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 No.8552[View All]

Let's have a thread for friendly ladying about life's little pains.
After 10 or so years of my right jaw clicking when opening and closing, I got a sudden pain and now my jaw doesn't click anymore. Thing is, I can only open my mouth about half of what I used to be able to. Seeing the dentist on Thursday but feeling some despair. Not in terrible pain though, just some soreness.

What's bothering you?
202 posts and 51 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>building an identity around media
That's where you screwed up, media should be a small part of your identity, not all of it.


hi friends
has anyone ever developed sudden caffeine sensitivity?
i used to enjoy a good coffee in the afternoon with no issues, now the past couple weeks weirdly a coffee in the afternoon seems to trigger a lot of anxiety and even a couple near panic attacks.
i got the vaccine a couple weeks ago and wonder if i still have some lingering unconscious anxiety about it.


Maybe the vaccine made you autistic lol


When you form a new identity be sure it isn't built around things. Find what you genuinely care about, be you, you should be your identity.


you joke, but this might be the case
i have been feeling pretty dumb the past few weeks


Reading this makes me chuckle a bit, because in some ways I'm the exact opposite. I came up largely avoiding, downplaying or hiding my inclination to cutesy anime and such. I tried to like things that, while I was not very interested in, I knew people would regard as respectable. Not to say that Anime is my life: I don't spend much time watching the latest shows, and I tend to gravitate more toward non-fiction audio books, but I always catch myself really enjoying Anime, Games, and other such things when I do encounter them.

The details of this journey would be a bit too long and heavy to discuss right now, but suffice to say, being honest with yourself is the best, I believe. Lies, no matter what kind, will always come back to bite you.


Vaccines lack the ability to do that unless the vaccine was doctored, which is inherently a conspiracy theory
In any case, caffeine interacts very strangely with a lot of chemicals you might not actually know you're consuming. Ask a doctor, don't delay on these things. Caffeine is fundamentally both a drug and a medicine in that it interacts with your body state and anything that interacts with your body state can cause problems.


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my symptoms suddenly stopped after 3 weeks and I feel back to my regular old tired self. I guess it was mental after all.


Parasites or a digestive infection or something.
I've gotten high fevers for the last couple nights, and been feeling weak.


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Cut my hand open a few weeks ago. Doctors said 2 week recovery, but because of the position of the cut, it keeps opening back up. Can't do a lot of my favorite hobbies with one hand, so I've been very bored. Still trying to work, but that puts more stress on the wound. Hurts a lot, it often wakes me up in the middle of the night.


Im up to 180lbs from 160. Im pear shaped, and as a man thats possibly the least flattering shape you can be. I need to get serious about curtailing the stress easing and be healthy.


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Not to sound spoiled, but my parents are terrible gift givers. My dad is the more bearable because he doesn't know who I am, but still try to get what I need, he'd get me window cover in a style I don't like for example. I actually enjoy his gifts and use them somewhat. My mom on the other hand doesn't think of anything about the recipient and gives them what she "thinks" they need. Her gifts are random knick knacks or pseudo-science "healing" items. Her worst is how she buys objects without even knowing what they do. She bought a kid a toy addon, she thought it was a stand alone toy, and when they were disappointed with it, thet didn't have the toy or enjoy toys like that, she told them "to cry in their bedroom". She also bought me a "full succulent kit", her words, without reading on the back "plant not included".
It's not the gifts I hate, I'd be OK with random well though out gifts, but how little empathy she puts in them. I can't explain this without showing you who she is, but every gift she gives someone is often something she secretly wants.
I'm used to this now, but this birthday happened after something important in my life and it'd be nice if she put a little effort


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I like to lift weights, only started doing it around September of last year, but December that same year I tore something in my shoulder.
After months of taking it easy and not pushing too hard at the gym, it still has not healed all the way. I can't do full range of motion with it, nor can it lift as heavy as my other arm now, when it used to be stronger.


I tore a muscle in my upper arm about 2 years ago at my job
It took almost a whole year for the pain/uncomfortableness to go away entirely, but it eventually did. Just take it easy and don't despair that it'll never heal.


