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the sun never sets on the sushichan global crime syndicate

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File: 1491838477327.jpg (96.7 KB, 640x640, 1172478.jpg)


was the site just down?


File: 1491843656818-0.png (2.87 KB, 448x357, spurdo pc.png)

Abr 10 13:10:43 <me> hey mate what's going on with lainchan
Abr 10 13:12:06 <cool internet guy> <cool internet guy> <cool internet guy> Lainchan is fine as far as I know
Abr 10 13:12:06 <cool internet guy> <cool internet guy> <cool internet guy> but I assume you are talking about the networking / connection issue
Abr 10 13:12:07 <cool internet guy> <cool internet guy> <cool internet guy> there seems to be an upstream network issue that is causing some people to have issues access the site, IRC and Mumble
Abr 10 13:12:07 <cool internet guy> <cool internet guy> <cool internet guy> anyone whose routes go through cera-ic-323073-las-b22.c.telia.net
Abr 10 13:12:07 <cool internet guy> <cool internet guy> <cool internet guy> get massive >80% packet loss and latency
Abr 10 13:12:08 <cool internet guy> <cool internet guy> <cool internet guy> is that what you are talking about ?
Abr 10 13:12:10 <cool internet guy> <cool internet guy> <cool internet guy> I am not sure what I can do to fix it
Abr 10 13:12:12 <cool internet guy> <cool internet guy> <cool internet guy> I could try changing dns to use different ip which currently has different route , but that means I would need to update the dns and ssl for everything
Abr 10 13:12:15 <cool internet guy> <cool internet guy> <cool internet guy> I can make a support ticket with the vps provider asking them to ask their routing peers to fix their shit
Abr 10 13:12:17 <cool internet guy> <cool internet guy> does that answer your question ?
Abr 10 13:12:20 <cool internet guy> I have already made a support ticket
Abr 10 13:12:27 <cool internet guy> there has been no reply yet
Abr 10 13:12:54 <cool internet guy> to see if you are affected run traceroute lainchan.org and if you see cera-ic-323073-las-b22.c.telia.net , then you are probably affected
Abr 10 13:14:47 <cool internet guy> does that answer your question ?
Abr 10 15:55:20 <cool internet guy> It should be back now
Abr 10 17:52:55 <me> aight



Still down for me, but I'm glad to see it's being taken care of.

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