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/kitchen/ - tasty morsels & delights

nom nom nom

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Remember to keep it cozy!

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File: 1490729268435.jpg (193.88 KB, 800x840, photo_2017-03-28_22-27-36.jpg)


Hello, /int/eresting people! You dont know me, but i need help. The fact is that I created my sushi rollym's imageboard. I need friends. Forgive me for the unexpected invasion. Now my board very small. The Internet is the only thing that makes me happy in this life. Life in my country is sad. Very sad. Angry people, dirty streets, high price and taxes - it's in the nature of things
. I just need friendship to make life better. I ask the admin not to delete it. If you agree to friendship, we can get links our sites in header/frameset/banners. I'll put the name under the spoiler so as not to disturb others. Sorry for my anglish. Maybe f-friends?


File: 1490747451080.jpg (682.47 KB, 1280x852, 1484025577867.jpg)

I don't trust that link and your writing seems coy. Like the writing of someone who wants to seem foreign but is clearly not.

But regardless of that, all external sites are to be posted here:


File: 1490803506975.gif (342.29 KB, 217x146, qt_azn_wink.gif)

this. Advertising your board is hunky dory but pls do it properly and don't litter. This board is named /kitchen/ for a reason.
Anyway, I clicked the link and it seems fine. Op is probably a vodka roll so that explains his english.


>Maybe f-friends?
sounds too anime to be real


Moved to >>>/hell/628.
No, you can't break the rules because you asked nicely. Advertising goes in the advertising thread in /lounge/.

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