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/yakuza/ - site meta-discussion

the sun never sets on the sushichan global crime syndicate

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Remember to keep it cozy!

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The hosting provider forced a reboot to patch over a critical CPU-level security vulnerability that was discovered recently affecting all operating systems. Our server did not survive the reboot. It's unknown whether I broke something or they did, since we hadn't rebooted in a long time.

In any case, I had to reinstall the operating system but they saved all of the files so nothing was lost in the end, it's just a pain. Especially since my laptop stopped working for a few days and the server broke in the middle of me attending a convention.

Most of the downtime was spent moving files back and forth from my home and the server since there wasn't enough room on the server to extract the backup. (The backup archive was more than half the size of the server.)

Things may still be broken and I'm still setting up other services on the server, so please email me if there are any issues.


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thank u for maintaining my favorite website seisatsu-sama~

i didnt wanna go online at all when it was down :(


Thanks for keeping us in the loop.
What can we do if the site goes down again? I couldn't even find the irc without access to the site. Even though it was down I managed to find the Ubuu discord using google. Should I just save sushi irc for future reference?


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>What can we do if the site goes down again? I couldn't even find the irc without access to the site.

In the event of something unexpected knocking the site out again, IRC info and server status details can be found at: @SushiChanDesu on Twitter. Be sure to bookmark it, follow it, write it down, spray paint it on your cat, etc.


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