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Remember to keep it cozy!

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File: 1498659067491.jpg (207.47 KB, 1280x720, randomdudu1.jpg)

 No.779[Last 50 Posts]

Post your mugshot here sushi.


File: 1498659152650.jpg (319.69 KB, 1200x1200, randomdude2.jpg)

>Sushi #2


File: 1498659265705.jpg (760.51 KB, 1836x3264, jj.jpg)

>Sushi #3
Sorry if its a cropped lewd btw.


who is this hot stud in the OP?


what a bunch of nice people :^)


File: 1498675818955.jpg (514.58 KB, 1280x960, IMG_20170628_104954.jpg)

I've changed my mind :>


spicy boyz only


:) :)


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With and without beard.


Dat naet?

Lookin gud!


File: 1498752418427.jpg (44.63 KB, 365x489, thatguy.jpg)



File: 1498771626589.jpg (330.99 KB, 1916x1080, B3M0UH2.jpg)

The url of the site is sushigirl.us
Yet there are no girls
Actual sushi is rare too
Only handsome young men
Oh, and comfiness too

Ps. Poems don't need to rhyme, right? That is all, have a good night.


>Dat naet?


You sure look like him then


I will take that as a compliment since he's a pretty handsome dude


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Undercover roll


Rule 16


File: 1499176775842.jpg (90.55 KB, 500x423, sushiboy.jpg)

get on my level


Who took that picture?


File: 1499304121507.jpg (Spoiler Image, 29.18 KB, 540x960, thatme.jpg)

henlo frens


my wife Гражына


100% qt
All sushies are very attractive, am I the only uglies one?


Thank you.

c'mon join the fun and post ur mug as well.


truly a cutie pie :3


File: 1500503064655.jpg (Spoiler Image, 15.36 KB, 640x480, TPhoto_00004.jpg)


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Tried doing those poses I see girls doing in photos, ended up looking a right idiot

I was unaware somebody could look badass while wearing cat ears, cool!

This might sound weird but your face is very smooth. I like your hat too, makes you look like an old timey pilot


Your beard looks very manly!

You look much younger without your beard thats a compliment. Messy hair is the best!

One handsome lad!

Who could it be tis a mystery!

Pure comfyness

You blur the lines between handsome and cute, very nice!

Please dont look into my soul, thats where I keep the bad stuff!



at least you look like a qt idiot~


File: 1502867722631.jpg (252.3 KB, 960x1280, IMG_1784.JPG)

I like yours better


File: 1502877085910.jpg (Spoiler Image, 485.04 KB, 1080x1920, IMG_20170725_030709~01.jpg)

Posting a more recent one because I'm a camwhore.


File: 1502951979635.jpg (33.58 KB, 419x419, fgsfds.jpg)



Go molest a snail


File: 1503012306051.jpg (22.92 KB, 240x320, eJwFwcsNwyAMANBdGAAb83GSBa….jpg)

this is totally me i swear



lookin' good!


File: 1503228400184-0.jpg (Spoiler Image, 475.05 KB, 972x967, 20170820_131249.jpg)

File: 1503228400184-1.jpg (Spoiler Image, 446.9 KB, 972x865, 20170820_131421.jpg)

Pouting because a)I can't figure out how to turn off the Beauty Mode on my phone b)the only aesthetic I'll ever be able to pull off is the "cute male" shtick and c)bored af.

Also milk is good for you!


File: 1503245793872.jpg (1.36 MB, 976x2280, 2015-09-20 18.15.58.jpg)

big boys


why is everyone attractive


because unattractive people aren't posting. too much representation from cute boys and girls


you think we want to see pleasurable faces everyday?


Attractive people probably feel less awkward about posting


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I'm late to the party but here's some anyway.


You should make a mixtape for the sole purpose of using a monochrome version of the 'Tobacco Free Zone' pic as the cover.


File: 1517299947754.jpg (202.12 KB, 1280x720, 2018-01-30-021012.jpg)

what do you think sushis, would a girl with a fairly femenine penis be my gf?
also please dont say anything about my hair or eyebrows or nose thanks ok


why have you got scratches on your face?


it's the webcam, i pointed a laser at it and it kinda fucked it up


Well done with the trigger discipline.
Nice stuff all around.


File: 1518210362359.jpg (539.34 KB, 1063x657, serveimage.jpg)

you look a bit like HP Lovecraft.
Maybe it's just a similar photograph


It is amazing to think that Lovecraft unironically believed that the English were the master race. Did he just not own a mirror?