IMO lingering shoulder injuries are always worth having a doc look at them. It may be nothing, or it may be something that will require months of recovery.

This comes from someone who has a general distrust of docs.


This is something I would get checked out at a physicians. They'll perform an ultrasound to determine what problems, if any, are present. Its possible you may have severely torn a muscle, specifically the rotator cuff which is weakened in most people. Look up "Rotator Cuff Rehabilitation" for some basic exercises you can do.


>>11715 still here
Still feeling like shit.
It's been a week and I don't uite get the high fevers anymore but I instead have a steady stomachache, feels awful. I feel weak and my belly makes me constantly uncomfortable. I can barely eat.
I had some blood tests, nd I'm on antibiotics, but they don't seem to help much. I missed taking a feces test (because I didn't do any) and now I'm considering taking it and going back to the doctor….
I really wish this would end soon.


I can never seem to get through self-checkout without it calling over staff multiple times.
Last time it tried to scare me by showing a clip taken from the overhead camera of me doing what it thought was stealing. Pretty rude.


It's been too damn hot here and I can't exercise like I usually do. Winter can't come soon enough.


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OP here.
After 11 months, I am almost at the end of my bite readjustment treatment. The final step is getting crowns on my molars to make the bite permanent.
I got temporary crowns on one side a week ago and they are extremely sore and sensitive, without improvement. I really, really, hope the permanent crowns are not painful.
Fuck, why didn't anybody tell me this would be so uncomfortable. I am texting my dentist tomorrow to complain.


I know my brother should take most of the blame, but I really want to tell my parents he's failing a large part because of their hands off parenting style. They don't interact with their child until 3pm and assume he's going to be able to control himself on his gaming computer when he's had a history of procrastination/distraction issues. One has a job as an excuse, gets home at 3 gone in an hour until 8, but the other is stay at home and just chooses to sleep until 3 wake up for an hour and sleep until 7. The stay at home refuses to get involved in their schooling because "they don't get it", they don't get it because they were uninvolved for such a long time nothing makes sense. The worker only checks his grades once a month by asking him even when they had his digital gradebook and my brother will lie to look better. Not to take the blame off my brother, but my parents do literally nothing to control him and they get mad when his grades are suboptimal.
I also think my brother has executive dysfunction issues. Again not to take the blame off him, but when he talks to me about late work he tells me he has a giant mental block that stops him from doing it and the only he can overcome it is with close. He knows he's massively behind, but he just "can't get started". I had these same problems as a kid and I know it wasn't just being lazy, but not being to make your brain work without 25 life hacks. I tried telling my father, but he didn't get it and said "just start the task".
Somewhat related, this is my first time writing this out, but my dad "forgot" I was suicidal as a teen. I asked him to take me to a therapist because I was having suicidal urges. He said he would, but a month later nothing I asked him and he was waiting for his insurance. 2 months and he still didn't do anything I asked, but he just shrugged. 3 months he just asked me if I was OK and I should avoid school stress. He never bothered telling me what happened to the therapist and I really think he forgot. I didn't want to ask again on a teen because I knew it'd just make things worse, my problem were due to my relationship with him, but I lied and said school work and know he wont stop telling me "don't be stressed at school", and he would most likely still not get the therapist. I don't know what to feel or do with this memory.


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I had a similar although much less extreme experience with my parents when I was younger. I struggled with severe depression all throughout my teen years and never realized my problem was mental - according to my parents it was always "spiritual" or an "attitude" problem. However instead of talking to me about these sorts of serious issues they spent most of their free time either on house projects or watching TV. Almost every serious conversation I had with my parents was with them watching the TV instead of me.
Not until I was 27 did I realize I had some mental issues and began taking steps to fix them, with some success.

For a while I really resented my parents, eventually I realized they were only human and probably had(have) depression, but since they never believed in it they just carried on with whatever their coping mechanisms were, like distraction with TV (unfortunate for me, though).

Your parents probably suffer from a similar mental dysfunction as your brother, but since they are older its manifesting as inattention to you and your brother rather than falling behind on their own work. Just like your brother might put off work, they have been putting off work on their relationship with you to the point where things are dysfunctional. Unfortunately there is probably nothing you can do about them. Be there for your brother and do your best to guide him towards a better life however you can.


