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the sun never sets on the sushichan global crime syndicate

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I've noticed that IRC has been pretty dead as of late, while the activity on the boards has remained fairly constant. I feel like this is due to IRC quickly becoming a niche thing. My other imageboard Uboachan switched to Discord some years back and the chat has been explosively active ever since. So, I am wondering if anyone still prefers IRC, or if we ought to try moving to Discord and see how that works out. Thoughts?


I've checked the IRC before but it's very dead even when I try to start conversations. Discord has its issues but it being much more accessible is definitely a reason to switch. Worth trying out I'd say.


Having never used the IRC I don't see why you wouldn't. I gave up using IRC ages ago, before I found this site, which is a sad thing to hear myself saying but it is what it is. Discord seems to be the new form of IM online for better or worse, and kneejerk reactions to the name aside it does what it's supposed to just fine.


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Not sure if I agree that IRC has become a niche thing. Some servers like Freenode has stopped their growth. There is a mild decline, but nothing too serious. Rizon has lost some, but the user statistics on that network has always been a bit of a rollercoaster, others like EFNet definitely had a decline, but that network attracts a more particular type of chatter anyways.

I tend to prefer IRC for most kinds of friendly chats, I think it is easier to get in, and people are a bit more easy going. You do have to stick around for a while to get replies.

To me, discord is more of an alternative to skype, steam, and other messenger type, proprietary, chat systems.

I will be sticking with IRC for as long as possible.


When you did that for uboachan did activity on the main site decrease? I'd think that messages stored on a server for everyone would encourage people to just post there instead.


I think the demographics that still regularly use IRC and the ones that use Discord don't overlap all that much. I agree with >>859 that they fit different niches and IRC is more accessible but ours is clearly the minority opinion, and I never ordered the IRC miso anyways since I haven't been here too long and I'm not that into IM anymore.
I'm sure some users would appreciate Discord with their sushi.

Samachan had a Meguca liveboard for a while and it kind of devalued posting on the real boards. Not sure if Discord is dissimilar enough to not do that though. Being a separate service with its own userbase, a Discord channel might even bring more users here.


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I got booted from the IRC some years ago and when I tried joining back it required a registered nick so I haven't been back since. The whole point of an out-of-band communications channel is contacting staff and when I could no longer use the IRC channel the only way for me to poke either you or Itamae is through the details listed on the moderation dashboard.

IRC is preferable for imageboards simply because it doesn't allow posting images.


I would like a discord server. Any updates on this?


Discord tends to create unnecessary drama imho.


I've never understood the point of having either. Having a communications platform to go along with another communications platform feels redundant to me.


I used to go exclusively on IRC, now it's not very convenient for me. I have discord but I seldom use it. I guess I don't really use all that much social media (of any kind) anymore.
I just posted to say I'd join the discord server. Best way to know is to start one.
I believe I am not the only one who's jumping to discord for the convenience.


What benefit would Discord provide? If IRC is too difficult why not choose something Matrix based. At least that way you can bridge people who stick on IRC.


Users can join any IRC channel (on freenode) as is with matrix/riot. Not as easy with Discord.


Yes, but a Discord server can be bridged to channel(s) too. It's not as easy, but it isn't impossible.


A discord bridge will always show as "bot_nick : <discord user> asdasdad". At worst you just get a nick[m] when a user joined from riot/matrix. With discord, every message is obviously relayed through a bot, while matrix offers a far more native feeling.


This solves the big issue that I cared the most about. Each user on discord, spawns a new connection with the IRC server.


Someone interested enough will need to configure it somewhere tho. And maintain it to ensure the security and stability of the service. Might be too much effort for a few "internet luddites" like me.


Just look for a Discord bridge that uses webhooks, you can give every IRC user their own name and avatar. The point of this thread isn't "what has the best intercompatibility with IRC", it's "what will people use", and I don't think anyone already on Discord is going to be more convinced by Matrix than by just having to download Hexchat.


Not trying to convince anyone to move to matrix. Mentioned since I liked (for the most part) their integration with IRC. My only complaint with matrix is the default setup with riot only supports freenode (and possibly oftc), would be nice with support for other networks too (like rizon and efnet, without having to self host).

The IRC-Discord bridge that I already linked seems decent enough to me.


