I like the Assimil and Pimsleur courses combined with a textbook. Just beware that while it does help you read and listen to Japanese it doesn't train the active speaking element at all but Pimsleur is good for that. Now combine these with either Genki and Minna No Nihongo, just make sure you pick one. Textbooks are more structured and teach you the grammar and there's no substitute for that. Download them as they are very expensive. This here is a nice little reference grammar focused on manga:
https://archive.org/details/japanese-the-manga-wayYou can use online dictionaries. Again, just pick one you feel comfortable with. Pimselur/Assimil, textbook + reference materials is all you need. Remember to consume a healthy amount of Japanese daily. I don't mean just listening to stuff, but actively interacting with Japanese audio/text so you are mentally parsing what they are saying and letting it sink in. Focus on learning kana first and like the other sushi said, you can use flashcards, anki etc.
You can pick up everything you need from libgen.