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/yakuza/ - site meta-discussion

the sun never sets on the sushichan global crime syndicate

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what's up with the cringe
i know i am being kinda cringe but you don't have to hop onto that train
only makes it more noticeable for everyone to see and this isn't a kindergarten
and in general go easy on gatekeeping and attributing motives to people, not only is it not nice to anyone, you are making mistakes by doing so
i am not going to spam or harm the site in any way
also you're banning tor exits in case you wanted to make your board proxy-proof, and there are more proxies to go around which are seemingly not banned other than tor

sorry if my post is misplaced, i just don't know where to put it
>you are not welcome
i don't really dislike the site or the people, i started posting here
it's just you can find a million sites like this one imo(GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY SITE)


betting 20 eur you will be banned thrice
i dont mind you though
you just found a temp way to communicate with your egirl who blocked you
thats funny

internet people
internet problems


>only makes it more noticeable for everyone to see and this isn't a kindergarten
Stop pretending to be mature because if you were any you would know the right thing to do is to move on but you're desperate for attention. By fixating on this issue you're only making yourself look worse. You can't hide behind muh prejudice nor exploit people's politeness, you're not just anyone, I think you've posted enough to prove that you're a nuisance.

>it's just you can find a million sites like this one imo

Then you won't miss it if you're gone and we most likely won't miss you either.


tbh i just want them to listen to my apology at least
after that we can go our separate ways, i have a lot of matters to attend to
the abrupt cutting of communication really grinds my gears, plus i am emotionally invested

>you're desperate for attention
i don't think so
please don't act like you know everything
and i am sorry you had to see this, i don't want your attention, just one certain person is enough
i just don't know any other way to communicate
you could relay it to them if you want (i don't even know if that person reads sushi), it's not like they aren't in control of the communication


>tbh i just want them to listen to my apology at least
Then write your apology and stop stalling already. Make sure you write exactly what it is you did and how you're planning to prevent it from happening again in the future.


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Excellent thread guys. Congratulations for this, seriously. Don't be shy, have an upvote!


do you really want me to write it in public? i guess i would like to do it in the dc chat then at least (i imagine i'm banned though i never tried accessing it after i was kicked)
and what i mean to say is that they don't have to accept it, so "preventing it in the future" might be unnecessary at all as we go our own ways. i do have a way of preventing it though i suppose


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Nice digits! Upvoted!

Well, it's your last option for "clear communication". Take it or leave it.




You do not have the right to apologize to or say goodbye to a person who doesn't want to talk to you. Further attempts at communication will be banned and deleted on sight. This is literally stalking. You are a stalker.

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