I've been away from a server for nearly a year now that I had part in for several years prior to leaving and I'm wondering if its too late for me to rejoin and try to reconnect.


I think I have some kind of stomach illness. Gonna go to the doctor if it doesn't get better today. Lots of sharp pains that feel like hunger pains even if I've already eaten, and I feel nauseous when I do actually eat.


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The palpitations are back. At least it's just psychological and not because of a heart condition, but it's still uncomfortable.


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been there, it sucks


Why doesn't he just punt the little man.
This is the law of nature.


I feel bad for my gen-ed teacher. She's recovering from cancer, but still has to teach in person and all the kids hate her because 'wah this is a gen ed I don't want to take, it's unrelated to my major, and I'm paying for it'. Never mind the fact 1. We have science related general eds, history of science, critical thinking 101, and career related, ethics in the workplace and 2. Our state has an agreement were if you finish a dirt cheap CC associates you can skip all of a 4 year colleges gen-eds. My main irk is all those clearly digging their own grave, 'this class is so easy I've skipped it 5 times' and 'I don't even read the textbook', are gonna blame the teacher once they fail in December. I know gen-eds are terrible, but just suck it up and try to make the best of it


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i had migraine auras two days in a row
previously i only got one or two a year, spaced out
really annoying


I have an incurable autoimmune disorder apparently. Oral Lichen Planus.
Sucks. Can't eat certain foods anymore. It's not enjoyable to eat these days tbh.
Hey at least I won't get fat lmao.


Damn, what can't you eat?


I eat 90% of food anyways and a good half of it triggers it.
I simply live with the pain at this point. My mouth is covered in white striations and burns, along with many healed scars of previous ones. I am slowly losing my sense of taste in certain parts of my tongue too.

But foods that I know cause it are some of my favorites as well, which sucks: French fries, Walnuts, Salt and Vinegar chips (I eat em anyways), tomatoes, eggplant, a lot of processed stuff, anything gritty, and many others I'm forgetting.


That's terrible…are you seeking/getting any treatment at all? This article suggests that there are some treatments which can ameliorate the condition: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3329692/#sec1-6title


"You're answering to fast please slow down. You cannot proceed for 5 seconds" irks me because 70% of the time it happens is because the answers are super easy. I don't need to ponder "Is this class easy?" for 5 minutes


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My health anxiety is flaring up real bad right now. I have this lump on my jaw that the doctor said was nothing, most likely a saliva stone, but another appeared and I'm obsessing over it. I went back to my old habits of comparing both sides of my body, checking for lymph nodes, and either doing nothing because I'll die soon or trying to do everything because I'll die soon.
I also developed this weird urge of 'magical thinking' trait were I wont click as site or read of book if any step relating to the process that got me there was messed up because if I do 'something bad will happen'. I'll spend minute obsessing over if a noise I heard while getting a book means I should return it. It's not serous yet, but the amount of times those thoughts creep into my head unconsciously is concerning


More of a first world issue, but I'm starting to understand people who spam 'easily googleable' questions on forums. Google and other search browser have become, so shit as of late, more so if you're doing something 'illegal' or non standard, you can't find jack unless you google a really specific phrase or are OK with your question being changed to something more acceptable. Even duckduckgo does this, so I think I'm just bad at searching

Anyhow is any one knows how to dose Polistirex, not rapid hbr, recreationaly based on weight give me the formula. Everything is made for the more rapid one


I feel you sushi roll. I've been having strange pains right below my ribcage, and also haven't been to a dentist in a very long time. I went to make an appointment for both and find myself a primary care provider yesterday but ever since I've been terrified and subconsciously sure they're gonna pull out all my teeth and diagnose me with something incurable that will kill me in a couple years. I know these are stupid feelings and they're what prevented me from going in the first place before these issues got worse, but I can't rid of them.


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I'm tired; how do I get more energy?!?


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I work out. Muscle!


