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 No.12871[View All]

Last thread (>>11500) hit bump limit, so I'm making a new one
General discussion thread. Talk about how your day is going, anything interesting that happened recently, what's on your or just to say hi!
201 posts and 93 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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18, recently started online dating and might be seeing a girl in my city in a few days time

i'm about two months porn-free now and it feels like these sites are offsetting that though, like i'm letting my mind wander to where i might as well have never quit - i'm looking for hookups every now and then, i'm feeling like just giving away my virginity for nothing
there's no sexual implication with the girl i'm going to see soon though, we're just two relatively similar teenagers that happen to like each other's company


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Yeah, this. It's kind of the reason I gravitate towards this site instead of things like social media or Discord servers for casual interactions. The pressure is really off, it's just fun interactions between passing souls. As much as I like the site and I'm sure I would love a lot of the people here, I would rather stay an sushi rollymous roll. This is the one place I can do that.

It's kind of like meeting people in a bar that I've never been to before. I can chat about anything and everything with them. After the first shot, we're talking about our careers and things we hate about politics/life. By shot three, we're getting strangely personal for strangers. Then we all say our goodbyes and never speak again. There's a strange feeling of solidarity, and it reminds me that there are billions of people in the world, and all of them have their own stories. Sushichan kind of gives me that same feeling.


it's like a primary school playground by the time the third shot hits, and being reminded of that just makes the experience feel kind of lonely
after a while my mouth muscles r aching from smiling and i'm overthinking things and it just gets a bit much, to feel like everyone including me is keeping up a facade


What would you do if you dropped the facade?


go home, probably
what else? it'd be childish to try and change the atmosphere of a place on my own


Heh, everyone drops the facade and the pub is suddenly empty and goes out of business.


loool nah i don't wanna be an asshole to everyone or be pretentious n shit, and i still have my fun and all
it's just occasionally i get into a weird mood, it's nothing more than that


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Peruvian dishes


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Oh nom nom noooooooooommmmmmm


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I watched pic related and it's scary how well some scenes matches how my mind works.
Obviously I don't have short-term memory erasure, but the fact that I can simply create new memories from things that I've been told or, if I had the will to, I can simply change my memories and thoughts of my mind at will is kind of scary.
We all do this to some extent by taking the input from the world around us and creating our own reality. However the fickleness of my own world is on a whole other level, I feel like me and my memories could be erased by the next time I wake up if the universe wills it


That's really cool I don't know anything of Peruvian cuisine
Would love to eat everything in these images though


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My focus isn't law, but I always run into funny legal defenses like this when I'm researching things. Sometimes I wonder if I should pick up a law book just to learn more about these odd defenses, but then I remember how confusing law god damn is and how I'd have to spend years studying it.


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came across this quote in a self-help video, it is not something i wanna accept but it makes sense.
A person I really liked appeared and I didn't even search for her, she just appeared after a good amount of time after I did a certain thing. And I didn't really care about having someone like her in my life, I was busy with my career.
By the time I became a shadow of myself I was acting like I needed something from her, which eventually pushed her away.


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That second photo makes me really uncomfortable.

The window is barred. The chairs are so close to the walls, that you can't pull them back or stand up once you sit. The lamp is hanging quite low and adjacent to the table. The candles are not lit and the room is really bright anyways. There is too much food on the table, just like in the first image. This is no place to eat or the food is not even meant to be eaten.


you have to eat ALL the egg sandwiches


I didn't notice until you pointed it out, but yeah that is kind of creepy


I cant be the only one who slithers under the table to get in my seat and eat my 9 plates of food can I?


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Are you one of those snake people who secretly control the world?


You vill eet ze eggs. All of zem.


I'm trying to be but they won't let me into their club because my human suit is poorly tailored ;×;


I find it fascinating that the table looks like it's supposed to fit 4 people, but it has the underneath sectioned off. As if its designed for two couples, and it has to make certain that you can't play footsies with somebody on the opposite side. Anti-haram-footsies table.


It's kinda cold here. I have to wear a blanket while I'm at the computer.


meanwhile I'm sweating sitting in front of a fan :S

Winter's coming soon enough though, and I'm not exactly looking forward to it.


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everything feels so long ago and yet, at the same time, so impossibly close.
either way it's out of my reach.


reach for the stars at least you'll land on the clouds


Being an adult sucks.
Being a teen sucks.
Being a child sucks.

I am tired of sustaining myself.