He did know that he was an ugly bastard if that's what you mean


Now that is the photo you should have posted in the first place. Great eyebrows, hair looks good from what little we can see, perfect skin, nice strong jaw and chin. Mucho gusto/10
You ought to delete the first photo. Bad lighting, bad angle, and your expression is not unlike that of of a school shooter.


you look a lot more handsome in this photo


>your expression is not unlike that of of a school shooter.
Funnily enough that's why I like that photo they've posted.


File: 1525107178643.jpg (Spoiler Image, 93.01 KB, 720x1280, Snapchat-920889791.jpg)



Is it weird that I thought most of the users would be female?


We very well might be mostly females. Chantrash girls are cagey as shit, thanks to the reeeee misogyny that no part of the Internet seems to be able to fucking escape.
I strongly suspect that women were behind "there are no girls on the internet."


If women did invent that rule then I'm glad they did. It's better left hidden.


File: 1525193759965.jpg (411.4 KB, 720x842, IMG_20180501_174337.jpg)

Hey guys w҉҉hat's up <3 thought ҉I l҉ooked cute in ҉th҉is o҉ne~ ҉ uwu


It's nice to think, that behind each post on this board there is an actual person. We even have cyber ninjas in this place. What a time to be alive!


You look like that main character in Trainspotting


You should try to pick up acting gigs as him.

Just like, have a portfolio of all his shit and try to lie your way into auditions just to see how far you can go with it.


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File: 1569562394148-1.png (72.24 KB, 192x204, Screenshot_8.png)

My hair is black and almost on my shoulders now, i take good care of it though.
Its kinda nice to see other sushi faces for some reason.


File: 1570011992740.jpg (50.77 KB, 755x704, 1567388185583.jpg)

Looks good man. I've grown my hair out in the past but I always keep it short nowadays because if it gets remotely long the wind always catches it and makes it messy as fuck. I don't like using gel so it doesn't leave me with many options.


File: 1572979663657.jpg (15.83 KB, 568x568, yooo.jpg)

I'd date many people on this thread to be honest. I wanted to take a new one with a timestamp but I'm too lazy.


File: 1596320318565.png (304.71 KB, 874x1142, le blue gril (100% sexy).png)

Took loads of pictures of myself to look at how attractive I am on my computer but it turns out I actually don't look that great so I traced over one lol.


File: 1596331458111.jpeg (40.69 KB, 712x480, yomi.jpeg)

You remind me of Yomi from azumanga daioh


File: 1596344273493.png (Spoiler Image, 309.37 KB, 478x736, Capture _2020-07-30-01-49-….png)

I probably shouldn't do this.


File: 1596501985232.png (123.35 KB, 436x908, afc9bb9fa5b112ab8030f54200….png)

My mum says I look like a donkey, I like this a lot better though.

Very blingee of you sushi roll.


You all are pretty brave
Also just pretty
I don't think I could post my ugly mug on here
>Very blingee of you
Hah, you've reminded that I have a folder from way back when of all my school friends with stupid ironic blingee edits all over them


I like ugly people, they're a lot more interesting to look at because they're rarely portrayed and they can vary so much. But if you're not comfortable posting a picture you could always trace over one like I did.


Yea, except for the non-white ones that get no replies


>mfw I have no face
FUCK I'm hilarious and original.


File: 1598302264407-0.jpg (307.09 KB, 1401x939, PB11.jpg)

File: 1598302264407-1.jpg (272.71 KB, 1402x938, PB10.jpg)

Been a few years, here's a couple new photos! A friend took them with some special distorting film during a visit.


Oh how much you've grown


k-kikiyama is that you?




File: 1599435031490.jpg (391.71 KB, 1200x1600, 1599434892915159639338.jpg)

Hello NSA
What a qt
Buelbe ;_;


File: 1604061178591.jpg (Spoiler Image, 1.26 MB, 2448x3264, 20201009_162803.jpg)

does anyone else feel like they can't tell what they look like anymore? like I stress way too much over how I appear to everyone else, I just can't be what I want to be outside of my room/online


You both look good, rocking totally opposite textures


File: 1604864199251-0.jpg (789.28 KB, 2048x1536, 20201013_113724.jpg)

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Figure I count as a sushi now that I've been hanging around 2y+, scandinavian hair monster sushi reporting in, along with bonus first silly mustache I've tried growing out (keep or reap?)
>can't tell what they look like
Definitely, though it's not anything recent for me, just how it always was, some kind of meat & skin blob
Caught some of that anorexia from it in my teens cause as soon as teenage hormones hit I always thought I looked fat and ugly regardless of how skinny I got
I don't worry about it anymore though, I just exist and chill, focus rather on how I feel in the bod physically
Hope you find your way of dealing with it, at least IMO you a cute


I'm sorry to ask, but are you a boinor a girl?
Doesn't really matter, I'd do you either way.