Strong oppose from me. Discord exists solely to be a spyware platform. To even sign up in the first place Discord demands an E-Mail, phone number, and your birthday (you can lie but still, why?). From what I've seen all it does is create unnecessary drama, and a division between the main site and the Discord will inevitably happen.
IRC unfortunately isn't accessible to new users, but its way more flexible and user-friendly (not spyware). Matrix/Element would honestly be a good choice considering its FOSS that has multiple security/privacy measures in place and is reasonably "modern".


A Discord<->IRC Bridge has now been set up, so you can use your preferred platform. https://discord.gg/uwfh63vGb6


interesting, I didn't know such a thing existed


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I didn’t write anything before because I didn’t think Seisatsu-sama would do it, but I’ll post my disagreement with the idea even if it’s too late.
Calling the Uboachan Discord ‘explosively active’ is an understatement. It has more than one thousand members apparently, while Uboachan itself only gets a few posts per day. It’s clear that whatever flow of traffic there is between Uboachan and the Uboachan Discord server, it’s a one-way street, which is something I think many of us have seen before, because Discord is an outright competitor to imageboards in a way that IRC never was. The Sushichan server will become its own community, will inevitably attract people who don’t use Sushigirl at all, and it will almost certainly have the same one-way flow of traffic, so why even promote it here?
Not to mention that Discord has a terrible privacy policy and reserves the right to share your data with third parties at any time.


I have a few thoughts here.

Uboachan was not much (if at all) faster before the Discord was made, and the two communities have almost no interest in each other. They are separate things. Very few discord users use the boards and vice versa. Almost all of the Discord users came from outside the Imageboard community.

Currently the Sushigirl Discord has one channel mapped to the IRC channel, and 4 users (plus the staff). The Uboachan Discord server is a massive community with dozens of channels, and I have no such plans for the Sushigirl server. If I make a large Discord server, there is large potential for a dumpster fire to happen, and then I need a ton of staff, and I really don't want to deal with that. Uboachan's Discord is enough to handle.

I think the biggest concern you've brought up here is privacy and I'd like to see if anyone else is worried about that. Using IRC will prevent Discord from collecting any info other than your text though.

One of my biggest incentives for making the Discord server was a total lack of decent IRC support on mobile. All of the apps suck, and I am not sitting in front of a computer all day like I used to. I needed something with good mobile support to keep in contact with my moderation staff, so the moderation channel was bridged a while back, and then I bridged the main channel yesterday.

Another incentive for me was that I have to use special software on IRC just to be able to see what happened when I was not signed in, and that ultimately makes it a bad platform for keeping in touch with my moderators.

Anyway if anyone else has objections I would like to hear them, and it's possible I could roll back this change, but mostly I did it so people can chat from their cell phones and I am currently only planning to have the one channel.


I am trying to connect to the server through IRC but I can't seem to get anything, how can I check if blackaster is up and running?


I've been having this same issue for months.
>Looking up irc.blackaster.xyz
>Connecting to irc.blackaster.xyz ( port 6667…
>Connected. Now logging in…
and then it just times out.



The IRC backend has been crashing not long after every restart for a while, and I've been unable to fix it. We probably are going to move back to third-party IRC.


Rizon would probably be the best bet, and they have several useful services including their own bouncer anyone can sign up for.


Any service that requires a phone number gets a hard no from me.


Haven't used Rizon for around 5 years or so now. Quality among a lot of channels had dropped before I left but it would definitely be a better entry point for those interested in trying out IRC who hasn't before. Their bouncer and cloaks are extremely easy to obtain and configure.

Same here. I don't even own a phone to give a number to these platforms even if I were to be willing to do so. Most won't even accept a temp number from various websites either. Discord's UI is attrocious in my opinion as well. I do like the matrix/element idea. While I haven't personally used it myself, it seems to be a better alternative to Discord.


I would warn, Rizon requires a working email in order to register your nick. I tried with 10minutemail but never received anything and gave up after 2 tries.

Plus there's a lot of un-comfy IBs that use rizon for their irc channel, which means you'd have to put up barriers to entry or else have lots of Ops monitoring the chat to put down raids.


>or else have lots of Ops monitoring the chat to put down raids
I've used Rizon frequently since ~2008 and have maybe seen one raid, and that was 10+ years ago. Raids are very uncommon, and if the channel is set to not appear in /whois will be even rarer.

Wasn't aware about needing a "proper" email to register, though. That's unfortunate for those who want privacy in that regard.


irc.blackaster.xyz seems to be down

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