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/yakuza/ - site meta-discussion

the sun never sets on the sushichan global crime syndicate

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Remember to keep it cozy!

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Request to improve moderation.

Take a serious stance against censorship: make objective rules about what can and can't be posted and stick to them.

don't delete peoples posts for subjective reasons like it being "political". what always happens with this is the rules are applied with bias and it ends up creating an echo chamber because interesting people leave after their opinions get deleted.

If you don't like what someone says you can always post your own view or just ignore it and find a thread you like. Deleting peoples work is unfair.


I'm afraid you're on the wrong chan here sushiroll, it's only comfy here.


"Marginalizing people is the most un-comfy thing you can do in an online community"


I'm new at running this place and I'm not sure what the rules should be.


that's why I made this thread, to try to raise ideas for discussion and hopefully acceptance


About the political bullshit that was going on.
While I didn't like the mod's stance, I do agree that political shit is not comfy -we even had this rule back at the old sushi-. So how about having /lounge/ be for SFW comfy talk only (draw threads, language threads and the like that don't fit on other boards) and have /hell/ for lewd talk or serious discussion, or something like that?


>So how about having /lounge/ be for SFW comfy talk only (draw threads, language threads and the like that don't fit on other boards) and have /hell/ for lewd talk or serious discussion, or something like that?
That would probably be best. There have been a few srs threads on /hell/ in the past (stuff like http://archive.sushigirl.us/hell/res/474.html) so I think it would fit best to relegate politics to it. I don't want politics in /lounge/ as it's not particularly comfy and not what the site is about.


I can agree with this.


My dad (pbuh) told me once as a kid after a blowout at a familly dinner something that always stuck with me. "If you want to keep friends, there are two things you never talk about. Religion and Politics." 20 years of experience later and he was absolutely right.


your dad was a wise man sushi


who's threads are still being deleted? I thought they just move them to /hell/?


None, this is the original thread about deletions. Someone just bumped it with talk of something else.


sorry if this is a bit off topic but outside of moderation care people volunteer to do sysadmin work or is their none to do.


>necroposting in 2017


You can contact Seisatsu in #sushigirl on Freenode

also don't bump this low quality thread


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Yes hello this is dog.

We don't currently need any more moderation or tech help.

This thread is now bumplocked.


you bringing up this bullshit just deeper ingrains my intolerance
grow a pair and grow up

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