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 No.2942[View All]

I have major gender dysphoria and its certainly a drag on life, and I just want to rant about it, and you guys are all nice (oh yeah so fair warning this is just me going on about my problems, also this may be really long and I don't know if there's a character limit so this may be multiple parts).

I'm just never going to look or feel right, I don't think. Because I just happened to be born with this mental illness. As a kid, I always liked to imagine myself as a girl for some reason. In internet circles I'd pretend I was a girl, for no real reason other then preference. It wasn't like I was doing it for kicks, saying I was a guy after flirting with someone, i really just liked being a girl instead. I lived in a pretty liberal area, so I found out about trannies by middle school, and by age 14 i was pretty sure I was one. Unfortunately, I was a very early bloomer, and puberty hit me really hard. I was 5'10" at 14 and only kept growing, grew facial hair in middle school, broad shoulders, square jaw, everything. And I hated it as much then as I did now. I grew my hair out and to this day have real nice hair with perfect curls but that was kind of the end of things I actually liked about myself. With my frame, nobody ever really mistook me for a girl, even from behind. Guy friends I had that were super short or just feminine in general got mistaken for girls without even trying or wanting to and I felt really jealous. When I was 15 I started having friends call me "Abby" online and told them about some of this. I started getting that feeling of "being a women trapped in a man's body" people talk about as opposed to "being a man that want to be a woman," a change you don't really notice until it happens. That felt pretty nice. Every now and then, when I was home alone, I'd sneak into my sister's room and wear her clothes and look in the mirror for a while. I stopped because it felt like I was doing something perverted even though I wasn't attracted to women (more on that later), but it felt nice to take pictures of myself in dresses, even though I deleted them afterwards. but…yea. I just really hated being a man. Sometimes I would curl up and stare at all the hair on my legs and nearly have a breakdown over that.(Part 1/?)
59 posts and 14 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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It's because sushi rolls love one another! : D
To all the sushi rolls asking for definition of women, I find it surprising nobody has mentioned what is arguably the most important:
+Women can get pregnant.+
I liked this video by vihart:


>I can also attest that yes, it will give you a vagina.
LMAO no. A rotting wound which you have to keep open using dialation and made out of a penis/colon is not the same as a vaginal canal which includes muscles, nerve-endings and the ability to self lubricate/clean. It's not comparable to comething which is connected to a cervix, womb and ovaries which can create life. It doesn't menstruate.

The difference is that as a socialised man, you've come to think of vaginas as nothing more than a hole to have sex with. To women, they're so much more and they do not sexualise them. I know this is harsh but people need a strong dose of reality because pushing this pseudoscience and encouraging others to get surgery that makes them more depressed than before is sick.


I haven't been replying to anything but I have been reading it all and checking the thread regularly.


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Actually, since I'm here, I'd like to elaborate on something. People in the thread keep discussing gender reassignment surgery, BUT:

If I transition, I'm probably not getting it.

There's too high a chance of something going wrong, and that's the last place on my body I want a fucked-up surgery. Even if it all goes well, its still a wound. Do I actually like my penis? No, certainly not. But that's not my primary concern. Sex doesn't matter THAT much to me. I just want to be able to look enough like a woman to not hate myself when I look in the mirror and for people not to assume I'm a guy with long hair when I pass them at the grocery store. I know there's facial surgery but I don't know how safe that is in comparison although I do know of some successful cases.



>that pic

Makes me v sad


>+Women can get pregnant.+
So are women with reproductive issues not really women? Do women become men at menopause? Would you consider a woman getting her tubes tied to be a form of FtM sexual reassignment surgery? Maybe the reason no one has mentioned that yet is because it's nowhere near the most important thing, and doesn't hold up to any amount of scrutiny.

Good video though.


It comes down to reproduction. I get the sensation described in viharts vid about this… I find it difficult to image not caring if you can reproduce or not. The desire to change from a fertile man to an infertile woman is extremely strange. Not that I wish harm on these people, but I find it very difficult to not see them as wishing harm on themselves.


Whichever time and place they live in, of course. When it comes down to it gender is a *label* we apply to people and the criteria used to determine who falls under which one are different.