File: 1604871673373.jpg (Spoiler Image, 18.3 KB, 480x360, dog.jpg)

It took a lot of courage for me to do this
Please be gentle and don't spread this around


Take a bath ugly


Keep I'd say, long hair for manly men works better with a moustache imo

I think discussing who to fuck in the face thread is a bad idea, could make people uncomfortable.


Then why ask?
And seconding above.
Go to horny jail.


You look like a good boy


File: 1627418184393-0.jpg (47.1 KB, 571x391, HairScushi_Wave.jpg)

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File: 1627418184393-2.jpg (203.85 KB, 1143x963, HairScushi_2.jpg)

This hair scandi hair monster sushi returns!
Have since shaved off the moustache, but then let it all grow out again instead. So this is actually my first real beard, that you get to see.
(the hair is still there in all its glory, not been cut at all, it's just tied up)


File: 1633474175717.png (2.02 MB, 960x1280, ClipboardImage.png)

Here's an updated Sei with clear lens glasses for flair.


Nice beard.


nice hair!


>>779 >>788 >>818 >>1072 >>1079 >>1087 >>1264 >>1518 >>2200

You are certified cuties!
It's been so long since these were posted, I wonder what they're doing now…


cute sweater, looks very cozy!
also looks like you forgot to scrub the exif data from your picture, miiight wanna delete this and then reupload once you've removed your location


they never reposted it…..


File: 1635141915243.jpg (1.65 MB, 2417x3832, 520.jpg)

I was lazy. :/


Also, thanks! I just assumed that stuff gets scrubbed by the imageboard.


File: 1635368449964.jpg (38.48 KB, 480x640, mersad4.jpg)


I am browsing with female friend. She says without beard is better, and that with the beard, you looked like a redditor.
I completely agree.


Yeah, the beard uh.. didn't work out, you could say. I haven't worn one in at least a year now.


You really think he looks better without it? He looks like a failed tranny without it.


that was 4 years ago… anyway looks pretty cute to me.


you look like a 00's emo band guitarist or something (in a good way)


It's probably just the headset but I can't get the image of this guy calling me gay in Halo 3 online out of my head wwwwww


File: 1639677317984.jpg (Spoiler Image, 86.51 KB, 608x1280, sushicat.jpg)

> He looks like a failed tranny without it.
Seisatsu has many forms. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Congratulations, you are cute.

I concur with >>3655 and >>3656.


admire you lots you know, braver than me…


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Bloody hell i made this post 5 years ago it was all down hill from there

thank you very much! I like your face your eyes nose and ear are all in proportion. You look like the type that could hold down a few hour conversation.

You look very shy, you shouldn't be u cutie :)

cheer up mr miserable

corrrrrr big strong boi

Thats the most pissed off pout iv ever seen, and your pulling of the cutie mode very well :)

first impressions you seem like a well rounded indvidual, no ideal how i can tell from jsut a photo but hay ho. Handsome fella


10/10 would slit my wrist on your jawline. You do look stressed tho, smile :)

You look sooo genuinely happy in that second photo, v cute

Mr ninja, very sneaky

Im blue daba deeee dabba die

And another photo of someone that looks like they are genuinely enjoying life, proper real smile :)

I hope what ever was about to fall on your head didnt kill ya lol. I like your big wispy moostash tho.

I get ya, often how i look in my head is completely different to reality. I know 'ugly' people that have 10/10 partners just cus they dont really look in the mirror. Attractiveness is alot to do with how you act, not just how you look. If you feel confident it comes across in how you act in little sub conscious ways. Needless to say you dont have to worry, you a cutie :)

Your long hair makes you look wise and knowledgeable!

the goodest of all the bois

I shaved my head recently and regretted it instantly, I hope you didn't feel the same because you look real handsome now!

iv been debating getting a septum piercing for a lil while but i really dont like needles. Cutie!

same thing really had a couple different jobs, just become unemployed again and indulging in the internet once more. Thats why im back here lol. And thank u very much !

you could kill a man with that piercing gaze. Your hair looks nice and silky smooth tho. nice !

like the other guy said, getting serious halo 3 vibes looks like you be surrounded by 4 cases of mountain dew. i do like the hair tho, 10/10 would cuddle on sofa while you abuse people on MW2

Not much to go on here but im sure you really pretty under all them face accessorys!

The last pic is the most recent like i said i shaved my head and its only jsut started to grow back.


