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/otaku/ - Japan / Otaku / Anime

Japanese and Otaku Culture, Anime, and Outlying Samachan Topics

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 No.330[View All]

We are Ho-kago Tea Time!
208 posts and 172 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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The current one doesn't seem that bad. I also think that we've overused this place for our purposes, it feels like we're taking advantage of sushi when it's just us two posting and I've been contemplating whether I should continue making those edits. Still if you want to keep hanging around here that's fine.


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Didn't mean to bring you down sushi. I'm happy that you stuck around anyway… I may be misinterpret things but I hope this isn't goodbye
I'm really not ready to say goodbye


Are you still here sushi?


Please tell me if I said something wrong. If you got hurt I'm sorry.


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Are you sure?


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Have you by any chance made any posts back home? We're finally talking a about Shuffle.


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Well if you'd like to check it out the link is right here >>457. Hopefully we'll get to talk again in a comfy thread. Thank you for the memories sushi.


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I see. Still it seems your departure is set in stone. I'm going to miss you. I'm happy that we're splitting on good terms.



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I feel I've witnessed something moving in this thread
In any case I hope some of you K-On people decide to stick around here, I'm always happy to talk about the show.




That's a shame.
Mind if I ask what kind of edit were you working on?


Ok if you're that embarrassed about it I guess I won't question any further.


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Happy birthday Azunyan!


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Here's a version with a cake an Azufag made


Because it's the most popular imageboard I guess


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I am the sushi that started that thread and I don't mind if it dies. It's gonna stay page 1 for a while anyway since nobody can post. Congrats on yesterday's thread, it was a blast.

I was barely able to save that thread from that raid. Thankfully jannies actually listened for once.


Nevermind. Everything's back to normal.


I know you didn't start it, but you had the intuition to tell /a/nons to get it going early and also kept it alive for a while.

Lots of deleted posts here.
I was informing sushis how to properly handle the situation. If things got out of hand the thread could get 404'd.


No need to bother looking into it.
Sweet dreams sushi.


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C'mon now, it was a troll thread anyway. Just give it some time until a proper K-ON thread comes up. For the time being enjoy SHAFT threads.


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God I'm stupid


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Made a thread that was going well and jannies deleted it because my OP was like a general thread (yeah it's my fault, I don't know what I was thinking). I made a new thread and it immediately got spammed by that one troll from the Azusa birthday thread and jannies deleted any references to my previous thread.


I'm bummed out because it got deleted just when it was starting to get interesting.



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Thanks sushi. Feeling much better.
Looking forward to Yui's birthday


I finally found the "secret" club


Not that it was really secret anyways more than I was retarded. I found this place by chance after
someone mentioned it in another altchan. And after I read sushigirl it clicked that this was the place
you guys were referring to.


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Congratz for finding out super sekrit hideout. Now you get to read all our embarrassing posts.

Mind if I ask what is this another altchan?


The other altchan was https://4-ch.net/
Its a pretty old altchan, maybe one of the oldest, not sure.
But there's threads from like 2004, so it's cool reading them.


You better make me a member. Or ill expose this place to the rest of /a/jkor maybe not jk


Thanks for sharing. Quite an interesting chan to browse through some old threads, also interesting is the fact that it doesn't have any images at all.


I don't think anyone will care to be quite honest.


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Also here's a little edit I've been working on lately.
Still needs a lot of polishing.


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Second attempt. This ended up being much harder than I originally thought it was going to be. I'm not sure how I feel about that guitar.


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Thanks. I'm pretty much done with it. I got the inspiration from that sushi roll that was spamming the Ulrich post. I think I did enough justice hehe to it, but I'd be more satisfied if I could replicate the marble walls and cracks around the logo, for now they're pitch black.


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Happy birthday Yui!


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Added a few more offerings that came in late.


The sushi that promised to get the strawberry couldn't get it. Or rather, he eventually got it but offered it personally to her.

Photo was too dark


Nevermind, forget about it


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When you posted, I sorta got upset a bit and the thread might have been derailed with Ritsus later.
There was also a Ritsu thread that got archived just a few minutes ago, in which a supposed Miofag was throwing bait…


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I've just been trying to make up for the bad threads.


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Are you telling me that Mio was dead long before the club was even a thing?

I do remember a menacing figure stalking Yui just before she got up the stairs


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Quite the mystery indeed… So many questions that await to be answered.


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Are any sushis still lurking this thread?


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I meant sushis other than just us two…


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Sad that things had to turn this way toward the end of the year. I just wanted to discuss K-On because I like the show that much. I guess I'll have to hang out in Azumanga threads and stay in /c/ for Ritsu for the time being. I think we've passed the bump limit here long ago and other sushis aren't probably aware that we still post here.


I forgot bump limits were a thing and were wondering where the Keion talk went
Don't I look silly right now
You should make a new thread


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Yeah, it's easy to forget about it considering the speed of this board. I'm kinda attached to this thread, I've been here since its beginning and as far as I know sushigirl doesn't have an archive of the otaku board, so I went ahead and archived this thread myself just in case. I'll go ahead and make the new thread in a sec.


New thread!


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>so I went ahead and archived this thread
Here it is split into two.

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