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What are your experiences with drugs?
Not done any but interested?

Iv been a stoner for the past 4/5ish years and have had to quite suddenly due to finding a job i somewhat enjoy but im due a drug test in the first 3 months :(
Getting to sleep has been a real struggle and im the most aggy Iv ever been.

Acid has to be my favorite drug, best bang for ya buck. 6 hours of tripping for £10 and depending on how you use it you can come to some profound conclusions. I do feel doing so much over a short space of time has kinda changed the way I look at the world, for the better or worst im yet to find out lol.

Ketamine is also fun, its like half psychedelic half downer like weed or alcohol. I went through a stage of doing a few big fat rails every night after work (a job i fucking despised), monging out and watching spongebob. Gud times!

Iv only done shrooms twice but the second time was real bad I was in the country side on a bright sunny day with people everywhere curled up in a ball feeling the most isolated iv ever felt in my life. Strange.

Ecstay/MDMA is fun but not the sort of thing you can do at home by yourself so i only really get to do em when im on a night out and that is very rare. I do have some really good memorys of doing pillys when i was a teenager that i will never forget.

Cocaine is by far the worst drug in the world. So expensive for the feeling of a buzz for half hour till it wears off and you NEED more. That the problem with coke, its so bloody addictive and even if it wasn't it still doesn't justify the price. Iv seen friends take a downward spiral due to coke. Its heart breaking to watch.

Im no proper big druggo but iv stuffed a fair share of consumable chemicals into my brain box so feel free to ask any questions if you are interested!


I abused LSD when I first tried it, took it once a week for a little while, did a job on my mood, I developed some depression and anxiety and it took me at least a year to get over it. Today I don't do drugs, I just have no interest whatasoever, but if someone offers me some acid I'll take it, it's really fun. Nothing beats peyote and the shrooms, though, but they're harder to get.
As for weed, I very occasionally smoke, mostly because my only friend in the area does and sometimes he's smoking when I go see him. Doing it once every blue moon is actually pretty good, any more than that it simply doesn't cut it for me. For one thing, it really causes me to feel physically uncomfortable, my head hurts when it starts wearing off, and I can't sleep for the night. In the long run, it makes me very, very lazy.
I also stopped when I first got a job, mostly because I can't function at all when high.


I work for the government, so drugs are off the table for me if I want smooth sailing toward a security clearance.

That's not a problem for me though because I don't really feel motivated to experiment or take any substances, even alcohol and caffeine (in the form of energy drinks, more specifically). I feel like the association with that is always that those kinds of people are always boring straight edges, but I just really hate the idea of having even less control over my brain and its chemistry than I already do. I don't think I'm risk-adverse, just maybe too protective of my psyche?


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>I just really hate the idea of having even less control over my brain and its chemistry than I already do.
You see, after doing many different substances over the years and now understating the different effects I have to opposite view. to me drugs are like brain 'stabilizers'. If I smoke a joint i know for the next 30/45 minutes im gunna be chilled out, I know if i do a line of ket im gunna be spinning out for half hour. Once youv tried a drug once you sorta know how its gunna make you feel. Sober all sorts of variables out of my control dictate how I feel throughout the day but taking a drug i know the effects of and know how its going to make me feel. In a weird way doing drugs grans me a bit more control over the way I think and feel.

>I work for the government, so drugs are off the table for me
pic related


This is what an addiction/dependency looks like, if anyone was wondering.
“I’m not dependent on X, I just don’t like going without it”
“I can stop X any time I want (they can’t)”
“I’m not myself unless I’ve had X”
“X opens my mind, I’m not a full person without X”
“Stop taking X? Thats just what they want you to do! X is freedom!”

A lot of people in my life have had their lives destroyed by addiction and dependence, even on “minor” drugs.

Please don’t do drugs. More importantly, please don’t turn sushi into a druggie board. Lots of boards have been ruined by druggies burying worthwhile moments in endless nonsense about drugs. I don’t want sushi to be like that, it’s the last comfy place on the internet left :(


hahahah your funny. I didn't say any of those things you are quoting. Yes if you consume drugs everyday your are dependent but as long as you can recognize when 'want' turns into 'need' you can still use them to your for recreational purposes. I had a friend that tried acid once, had a wonderful time and has never done it again. Its not as black and white as you think. Its like putting smackheads and somebody that has smoked 'a weed dude' once in the same category.

Often times its the circumstances of the persons life that causes the dependency not the drug itself. If you have a normal healthy stable life and smoke a joint once you are not likely to continue everyday as you have nothing to run from. If you have a horrible life where everyday you come home (if you have one) to family/people that actively make your life miserable drugs are often the most readily available escape.

During the Vietnam war heroin use was rife amongst American soldiers to escape the harsh reality of the horrors they were facing. If they were never sent to war and continued there peaceful lifes at home most wouldn't have even considered touching the stuff.


>More importantly, please don’t turn sushi into a druggie board. Lots of boards have been ruined by druggies burying worthwhile moments in endless nonsense about drugs. I don’t want sushi to be like that, it’s the last comfy place on the internet left :(

just hide the thread?


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