Ultimately, that's what it comes down to. People are saying that ultimately you can't detatch how someone lives and is related to by others from the body parts they were born with. That's why there's the fetishization of genitalia as the epitome of gender, the obsession with sex reassignment surgery as opposed to all the other parts of the trans spectrum, etc…

This is why the sex/gender division came about. I knoooow people will complain about those words and say that they must be the same (words are social constructs, fuck you) so instead let's say sex characteristics (the body), hormonal environment, personality and social position. You say that sex characteristics are ultimately the meaning of masculinity/femininity and something that people can do wrong. But - 1. That's your own definition of man/woman that you're thus forcing on others. 2. When you see someone and categorize them as a man, are you thinking about what kind of dick they have (and had as a baby!) or what that gender means for what kind of person they are and how you relate to them socially? 3. I'd bet it's the latter, and thus, can you really say that you view having exactly the right genitals (and having had them from birth!) as the most important part of being a man? 4. On top of that, this is what creates a lot of shame in cis men and women who feel they don't fit the mold. If you're against that as you say, then you need to realize that your own ideas about what is a "real" man or woman are part of that problem.

That on the other hand is just sexist nonsense, whether you intend it to be or not. A cis woman's or man's value isn't defined by whether they produce offspring for the state, so why should a trans person's? Ultimately your argument is the one which ends up arguing that females just need to stay home and make babies and males just need to facilitate and control that. If you see having children by blood as important to you? Great, but don't judge others by if that's part of their path


I feel like you didn't actually respond to my post, but okay

>I get the sensation described in viharts vid about this… I find it difficult to image not caring if you can reproduce or not.

You mean the sensation she described as "idiot teenager feelings?" The whole point of that video is that it's important to realize that not everyone thinks the same way that you do, and that what's important to you might not be important to someone else, and vice-versa.

>The desire to change from a fertile man to an infertile woman is extremely strange

So are you okay with trans people who don't get surgery (i.e. most of them) and therefore remain fertile? It's true that HRT reduces fertility, but it doesn't destroy it completely. Also, how do you feel about non-trans people who choose to be infertile, via vasectomies or tube-tying? Do you see that as a form of self-harm?



Just work towards doing the sex change through magic like >>2964 suggests

If you reach a high level in yoga, or some sort of ritualistic magic
there are apparently no limits as to what you can accomplish on a physical level.
In the beginning this means getting healthy, because only a healthy body can support a powerful mind.
But also quitting pornography and learning to prevent ejaculation.

And who knows, as soon as you reach a certain level of health you might not experience any body dysphoria anymore.


Thank you, sushi! You just said what I've been trying to put into words for a while now.


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I haven't participated in this discussion until now, but just chiming in on this – I don't think there's anything wrong with not caring about children or fertility. There's an entire pan of society that adheres to childfree beliefs, and claiming that a woman who doesn't want children is some kind of abomination or failure is kind of an outdated way of thinking.

Ultimately, how one views themselves is influenced by how others see them (and thus how society defines gender). We judge whether someone is a man or woman by their physical appearance, behaviour, and, yes, genitals. Varying degrees of dysphoria lead to different consequences, and while someone would be fine with 'passing' and being recognized in public as a person of the other gender, others are too deep in the condition to handle seeing a cock or a vag down there.

I think that, if the entire medical process (in terms of mental health, pre-surgery treatment, …) was better handled, and if we had more support options for those abandoned by their families (family rejection and substance abuse are significant predictors for suicide attempts), a lot more people could be saved. And then, of course, you have the whole discourse about whether or not accepting trans people as an 'attribute', rather than a mental illness that needs to be corrected back to their sex, is worth the societal impact it will have. That's another subject.

But it's definitely more complicated than just having kids or not. We live for more than that.


Gender is a societally-defined label but sex is not, and gender is influenced by sex in a nontrivial way.

>that's your own definition of…

No, it's the dictionary definition. The word means sex. Gender is something else entirely, and is a societal definition that means shit all in the grand scheme of things.

2. When you see someone and categorize them as a man
I think of the fact that they're literally male, build muscle faster, stick it in instead of get it stuck in them, and so on. If I wanted to say someone was a musclebound chad, I'd call him that - or failing that, and what you're thinking of, manly.

3. You bet wrong. Being a man means one specific thing, namely a human adult male. Being MANLY is something else entirely and is totally detached from the genitals you're born with or what age you are - little girls can be more manly than adult men with twelve inch cocks, but that doesn't make them an adult man.

