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/otaku/ - Japan / Otaku / Anime

Japanese and Otaku Culture, Anime, and Outlying Samachan Topics

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File: 1598316634374.jpg (75.72 KB, 1080x720, Anime_wrapping_on_Kashima_….jpg)


thinking about Anime and manga characters on rolling stock in Japan again…


Is this still something that happens often? It feels like an artifact of the second half of the 00s up to early 2010s where there was still this big overlap among otaku of all stripes.


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It's all love live and mobile games now. GuP had regional appeal to the town where it was set so I wouldn't be surprised if this train is close to there.


I dunno but I read something recently about manhole covers getting decorations with Uzaki-chan, Asuka and Rei, Kino, the Oreimo girls, and others. So I'm sure it still happens.


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Here's a Love Live one, like >>901 said


Ruby on rails…


File: 1626456134112.jpg (209 KB, 1200x816, _3bcdee_6730420.jpg)

Do you like cirno?

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