File: 1654298145822.jpg (771.27 KB, 1735x1600, crop.jpg)

ooops wrong photo


>first pic
Okay I am 99% sure that's not a real gun but regardless: trigger discipline pls!


>first impressions you seem like a well rounded indvidual
That's the man himself. Wonder if he's still around.
Nice to see you're still around with ut.
No photo of me I'm s3krit


>That's the man himself. Wonder if he's still around.


Lol OP is top cool. Same with all u all with the confidence to post your pic on a sushi rollymous image board.


File: 1655505643937.jpg (Spoiler Image, 1016.65 KB, 1528x3216, 20220610_101035.jpg)

Since you kind of asked. Also you are cute.

You too.

This is your admin.


damn seisatsu based? cool???


File: 1655783886185.png (135.18 KB, 299x328, ClipboardImage.png)

im >>1079 im trans now


Awesome, me too. Congrats!



swag yea life is good wishin u well




I don't mean to be mean, but I literally can't tell what to what


thank u!!
being perceived as androgynous makes me more powerful. im transfem tho


both of u should drink some hot tea and gaze out a window for like an hour


I don't have the self-confidence to post face here but all of you are very cool and brave
You look like a nice dude, very friendly vibes
sick two-tone glasses
You're very cute! great smile


Admin Note: Unhappened a few posts where a misunderstanding turned into a fight and it seemed like people wished they could backtrack on it. Hope everyone is okay, I don't think anyone meant harm.

You are all very cute and comfy and I love this imageboard a lot. <3 Thank you sincerely for doing your best to be kind to each other in this rare comfy space at the edge of the Internet.

I am transfem nonbinary so being perceived as androgynous makes me more powerful too. ^^ Being nonbinary, anyone who finds me attractive is automatically gay. It's the perfect crime!

Thanks I like to wear these glasses everywhere even to work.

Also yikes I noticed when I viewed from a desktop that my photo is so high res that I can even see the pores on my nose. I might go on the backend and resize that. ><;


Your cute (yes homo)


File: 1658471351309.jpg (Spoiler Image, 345.25 KB, 1403x1392, IMG_20220614_190210037_BUR….jpg)

me and my headphones


you are very pretty!


thank you sushi roll


it just looks like you turned from asian to white


Almost all the good girls ruin themselves with septums these days


that's pretty strong reaction




Septums are my favorite piercing. I think they look super cute. Why dont you like them sushi roll? Is it a gut reaction, or something about religion or cultural degradation? I'm curious, but I also have to tell you that you're probably posting on the wrong website. We are not very welcoming to those who are not very welcoming around here.


That sushi’s septum looks SICK! Keep it to yourself, bucko!


File: 1659878569054.jpg (38.56 KB, 370x320, menheralittlegirl02_19.jpg)

No sir, septums are NOT good, ok? Someone with those doesn't have its marbles in their right place.
Same goes for tattoos and unnatural hair dyes
>I think they look super cute.
I think they look disgusting. There is nothing prettier than someone with no modifications in their body.
>Why dont you like them sushi roll? Is it a gut reaction, or something about religion or cultural degradation?
Well it's mostly that it's not someone I'd like to be with in the long run. I know people that have septums and they're very kind and everything, but, I dunno, why would you degrade your body like that? Plenty of beautiful people just put metal on their bodies these days, I go outside and most people do that instead of having their body clean. Do you respect yourself? Do you love yourself? Then don't do that!
The only kind of body degradation I can stand are cuts honestly.
>I'm curious, but I also have to tell you that you're probably posting on the wrong website. We are not very welcoming to those who are not very welcoming around here.
I am not welcome anywhere, trust me not being welcomed here wouldn't be any different from not being welcomed anywhere else.
I am just very vocal about what I believe.


>I'm curious, but I also have to tell you that you're probably posting on the wrong website. We are not very welcoming to those who are not very welcoming around here.
lol chill out, they're just expressing a dislike of a piercing, not committing a hate crime
i kinda agree lol, they are a bit overdone
ppl can do what they want though


there's no way to not modify your body, your body of tomorrow is always produced by what you do today. if as you say putting a ring or dye on your body is more than that and is affecting some essential self, it is a lesser impact than choosing even a minor aspect of your life, such as who you talk to a little: there's no way not to modify your self of tomorrow either


File: 1659896445167.jpg (144.49 KB, 549x1600, 427.jpg)

I mostly agree with you. Tattoos, unnatural hair colours and piercings are all things I don't like at all. Especially those nose rings. Although I don't think that people who do that are insane, stupid or whatever. They just like different things/view things differently. Personally I would never put a hole in my tongue, earlobe or wherever to place some decoration there. Yes I have to admit that things like that even turn me off, but still they don't say if a person is a decent human being or not and this is what matters. So give them and yourself a chance to get to know them.
Anyway I can even one up that. I also dislike stuff like nail polish, lipstick, perfume, eye shadow and so on.