4. shame in cis men and women
Then they can either cope or fix it. People feel shame all the time. Lardballs feel shame when they're fat and learn to either live with and embrace it or work hard to get rid of what they're ashamed of. Weak people feel shame when they're weak and either learn to own it or go to the gym. The uneducated either decide that not knowing calc really isn't that big of a deal anyway or they go to adult university and start reading to fix themselves. If you're cis and you don't fit the mold, you can either own it - fuck you, I'm a man in a frilly skirt, the fuck you're going to do about it? - or you can change to fit the mold. If you do neither then you end up miserable - the fatass who knows he's fat but is too lazy to go jog and hates himself for it, the scrawny kid who pretends he doesn't care but looks at the football players with envy, the uneducated lump who hates how he doesn't know shit but also can't bring himself to try to learn - or the trans guy who desperately wishes he was a woman but can't bear to actually act like one, instead hoping to change what can't be changed so he can fit a different mold.

You keep lecturing me but you barely have your own ideas straight. You're the one conflating gender and sex here, not me. One of the two is just a label, and utterly irrelevant. The other can't be changed and is a physical reality of the world.


>little girls can be more manly than adult men with twelve inch cocks
The delusion is incredible


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Everything is possible in anime world.


Gender doesn't exist. Sex does.


god this thread is awful, very unshushilike


then let it die


better trans discussion that most of the net honesty


In what way?


What's this topic doing in my sushichan?
honestly I couldn't care less what ppl do with their lives or their sexuality, I don't understand why humans love to be so judgemental, always have to be fighting over race or political party or whatever instead of trying to make the best of one's limited time and space, instead choose to fight over other people's choices or something. Now I do understand some communities have their less desirable traits, but that's inherent to all humans in one way or another and many shortcomings of human character will surface whether they are allowed to wear a dress or not
but seriously, why do people have to fight about this shit? Seems like a waste of energy


To you and anyone looking to criticize this thread, please sage next time instead of bumping it.


It doesn't bother you because it doesn't impact your life. The people who get heated about it are the ones it will directly affect (i.e. women) or who have had a negative experience in the past. You will never really understand but you should at least try to educate yourself.


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I can relate to what you are saying OP. I was told/thought nobody would love me, but it was kinda the opposite actually. I started HRT in college. going through it all can be difficult, you will probably see things from a new perspective but in a lot of ways its worth doing.being pretty can bring about its own issues though. like i stopped kinda caring so much about perfecting image and realized a lot of my internalized hatred didn't go away because i finally looked cute and the goalpost just shifts.it also can lead to people just using you for sex or harassing you and getting violent because they cant handle the idea that a tran would reject them.i guess it has its perks too but i figured id try to give a more nuanced take. I don't think there is anything wrong with what you're saying though.I know that its tempting to medicalize your experiences and use predefined identity categories in order to be seen as legitimate (ex. mental illness, gay, woman, man) but tbh it usually doesn't have that effect. you should do what you want, fuck what anyone else thinks.


how does op transitioning affect women? what they do with their body is no one else's business and this really seems like a reaching statement

i feel like it started out pretty okay but took a massive nosedive :(

i hope OP goes to therapy. i think people should have the right to do whatever they want with their body and ultimately i hope OP does what makes them happy. that's the most important thing. but i don't think there can be a healthy discussion on the internet about transitioning and gender dysphoria, and i think OP should really seek professional help. also i think that there's nothing to be ashamed of for anyone that feels this way.


They're a TERF. The implication is that by OP transitioning from a man to a woman, something about womanhood is cheapened or misrepresented. Or, they feel that womanhood is inherently tied to childbirth or puberty, menstruation, etc.

Like, yeah, there are things about being assigned female at birth that are going to introduce you to the possibility of certain commonalities. Having periods, the fear of pregnancy if you have sex with people that can get you pregnant, breast cancer.

But naturally, the problem with this is that none of those things are truly constant. I've been hospitalized because of my periods but that puts me in a minority of women. I'm extremely likely to get breast cancer but that also puts me in a minority of women.