One minor issue I have with wikipedia is once it exits STEM issues and crosses over to the humanities it sounds like it's written by a spiteful STEMlord. For example the inedia page states "Inedia (Latin for 'fasting') or breatharianism is the claimed ability for a person to live without consuming food, and in some cases water. It is a deadly pseudoscience and several adherents of these practices have died from starvation or dehydration" and goes on to debunk breatharianism. This ignores a the very important fact that inedia was historically a type of christian fast. In doing this the article ignore centuries of christian history leading up to inedia and justifying it. This is like having an article on wiccans and only including neo-wiccans. Insult to injury the "Mythology and religion" section of the page has no christian section
Also a bit nit picky, I just want to rant, but the citations are kind of weird. There are academic journals which have made indepth rebuttals, but for the closing segment on 'scientific assessment' they site an article called "top 5 worst celebrity diets", which in their defense was made by a semi-trustworthy source, that just goes "yeah this diet is bad. trust me bro" with 0 citations. Another funny note is someone fucked up the citation, so there are two, kind of redundant, citations one to the 2014 article and one to the 2015 version of 'worst celebrity diets'. They forgot to archive the 2015 one so it's a dead link. The scientific assessment section also goes into very little science, a shame since there is a good body of literature on long term fasts, and just goes over news articles of how people have died.
The article is also a shitty summary of the idea in general. Like no cohesive history just listing random people.
If I had to assume what happened was someone chronically online watched a video called "Breathaterian cringe" or "breathaterians debunked" and got inspired to write their own Wikipedia page. This happens a lot with Wikipedia pages oddly enough. If something gets popular online with little academic interest it's written by overhyped internet kiddies. Another key example is the "Bedtime procrastination" Wikipedia page which is written like shit and cites a FUCKING TWEET.


Lol, I wish for a wikipedia of the future that better integrates the talk page and amount of editing. Theres a huge difference between "this article is the agreement of 10 years of argument between 15 hundred people" and "someone slapped this page up 3 years ago and since then nobody has noticed or touched it".


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I'm tired; the weather is killing me…


uuggggghhhh the heatorino


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woke up
thinking about my perfect lover
who i had
but now is gone
because i was less than the man i am now
now i am still less of a man
and i meet new people
but my lover
she's the one for me
no one else will replace her
and it's driving me mad
how i ruined everything
forever ever


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I'm apart of this piracy site and I wanted to see what the discord was like and I'll say the discussion is extremely disappointing. This site got me through grad school because of the textbook drops, but the discord discussion is just edgy teens to who recite talking points, so bad they don't even have a point. They don't even have the gal to be funny. That was really disappointing


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"World's smallest violin" by AJR is a generic pop song with an extremely blunt message, "I can't help myself from feeling bad
I kinda feel like two things can be said", but it holds a soft spot in my heart for having a uniquely blunt message. "Don't deny strong and negative emotions" is a common basis for most therapies, but I rarely see it outside that context so seeing it in a big pop song is nice. May seem trite to use, but some old boomer or super young zoomer is using it to cope with the fact they're sad and they think it's stupid. I bet money this is helping some kid cope with his issues


I hate living in a small town where everyone knows each other, where I grew up and where all my childhood friends are. I don't hang out with them anymore I haven't had friends in years I literally sit in front of my computer all day and the last 2 years of uni were all online so that didn't help, I only go out when my dad needs help with something. I want to go on walks but I don't want to run into people I know.
Just the other day I ran into my high school friend and he was excited to see me and said he was going to call me but I don't want to hang out with him. Yes, some part of me was having fun when we were friends back in the day as with every friend I've ever had, but deep down I know I don't belong with them.
This just keeps happening I start hanging out with some people and it's all fun but only for like 20% of me the other 80% doesn't want to be there. I don't know if everyone is like this and they just put up with it and I'm just being really picky but it doesn't feel sustainable in long term, these friendships may last a few years but then I can't keep it up.
I think the most exciting thing about moving out is that I can just go on a walk whenever I want without getting recognized in the street.


I was supposed go shopping for some clothes today but I ended up literally sitting in front of my computer all day


i know that feel

>I don't know if everyone is like this
Everyone is not like that. Norms legitimately enjoy "just hanging out" and social activities, but on the other side they don't enjoy things requiring focused concentration.


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I went here, got to talk to a group of people and even spent some time with them.
Nevertheless I don't think anything will happen really. I wanted to make some friends, and got the phone of one of the dudes in that group, but i dunno if it will amount to anything


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it's so hard for me to make friends where i live, it's a decently sized island and i feel like there's almost no one here, except the people i'm already close with, who are similar to me. i've been posting here a lot just my random thoughts and shit cause tbh it feels easier to post here into the void than talk to my friends or try to make new ones. wonder if i should just try to befriend other sushis


Where is everyone?


