (495.49 KB, 1365x768, 14754090448410.png)

My hands are kinda full right now


File: 1602313390963.png (408.14 KB, 544x600, 1598996284.png)

Any progress made? Just asking so that I'll know what to work on.


File: 1602487183374.png (1.31 MB, 1440x810, 1593520031.png)

You had me worried sick sushi. You hadn't posted for days I thought something might had happened to you.


Alright. I'll get to working on the letters though due to time restrictions I think we'll have to work asychronously.


File: 1602578063222.png (4.6 MB, 1482x1482, Magical_0.png)

Here you go.


File: 1602581952756-0.png (4.4 MB, 1482x1482, Magical_1.png)

File: 1602581952756-1.png (323.88 KB, 819x375, magical_mystery_tour.png)

I think we should remake the middle section altogether. Should allow us to have more freedom. I don't know about the songs though.


File: 1602582870117.png (386.19 KB, 494x596, 1599241178.png)

Don't worry about that. Let's figure out which songs to put first and then I'll handle any curved text.


Sure. We'll have to watch out the name length too so that they'll fit.


File: 1602583944185.gif (32.04 KB, 170x170, 1450783536618.gif)

I'm also done for now. Be seeing you sushi, hopefully we'll get a good thread on /a/ someday.


File: 1602664035096.png (4.41 MB, 1482x1482, MMT_HTT_stars.png)

I tried making the stars. If you think it looks good then I'll try to redistribute them more evenly.


File: 1602745926042.png (123.01 KB, 239x348, 1600895134.png)

Thanks, but I don't really feel comfortable being the lead, I think you're the bigger fan here.


File: 1602773597928-0.png (4.44 MB, 1482x1482, Magical_2.png)

File: 1602773597928-1.png (4.44 MB, 1482x1482, Magical_3.png)

I'm not so sure about Ritsu's placement. Let me know what you think. Should I place her somewhere else?


I don't know about making them larger, they may end up getting blurry, I'll have to re-crop them.

The animal costumes go like this
Cat: Mugi
Pig: Azusa
Chicken: Yui
Horse: Mio
Dog: Ritsu


File: 1602829482147.png (22.52 KB, 432x564, 1563160263473.png)

Sure! I'll get to it in a couple hours when I have time.


May as well think up the song list in the meantime.


I kinda wanted to keep it as a surprise. Also the latest K-On threads have been a bit disheartening.


File: 1602836286315.png (4.47 MB, 1482x1482, Magical_4.png)

Here is the version with Ritsu. Had to move the text up a bit.


File: 1602837450534.7z (9.53 MB, MMT_Edit.7z)

Here's the .psd file.


File: 1602838051589.png (153.57 KB, 319x352, 1602666546.png)

Don't worry, I'll try to export each layer to .png and send them to you by tomorrow.


File: 1602838586853.7z (7.39 MB, MMT_Edit_Assets.7z)

Actually, I'm sending them now.


File: 1602917236675.png (1.34 MB, 1440x810, 1596970114.png)

Alright then! Wanna try filling in the bottom section with songs?


File: 1602919126374.png (682.37 KB, 843x672, 1599646767.png)

Nah, I'm just excited. How about Ichiban Ippai for Penny Lane?


Also I'm thinking for Girls in Wonderland for Strawberry Fields.


File: 1602970985109.png (4.39 MB, 1482x1482, Magical_4.5.png)

Here's what I got so far. Should I change any of the songs? And let me know if you need any help with the bottom part.


File: 1602999496826.png (2.13 MB, 1920x1080, 1600808535.png)

sushi roll, I was only working on it whenever I could find time to. Didn't mean to rush you. I was also surprised to see that you made a thread already.


File: 1603000021183.jpg (18.21 KB, 400x400, 1600420192818.jpg)

I dunno. It just feels too soon, also don't want you to miss out since you're busy on the weekends.


You guys are cute


File: 1603053228837.gif (803.81 KB, 448x360, 3532db4a842036472b84629b21….gif)

Eh? How am I supposed to react to that?


File: 1603084281961.png (826.01 KB, 766x798, 1534865671800.png)

Maybe, I'm not very motivated right now to make another edit.


File: 1603090999788.png (2.66 MB, 1920x1080, 1601568707.png)

But I just woke up


File: 1603091922010.png (718.28 KB, 867x744, 1594138758.png)

Thank you sushi, but I've still got my IRL responsibilities so I can't sleep as much as I wish I could. Maybe tomorrow.