To me, the only thing womanhood truly has wholly in common is that if you are identified as a woman by others, you get to experience the sexist frameworks your society has in place. Trans women included. So what sense is there in excluding trans women? They're just another minority of womanhood, the same way as all other minorities in the group.

> but i don't think there can be a healthy discussion on the internet about transitioning and gender dysphoria

It exists but you really can't be looking for it in general "community spaces" like this one. But if they're in a safe state I agree, professional help is best.

I want dudebros on the internet to stop speaking about women like they're experts on women's biology, because they're not.


If you want me to stop thinking and discussing things that I find interesting and important, I refuse, however limited my knowledge on the matter may be.


Not the point. You can think about and discuss whatever you want, but note the
> like they're experts
Don't make definitive statements about science that are not factually correct. Anti-trans rhetoric is full of harmful medicalism that hurts cis women as well as the trans women people intend to target.


Also, shit, would it kill people to learn how to sage?


> Not the point.
Yes, it is. Partially. Considering the supposed lack of knowledge to evaluate the factual correctness of the definitive statements, the request
> Don't make definitive statements about science that are not factually correct
Is thus, in part, the request to abstain from any definitive statements about science altogether.
> Anti-trans rhetoric is full of harmful medicalism that hurts cis women
But does that medicalism only bring harm to them? I think that the TERF girls you mentioned would beg to disagree.


The framework of semantics you’ve drenched this in is preventing me from writing a good response because I don’t really know what angle you’re actually coming at this from. I think it’s a reasonable ask for people not to peddle frequently circulated misinformation. I’m sorry if you felt like my phrasing was infringing on your free speech, but it costs nothing to learn more outside the bubble of talking points distributed within the circles of traditionalism and anti-transgender rhetoric. Which is what my comment was about.

> But does that medicalism only bring harm to them? I think that the TERF girls you mentioned would beg to disagree.

This is such a non-question because it doesn’t matter. Naturally it “helps” TERFs because it supports their ideas to say that women exist physically in a singular, insular way. But on the macro level it helps *nobody* because this is not how human beings exist in real life. Peer-reviewed literature about women’s health is a laughably small body of work. Gatekeeping the label of womanhood from people does nothing to aid the expansion of that field. It’s solely an ideas game.


You really thesaurused the fuck out of this comment until it became completely incomprehensible and meaningless.

Also ffs if you're going to keep arguing, type "sage" in the email field of your comment so not everyone on hell has to see your bickering.


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Maybe you should word your ideas more accurately if you do not want passers-by to understand your profound comments in unintended ways. Although, it may as well be that they don't deserve your effort.


> your profound comments
Dude, lmao… it's your responsibility as a poster to make sure you're understood by others. Being incomprehensible is not the same thing as being profound.


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Bro get over yourself omg


> it's your responsibility as a poster to make sure you're understood by others
Not necessarily. Sometimes there is a fault with the receiving end.


Yes sometimes comprehension fails on the receiving end but if your goal is to be esoteric, the fault lies with you.


Coming in here to say the path is up to you and you really, honestly shouldn't listen to altchan users when it comes to medical advice. See a therapist, they'll know better than anyone.


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The entire notion of "transgender" is inherently bigoted, it's rooted in homophobia and sexism. There is no such thing as a man who expresses himself "as a woman". A man who wears makeup is expressing himself in one of the many ways that men can, and by insisting that he's a woman, or even by allowing him to insist that he's a woman, you're actively reducing the number of ways men are allowed to express themselves. You're saying "no, men aren't allowed to be beautiful or wear makeup. they have to become women if they want to do that". You're saying "no, girls aren't allowed to cut their hair short or play sports. they have to become men if they want to do that". Enforced conformity is all it is. It's no different from an oppressive traditionalist purity spiral. If you actually cared about these people you would want them to love and accept their bodies and their actual, true selves. They aren't transgender. Nobody is. There's no such thing as "transgender". They're just afraid of society bludgeoning them to force them to get back in line. So instead of changing their behavior to be more socially acceptable for men, they think they can change their bodies to be more socially acceptable for their behavior. Do you not see how that's the same problem either way? People need to stand up and say "men can wear makeup and women can have hairy legs and it's not taboo". They should never, EVER give in to the society's bigoted demands by changing their bodies to look more like the opposite sex, which never works by the way and always results in monstrosities. If you don't see why actual LGB people are against transgender ideology you're either a bad faith bigot or you have zero empathy.


tell me you've never actually interacted with trans people without telling me


While I agree with some of your points, I think you are narrowing down the motivation behind changing sex to social acceptance, which might not be the driving force behind a major part of these cases. For example in my eyes an equally important factor would be to establish a personal gender identity and live up to it. This form of identity is heavily influenced by perceived gender roles, just like ones value system will be influenced by parents, teachers, ones broader social group, nationality and then again things that separate you within these groups.

