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/yakuza/ - site meta-discussion

the sun never sets on the sushichan global crime syndicate

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File: 1492877452778.png (99.25 KB, 494x655, 1491738243657.png)


We should have our own version of 4chan's [s4s].

We can call it /nice/!


what is 4chan's s4s about?


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shitposting, but very specifically polite shitposting


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This is what /hell/ is for. Its not only for nice posting but shitposting general.




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/hell/ is /s4s/.




I don't think actively inviting shitposting into the site would be very comfy.


Depends on the shitposters, if the small contingency on [s4s] goes to /hell/ then it would be beneficial on establishing more traffic to that board, making boards feel more like their own home boards rather then a section to post something in. Of course that would only work if every other board had more traffic.


OP here

if [s4s] is the same thing as /hell/, then /b/ is the same thing as /lounge/; after all, they're both general discussion boards

[s4s] has a very vipper style of shitposting, which just isn't there on /hell/


As >>428 suggested I do not want to actively invite uncomfy discussion to Sushigirl. There are other chans.


As I sad with >>430, [s4s] isn't /b/ style shitposting, it's DQN style shitposting


Sorry if I sounded rude there btw

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