File: 1603176179217.jpg (150.69 KB, 1045x1071, 1436603454593.jpg)

No, it's ok. It's not about that, there's no need to feel guilt.
Thanks for caring.


People are just oblivious.



File: 1603221001800.png (2.4 MB, 1482x1482, RSv0_1.png)

Hare's an attempt. Will have to add some necks and probably find a better Mio head. Maybe try to change their clothing too.


File: 1603260268573.png (50.54 KB, 706x1007, beanie_Ritsu.png)

Will do.
There was also another draw your waifu in paint thread a few days ago. Forgot to share my drawing here. Enjoy.


File: 1603304149634-0.png (2.31 MB, 1482x1482, RSv1_0.png)

File: 1603304149634-1.7z (6.6 MB, RS_Assets.7z)

Here's what I got so far and here's the .pngs in case you want to adjust anything.


File: 1603347425536.png (417.54 KB, 540x616, 1603300294.png)

Glad you like it.


File: 1603352181198.png (69.2 KB, 198x211, 1603291337.png)

The current one doesn't seem that bad. I also think that we've overused this place for our purposes, it feels like we're taking advantage of sushi when it's just us two posting and I've been contemplating whether I should continue making those edits. Still if you want to keep hanging around here that's fine.


File: 1603353093317.png (260.13 KB, 426x466, 1603291452.png)

Didn't mean to bring you down sushi. I'm happy that you stuck around anyway… I may be misinterpret things but I hope this isn't goodbye
I'm really not ready to say goodbye


Are you still here sushi?


Please tell me if I said something wrong. If you got hurt I'm sorry.


File: 1603438394578.png (15.22 KB, 76x114, 1603291540.png)

Are you sure?


File: 1603440143374.png (633.28 KB, 787x726, 1598738137.png)

Have you by any chance made any posts back home? We're finally talking a about Shuffle.


File: 1603440893654.png (37.83 KB, 120x200, 1603291566.png)

Well if you'd like to check it out the link is right here >>457. Hopefully we'll get to talk again in a comfy thread. Thank you for the memories sushi.


File: 1603442085481.png (190.86 KB, 380x434, 1603296961.png)

I see. Still it seems your departure is set in stone. I'm going to miss you. I'm happy that we're splitting on good terms.



File: 1603563722160.png (2.5 MB, 1500x1371, HtH6.png)


File: 1603774133205.jpg (72.03 KB, 709x1000, 4dfd6b54412b59070e97bcdb8a….jpg)

I feel I've witnessed something moving in this thread
In any case I hope some of you K-On people decide to stick around here, I'm always happy to talk about the show.




That's a shame.
Mind if I ask what kind of edit were you working on?


Ok if you're that embarrassed about it I guess I won't question any further.


File: 1605039415704.png (3.87 MB, 1200x720, 中野梓生誕祭2020[sound=https://f….png)

Happy birthday Azunyan!


File: 1605078971801.png (3.83 MB, 1200x720, 中野梓生誕祭2020[sound=https://f….png)

Here's a version with a cake an Azufag made


Because it's the most popular imageboard I guess


File: 1605093748439.png (502.26 KB, 603x743, 1603903220.png)

I am the sushi that started that thread and I don't mind if it dies. It's gonna stay page 1 for a while anyway since nobody can post. Congrats on yesterday's thread, it was a blast.

I was barely able to save that thread from that raid. Thankfully jannies actually listened for once.


Nevermind. Everything's back to normal.


I know you didn't start it, but you had the intuition to tell /a/nons to get it going early and also kept it alive for a while.

Lots of deleted posts here.
I was informing sushis how to properly handle the situation. If things got out of hand the thread could get 404'd.


No need to bother looking into it.
Sweet dreams sushi.


File: 1605260802294.png (109.54 KB, 296x344, skeptical_swirl.png)



C'mon now, it was a troll thread anyway. Just give it some time until a proper K-ON thread comes up. For the time being enjoy SHAFT threads.


File: 1605343575826.jpg (51.76 KB, 466x577, 1437364277550.jpg)

God I'm stupid


File: 1605345020065.png (139.05 KB, 319x316, 1598549741.png)

Made a thread that was going well and jannies deleted it because my OP was like a general thread (yeah it's my fault, I don't know what I was thinking). I made a new thread and it immediately got spammed by that one troll from the Azusa birthday thread and jannies deleted any references to my previous thread.