The emphasis here is on being influenced. People will go against the grain, if the values and behavioural patterns imposed on them don't feel right. This of course takes constant effort and removes a lot of support, but do you really think that changing ones sex with all the operations, medication, legal shit and social stigma is the easy way out?


>hetero-patriarchal society constructs category of "woman"
>if you challenge that category, you're homophobic and sexist.
in fact it is you my friend who are sexist. You claim that you're in favour of gender non-conformity, but you refuse to challenge the categories of sex/gender and assume that they are transcendent rather than the truth that these are socially constructed, and that they have been constructed in patriarchal societies to serve the interests of patriarchy.
>A man who wears makeup is expressing himself in one of the many ways that men can, and by insisting that he's a woman, or even by allowing him to insist that he's a woman, you're actively reducing the number of ways men are allowed to express themselves. You're saying "no, men aren't allowed to be beautiful or wear makeup. they have to become women if they want to do that".
In fact, the only person who is strictly enforcing behaviours or reducing the ways one might express oneself is you. Why are you so invested in limiting the possibility space for people, ie "yes you can wear makeup, but only as a man who wears makeup".
>you would want them to love and accept their bodies and their actual, true selves.
I would like you to explain what an "actual true self" is, and why it is necesarily static and fixed. Your approach is missguided individualism, you are convinced that each person is an island seperate from social forces, and in doing so you have missidentified those social forces as unchanging essential facts of nature. To put it simply, if a "true self" is anything it is ever changing and flowing.
> They should never, EVER give in to the society's bigoted demands by changing their bodies to look more like the opposite sex
You have made a few errors here. First of all, you fail to understand that in this case, you are the person who is strictly enforcing gender categories. You talked about some basic gendered behaviours such as playing sports or wearing makeup, but have failed to explain why your logic of free desire and behaviour with regard to gender expression shouldn't extend to taking hormones, changing your name, or asking people to reffer to you be certain pronouns. Secondly, you have assumed that sex is an essential natural category, which is not the case. Sex, being a collection of biological traits, is constructed. You accept that strictly grouping people by who wears makeup or has short hair is born of an oppressive patriarchal society, is it not also the same process which choses arbitrary biological features, bundles them together and proclaims them to repressent essential categories of human which may not be transgressed? Then when people choose to transgress these categories, you lash out at them in the same manor as the hypothetical person in your post who said "men aren't allowed to be beautiful or wear makeup".


I’m pretty sure being trans sucks and the trans life sucks. You have to live with humiliation and people mocking you all the time or being blamed for plane crashes and child abuse. The tranny experience would be like being a Jew in 30s Germany, except with more social tolerance among a certain crowd. I wouldn’t want to be a tranny in 2025 or I would get the hell out and move somewhere else where I have a chance at a dignifying life.


no surgery will change your gender. yet somehow american doctors are more eager to try than to make you comfortable in your body? no amount of meds will revert your thought patterns, born structure or genitalia.


>no surgery will change your gender
Of course not, gender is a state of mind. That's like saying no surgery will change your religion.


mind is mutable, peepee is not


I have studied the holy scriptures and I don’t see anything inherently sinful with transitioning. The only obstacle is technological. The technology isn’t there yet. It’s imperfect.


is that famous finnish game developer arsi "hakita" patala topping on the left picrel


if i do it now (18) will i make it? i'm 5'9" </3

to make things worse, i have very curly hair, so i can't even nbcope. i look like a small, rotund jewish child that has been vigorously stretched upwards. my shoulders aren't awful and apparently midshits have good odds before 25 of avoiding the bonepill. still sucks though.


There might be nothing wrong with transitioning but many aspects of trans culture are sinful anyway. Chief among them coveting worldly possessions and engaging in idolatry.

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