>why would you degrade your body like that?
People who do it don't find it degrading, that's the obvious answer.
>I am not welcome anywhere
You'd do much better at that if you grokked that your opinion is just that, your opinion. Not TheObjectiveTruth™. Going out of your way to point out things you don't like in a derogatory manner is at best unhelpful.
Not likely to be welcomed if people need to shape themselves according to your tastes & standards to be considered to respect/love themselves, instead of doing what they feel is right for them, to be truly welcomed by you yourself.

It's fine to not like tattoos, piercings, etc.
But you seem to think that your opinion is the only valid one.


File: 1659900284258.jpg (443.06 KB, 810x2368, 20220807_122428.jpg)

I'm afraid that if the chill vibe is being threatened I can never chill!
Well, they did say "I hate septums" not "septums are bad and ppl with them are bad and wrong" so it seems that was probably a statement of objective fact about the speaker… unless they actually do like septums… I wouldn't be surprised.
But still, it seems rude to come in to a place trying to be a comfy escape from hostility found elsewhere on the net and shout your dislike about other people's choices about their personal appearance.


File: 1659903561913-0.png (96.31 KB, 800x1048, 1360609023969.png)

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I am just tired of seeing endless amounts of people with a bunch of tats, piercings or hair dyes everywhere. I wanna go back to high school when those weren't the norm.
Lipstick is not good, same goes for eye shadow. But honestly I dunno, I don't see why people would do that really. How could you find it cute is beyond me, people's conceptions of what is cute or not are very screwed up.
To me it just tells me that you're a basic friendly lady and I don't want basic friendly ladyes, I want someone who is as pure as my 2D waifu of my laifu.
I just call those things bodymods really, that's just a quirk of me.

Trust me, I don't like being rude, but I have reached a point in life that I don't care if my views are right or wrong, I have the need to express my disdain.


File: 1659904692068.jpg (62.74 KB, 680x294, ba4.jpg)

>But honestly I dunno, I don't see why people would do that really. How could you find it cute is beyond me

>To me it just tells me that you're a basic friendly lady and I don't want basic friendly ladyes, I want someone who is as pure as my 2D waifu of my laifu

First impressions can be wrong, don't give up on somebody because of their looks. Still 3D can't compete with 2D. If you crave for something real, then you will have to focus on what matters, namely if their character is alright with you or not.


ultimately, you harassed a random person because they didn't meet a standard which they never volunteered for. please don't do that


what the fuck happened here


File: 1659933240521.png (94.3 KB, 448x428, 1636019928396.png)

Eh, I actually did worse things in life
Me being rude


File: 1659944436998.jpg (465.52 KB, 810x2137, 20220807_122353.jpg)

>Eh, I actually did worse things in life
Oh, plz dont do those things either… at least not here. There may be a time and a place where it is more acceptable. Maybe.
Ah. Sorry OP for messing up your face thread with squabbling!


File: 1661309882505.jpg (5.75 MB, 3024x4032, F65B3CBA-C52A-4F41-BC97-4F….jpg)

hey guys andrew tate here fr fr no cap


To be honest, I was actually fairly rude to that girl.
You can't judge people just by how they look like really. In fact I am talking to a girl that somewhat looks like her, but instead of just having a septum she also has eyeliner and a tongue piercing.
I personally think it's not a clever idea to be with her, because that seems like peak promiscuity, but she also seems fairly shy.
Could be wrong though, only one way to find out, getting to know her.


Good luck sushi. I hope I can meet a cute septum haver to nuzzle, even if she is peak promiscuity.
Sick look bro


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File: 1675727617014.jpg (Spoiler Image, 152.02 KB, 1920x1080, 2022-11-24-222702.jpg)

I used to recognize all of you


Do you know how to cook?


File: 1675805378421-0.jpg (4.31 MB, 4032x3024, tonkatsu.jpg)

File: 1675805378421-1.jpg (2.02 MB, 3024x4032, jaeger.jpg)

thanks fam
I enjoy cooking


File: 1675805465031.jpg (2.02 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_3799.jpg)

My second image didnt load correctly :((((


U can't be Andrew Tate then


We are all so pretty.


this thread is a ruse right? i thought everyone here was anime girls?

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