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/yakuza/ - site meta-discussion

the sun never sets on the sushichan global crime syndicate

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Remember to keep it cozy!

We are taking submissions for original "file deleted" thumbnail art in this thread.

File: 1478476735882-0.jpeg (12.13 KB, 448x283, CSS.jpeg)

File: 1478476735883-1.png (235.32 KB, 926x788, Programmer colors.png)


I really like the selection on the site and very much enjoy Rei/Zero, however every once in awhile I like to change it up. So rather then make requests for additional styles, could the function like 8chan where a Sushi can make their own custom CSS while browsing? If not then could I suggest 2nd image style for the board?

Here's the link to it if you want it.


Just to be clear, I didn't write this script I just replaced the URL but it should work for this board along with your favorite userscript manager: http://pastebin.com/raw/9yhQLmWX#.user.js
The custom CSS button is what you want to look at. Hope this helps. Oh and for anyone that stumbles across this post, OP's pictured CSS was originally posted on the 8ch's /cyber/ board, and the ghostbin is currently down but it can found archived here: http://archive.is/uAW2K


You can also use userChrome.css in Firefox, or a CSS addon such as Stylish.


File: 1483137627395.png (167.16 KB, 1905x631, _yakuza_ - I really like t….png)

This is what I use. It works pretty well.


I put an options link in the top right corner of the page.


Awesome stuff Seisatsu. Thanks.


stylish is now owned by an analytics company
I would recommend uninstalling it especially if you use chrome, opera or safari since your data will be harvested.


stylish is botnet now, use greasemonkey

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