Living their lives, my dear sushi

I'm getting older and don't know how people with children manage to find time to participate in any online communities. It's already difficult enough finding time when I don't have a family.


I have been asking myself the same question lately. Sushichan is suddendly way slower. Personally I am always here, but rarely post, mostly lurk. I guess people like me have to get active now.

All I do is getting older. To this day I didn't get how you get a life and how it can happen that you suddendly don't have time anymore.


Well, for me my time has gone to:
work interviews+study+errands+eating+chores+friends+family+projects+reading+exercising

Sending emails have also started to take a lot more of my time… what have you been up to?


Copper pipe is actually a lot harder to bend than I'd expected.


>Bending pipes with your hands


maybe "pipe" wasn't the right word, it's just 3/8 inch water supply lines.


I live on my own too, which means I have chores and errands as well. This also means I have to feed myself too. Working is also something I do, the same goes for exercising.
A typical day is to work 9 hours, sleep 9 hours commute to work and back for 1 hour and use the other 5 to play video games, watch anime and lurk on image boards. Now and then an errand or a chore needs to be done, twice a week exercising is due and everyday something edible has to be created. On weekends, holidays and vacation the 9 hours of work are being added to video games, anime and lurking.


if i were as busy as you id only eat boxxed and bagged foods lmao forget about creating something edible ever lul


Living in deep frustration. I should have been in part-time paradise starting in August, but having to "tie up loose ends" has extended this agony up to late-October. When I get home, looking at my schedule is enough to feed a flame of demoralization within me and I submit to inertia. There's so much I want and must do, but bullshit work is getting in the way of the pursuit of my real goals. Barely clinging to the gains I secured before this ordeal began is the most I can manage.

I am way overdue replying to the following posts. Somehow I always miss direct replies to me, even though I make sure I check. My apologies.

Thank you. I'm glad you find my writing entertaining enough to warrant a bookmark. My japanese-learning journey continues with the dread of it becoming a never-ending journey now looming over me. I'm getting better but still nowhere near the level I had wished. I hope you've been managing to make progress on your own journey.

>What caused you to create a more permanent alias?

This is a whole article for the "Social Media" portion of my webpage. I still feel like my webpage has too many negative-toned entries for me to be adding the kind of venomous sludge that the social media section will contain, so I still haven't published it.

In short, I have come to the conclusion a community needs at least a small fraction of independent, persistent pseudonymous members in order to galvanize its own history from outside attack vectors.

>I've debated this topic myself, and find paranoia restricting me

This is a problem that is not easily solved. You have to be very deliberate about what you publish, so as to not share too much personal information. The point of my ideal internet is that it's a system apart from the real world. However, the state of things being as they are, achieving this requires active, conscious effort, as it does to make yourself scarce. The original post I had written was a lengthy elaboration on my first paragraph, but I noticed your reply (and another) and immediately erased those five or six paragraphs. Intent.

I did not have a chance to properly read the article you linked, since it requires registration. I'll try to look into it in the future. I apologize for this frivolous dismissal.

>Hey! I randomly opened your website again and saw the new post. I always end up reading your posts all the way through. You write very well!

I assume you're the same person I just replied to, which, considering how long ago your replies were, makes me all the more undeserving of your praise. Every one of my thanks must come with an apology for my tardiness attached.

>I remember having the same "We all have equally stupid people everywhere" realization the moment the internet became wide spread, although later than you for sure.

I wonder if you truly were as late to the realization as I was. That was a journey that took at least a decade. Perhaps you realized it at a later time, but that doesn't necessarily mean it took you as long to get there.

>People tend to reject their native homes out of spite without looking back at the good parts they lived in it seems. I understand the sentiment, though.

I am very familiar with that sentiment. I think it's born out of a need people have for novelty in their lives, mixed with the natural passive attitude most people have, preferring experience to create. There's nothing particularly wrong with that attitude until it reaches that self-destructive lengths that have become ubiquitous nowadays.

I have no idea if this message will reach you but, again, my apologizes for the extremely late replies.


"An electricity pylon is pulled down near Martinstown, in Winterbourne, England, on September 30, 2022. The National Grid has started to remove 22 pylons and 8.8 kilometers of overhead cable to transform views of the Dorset Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. The Going Underground project is one of the first schemes in the world to remove high-voltage electricity-transmission infrastructure solely to enhance the landscape. "
One of the Photos of the Week from The Atlantic (credit Finnbarr Webster / Getty)

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