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/otaku/ - Japan / Otaku / Anime

Japanese and Otaku Culture, Anime, and Outlying Samachan Topics

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Remember to keep it cozy!

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File: 1600675908447.webm (3.21 MB, 640x480, Macross x September.webm)


Do you remember the 21st night of September?
Love was changing the minds of pretenders
While chasing the clouds away

Our hearts were ringing
In the key that our souls were singing
As we danced in the night
Remember how the stars stole the night away

Hey, hey, hey!


File: 1600676950270.webm (3.75 MB, 356x200, Macross-When the Rune Spa….webm)

ピカッとルンが光れば Wow woh wow woh
あなたは 高く飛べるの Wow woh wow woh
タリル ターリラ わたしの愛は
タリラ ルンピカ 無限なんだよ

Hey, hey, hey!
Wow woh, say, do you remember?
Wow woh, dancin' in September
Wow woh, never was a cloudy day

何があっても わたしの恋は
何がなんでも 無敵なんだよ



File: 1602316281491.gif (143.13 KB, 200x100, 20201101.gif)

When the Rune Sparkles in September | Macross Delta x Earth, Wind and Fire

M4A Download (updated as of Sept 2019, let me know if this link goes down):




This is one of my favorite playlists on YT


oops I forgot the link to the actual playlist
a bunch of people made MADS of Yuzu saying "September" for every day in September culminating with mixing it into "September". Sadly it looks like a couple of them have disappeared.


Some of them were really great, thanks for sharing sushi.


I forgot to post here on the 21st!
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat least we're still in September

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