My college has this untreated special needs person who goes to a lot of events and makes it weird. She's a good person, but she isn't mentally capable of living or interacting on her own. She buts into conversations loudly and makes it revolve around odd topics, "you like my key?". Everyone not wanting to be rude or scared of a break down humors her. As the event goes on they humor her with obvious disgust only she can't pick up on and something always goes wrong and she has a mental breakdown, 2/3 of the events she's gone to has ended with campus police being called to calm her down. We have support for SN students, so I don't know why she doesn't get it. A bit mean, but it feels kind of a waste sending her to college when she doesn't get the help she needs. Her career path is 100% out of reach for someone of her mental status.
I've been thinking of her because, no matter how cruel this sounds, I'm paranoid people perceive me as her or I'll get injured and reduced to her mental status. The former is just a generic fear I had that all my mannerisms come off as severely off and everyone secretly hates me. The former has been flaring up, so badly lately I'm getting paranoid to drive lest I get into a fatal injury. I'm not scared enough to no drive, but I'm paranoid. I guess thinking of her is more a reflection of me than her


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The other day I tried to drive my car forgetting I had to start it first and I was like "what if I just forgot you need to stop at red lights." Its scary. I don't get how my brain works, but what can I do…?


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Cities should have less car-centric transport


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get more sleep


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I woke up this afternoon feeling like a large thick iron spike was piercing me through my back, up through my right lung, and out through my chest. It hurts to tilt my upper body in any way and I don't feel like doing anything at all. I'm supposed to be researching for a podcast I'm guest starring on but I just can't get started.
I haven't felt anything like this since I was a smoker, and it's the reason I quit smoking two years ago. I just want to lie in bed and be obliterated.


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I don't think I have a healthy approach to grief. When I comfort people I say that "you never stop missing them but it eventually hurts less". I'm just parroting what I've heard other people say though, it hasn't been true for me. I can only stop mourning when I keep my mind off the loss, if I think about them too much, no matter how long it's been, it feels just as raw and painful as when they first died. It just feels like with every loss a hole is ripped in my life and it's just more and more empty.


I came to the realisation that my mental health influences what I consume to jack off.
If it is in a good condition I use vanilla or don't even touch myself, if it is in a bad condition I use disgusting and disturbing stuff.


>After 10 or so years of my right jaw clicking when opening and closing, I got a sudden pain and now my jaw doesn't click anymore. Thing is, I can only open my mouth about half of what I used to be able to.

I found myself in the same situation a couple of weeks ago, my solution was trying to force it to open a couple of times a day for a couple of days, it opening all the way now but i feel like my jaw is in the wrong place,oh well, at least i didnt have to go to a doctor.

Been feeling a bit down lately, the few friends i have are going out and having fun without me, they arent even talking to me, i dont have the willpower to do something productive, been just watching movies all alone in my room all day.


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My throat has been itching and I've felt a sickness coming on since yesterday. My stepdad got sick so he must have infected me and my mom. Hopefully not with what I think it is.


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Hope it's nothing serious


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On the constructive side, how do I cut someone I share a class with off? I can't say "fuck off" because we have the same class and some friend overlap, so it'll make things weird. I also need constant ghosting excuses because he can just ask me in class. Also want to hang with his friends without him. Also I'm a woman too, also one weaker than him, so cutting him off has a small chance of it ending with violence against me. I need something that wont put me on his shit list
On the vent side my "friend", well he's to much of a dick to be friend now, is doing things that makes him a creep to woman. Every time I mention a female friend he says "ArE tHEy LoOkiNG fOr A rELaTiOnShIp" and wont listen when I say how I don't like him asking that. He says he wont hit on woman friends I bring to hang, but you can tell he wants to. He told a girl they only like their bf because he's white then said it's doomed to fail because it's interracial. He called another woman a whore for engaging in pre marital sex. He's put a girlfriend in an awkward confession situation. He's also asked me and my friends multiple times if I know any woman looking for hook ups and one nightstands which got the same "I'm uncomfortable now" vibes, which he ignored and said "it's a joke". He wasn't this aggressive when I first met him, so thats why he became friends. He's become aggressive now though. I'm warning girls I know before I hang with him and I understand that's not normal. I'm cutting him off right now and I deeply regret entertaining him now.
The good thing is among my friends the weirdo is so hated if he dares make any woman uncomfortable he has a few dudes ready to beat his ass.

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