I'm bummed out because it got deleted just when it was starting to get interesting.



File: 1605346548470.gif (199.9 KB, 130x170, 1445184656133.gif)

Thanks sushi. Feeling much better.
Looking forward to Yui's birthday


I finally found the "secret" club


Not that it was really secret anyways more than I was retarded. I found this place by chance after
someone mentioned it in another altchan. And after I read sushigirl it clicked that this was the place
you guys were referring to.


File: 1605762441487.png (2.15 MB, 1920x1080, 1603299902.png)

Congratz for finding out super sekrit hideout. Now you get to read all our embarrassing posts.

Mind if I ask what is this another altchan?


The other altchan was https://4-ch.net/
Its a pretty old altchan, maybe one of the oldest, not sure.
But there's threads from like 2004, so it's cool reading them.


You better make me a member. Or ill expose this place to the rest of /a/jkor maybe not jk


Thanks for sharing. Quite an interesting chan to browse through some old threads, also interesting is the fact that it doesn't have any images at all.


I don't think anyone will care to be quite honest.


File: 1605824573958.png (2.07 MB, 1200x1200, ddajfa.png)

Also here's a little edit I've been working on lately.
Still needs a lot of polishing.


File: 1605913288279.png (2.12 MB, 1200x1200, ddajfa2.png)

Second attempt. This ended up being much harder than I originally thought it was going to be. I'm not sure how I feel about that guitar.


File: 1606112726484.jpg (460.76 KB, 1425x1425, 81r3FVfNG3L._SL1500_.jpg)

Thanks. I'm pretty much done with it. I got the inspiration from that sushi roll that was spamming the Ulrich post. I think I did enough justice hehe to it, but I'd be more satisfied if I could replicate the marble walls and cracks around the logo, for now they're pitch black.


File: 1606471447268.png (3.87 MB, 1280x720, 平沢唯生誕祭2020.png)

Happy birthday Yui!


File: 1606599127431.png (3.96 MB, 1280x720, 平沢唯生誕祭2020.png)

Added a few more offerings that came in late.


The sushi that promised to get the strawberry couldn't get it. Or rather, he eventually got it but offered it personally to her.

Photo was too dark


Nevermind, forget about it


File: 1606728315463.png (101.6 KB, 208x262, 1606694781.png)

When you posted, I sorta got upset a bit and the thread might have been derailed with Ritsus later.
There was also a Ritsu thread that got archived just a few minutes ago, in which a supposed Miofag was throwing bait…


File: 1606729188667.jpg (101.51 KB, 640x512, 1486265643618.jpg)

I've just been trying to make up for the bad threads.


File: 1606729720136.png (160.88 KB, 281x409, 1598697985.png)



File: 1606730349166.png (569.51 KB, 740x653, 1600633781.png)

Are you telling me that Mio was dead long before the club was even a thing?

I do remember a menacing figure stalking Yui just before she got up the stairs


File: 1606731113482.png (153.7 KB, 446x312, 1606341597.png)

Quite the mystery indeed… So many questions that await to be answered.


File: 1607983797323.png (421.87 KB, 580x620, 1607726249.png)

Are any sushis still lurking this thread?


File: 1608023220322.png (308.39 KB, 460x520, 1594128387.png)

I meant sushis other than just us two…


File: 1608027974577.png (452.85 KB, 640x480, 1608027452.png)

Sad that things had to turn this way toward the end of the year. I just wanted to discuss K-On because I like the show that much. I guess I'll have to hang out in Azumanga threads and stay in /c/ for Ritsu for the time being. I think we've passed the bump limit here long ago and other sushis aren't probably aware that we still post here.


I forgot bump limits were a thing and were wondering where the Keion talk went
Don't I look silly right now
You should make a new thread


File: 1608199274379.png (526.68 KB, 658x655, 1599252973.png)

Yeah, it's easy to forget about it considering the speed of this board. I'm kinda attached to this thread, I've been here since its beginning and as far as I know sushigirl doesn't have an archive of the otaku board, so I went ahead and archived this thread myself just in case. I'll go ahead and make the new thread in a sec.


New thread!


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File: 1617879501094-0.7z (7 MB, 17-12-2020_part1.7z)

File: 1617879501094-1.7z (6.98 MB, 17-12-2020_part2.7z)

>so I went ahead and archived this thread
Here it is split into two.

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