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/yakuza/ - site meta-discussion

the sun never sets on the sushichan global crime syndicate

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I have question: How come Sushi never had a dedicated board to discuss anime? I was going to ask a while ago, but never got to it for obvious reasons. Was there a reason itamae never made one on the original Sushi?


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There was one board he didn't make for lack of interested posters. I think it was the anime one, but I'm not sure.
If there were enough people asking him I think he would have done one.


There is already enough weaboo friendly chan. Sushichan emulate a Japanese bar atmosphere, not an otaku meeting.


We have the /kawaii/ corner for your average moe blob and for casual discussion of tv shows and stuff you can mount a thread in /lounge/.


Itamae said when vichan was updated that animu discussions can go on /lounge/, or /culture/ (don't quote me on that one tho) because "we all /jp/ here"


We used to have /otaku/ on /old/, but due to it's lack of activity a dedicated board was dropped when migrating to vichan.

Also this >>69

If you can drive up enough anime discussion on /lounge/, a dedicated board might get created. That was sort of attempted, but the discussion fell short and a new board was not made.

This board is definitely weeb friendly.



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